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Easy Ways to Lose Weight
Ruth Houston - Eat Smart Weight Loss Expert Ruth Houston - Eat Smart Weight Loss Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: New York, NY
Thursday, March 4, 2021


Don’t Put Serving Platters on the Table for Family Meals

Photo by Rumman Amin on Unsplash

This easy weight loss tip, takenfrom my upcoming book  EatSmart and Lose Weight: Research-backed Ways to Lose Weight without Diets orExercise   was recently featured on the healthyeating website Eatthis.com 

The reason I discourage puttingserving bowls and platters on the table during family meals is that when thefood within easy reach, it’s too easy  (andtoo tempting) to have a second or third helping.  – Not such a good idea if you’re trying to loseweight.

You’re better off platingthe food in the kitchen, restaurant-style. That way you (or anyone else) will have to leave the table to getanother helping.  Most of the time weonly want a second helping just because the food is sitting there staring us inthe face. 

Preparing or plating thefood in the kitchen with a set amount of food on it when it’s placed on thetable, can cut reduce the temptation to have another helping that you probablydon’t need.

Below is the tip as itappeared in Keenan Mayo’s"article "Sneaky Ways You're Gaining Weight and Don't Know It, Say Experts" which was posted on  the website Eat This, Not That, earlier this month. It was one of 12 tips contributed byvarious other experts in the field 

You Dine with Platters on the Table, Thanksgiving-Style

One of the easiest ways to avoidover-eating is to make it slightly more difficult to actually reach your food.Conversely, one of the sneakiest ways to overeat is to simply have the entiresmorgasbord in front of you all along.

"Putting platters on the table is one way you'reguaranteeing that you're going to eat more than you want to," says healthand food journalist Ruth Houston. "This will only encourage andfacilitate a second and third helping. Instead, always plate your food in thekitchen, restaurant-style."

 Eat Smart and Lose Weight

The easiest and most effectiveway to lose weight (or to keep from gaining weight) is to change HOW you eat,rather than what you eat.

By making simple changes you caneffortlessly lose weight without diet or exercise.

This blog will feature some ofthe many tips, tricks, and food facts gleaned from the wealth of research andscientific studies that prove if you eat smart, you can lose weight - evenwithout diets or exercise.

Many of the tips posted here canbe found in my upcoming book EatSmart and Lose Weight: Research-BackedWays to Lose Weight without Diets or Exercise

Remember:  Eat smart and you will lose weight.

About Ruth Houston:

Ruth Houston is a New York-based, internationally-recognized infidelity expert who is frequently called on by the media to comment on popular infidelity issues in the news.  Houston is the founder of www.InfidelityAdvice.com  and author of the popular infidelity reference book, Is He Cheating on You? – 829 Telltale Signs.  The soft cover book is available from Amazon.com. The e-book  is available from Booklocker.com.  To interview  infidelity expert Ruth Houston,  e-mail InfidelityExpert@gmail.com

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Dateline: Elmhurst, NY United States
Cell Phone: 718 708-9799
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