Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Would you like your book(s) announced to Colorado bookstores and libraries?
AuthorU.org will do a full website makeover and relaunch this week. Its membership will be inclusive, meaning podcasts, workshops and webinars are free. Events that have food, like the annual BBQ and Holiday event will have a fee to cover food costs.
Would you like your book(s) announced to Colorado bookstores and libraries? It wants to help you do it.
AuthorU will create an online catalog that will be emailed out to our exclusive list of bookstores and libraries twice a year with updates—Fall and Spring. This opportunity is available only to ALL paid up AuthorU members effective June 30, 2024. Your first book is FREE. Added books are $25 each.
You must send to AuthorU as soon as you receive notice of acceptance via email to the AuthorU Catalog created by award-winning Rebecca Finkle of F + P Design.
- Front book cover, jpg
- Genre
- Retail Price of book
- Distributor
- Shortened Link for detail page for Amazon and BN.com
- Short description not to exceed 40 words.
Look at the examples for author members Ron Beach, Judith Briles and Linda Rae Schaal:
IF YOU WANT to have your book(s) featured … eMail at once to:
Judith@Briles.com – subject line: yes to AU book catalog
Reservations and submissions must be done by June 30, 2024

Dr. Judith Briles is a book publishing expert and coach. Often, she must roll up her writing sleeves and become a Book Doctor, juicing up storylines and author words. She empowers authors and works directly with authors who want to be seriously successful and has been writing about and conducting workshops on publishing since the ’80s. Judith is the author of 45 books amd 56 book awards, including Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book Platforms, Snappy Sassy Salty: Success for Authors and Writers, and How to Create a Million Dollar Speech. Her personal memoir When God Says NO-Revealing the YES When Adversity and Loss Are Present is a #1 bestseller on Amazon and her historical fiction debut The Secret Journey and The Secret Hamlet. Collectively, her books have earned over 50 book awards. Judith speaks throughout the year at publishing conferences.
Throughout the year, she holds Judith Briles Book Unplugged in-person and online experiences: Publishing, Speaking, Marketing, and Social Media. All are two-day intensives limited to a small group of authors who want to be seriously successful. Join Judith live for the “AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing” podcast on the Toginet Radio Network HERE. The AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Marketing podcast is ranked in the TOP 10 podcasts for book marketing by Mashable and Feedspot.
Follow @AuthorUYOUBooks and @MyBookShepherd on Twitter and do a “Like” at AuthorYOU, and join the Facebook group Book Publishing with The Book Shepherd. If you want to create a book that has no regrets, contact her.
©2024 Judith Briles – The Book Shepherd™ All Rights Reserved