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Discovering the Intersection of Art, Architecture, and Activism: An Interview with Accomplished Artist and Environmental Advocat
Norm Goldman --  BookPleasures.com Norm Goldman -- BookPleasures.com
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Montreal, Quebec
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Our guest today on Bookpleasures.com is Korynn Newville, an accomplished artist, designer, and environmental activist. Korynn's education includes a master's degree in architecture from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a bachelor's degree in design from the University of Minnesota.

What sets Korynn apart is her passion for creating artwork using the very materials that are commonly employed in constructing the buildings she designs. She believes in the power of imagination to provide fresh solutions to problems, and her artwork serves as her voice, telling stories that need to be heard.

As an architectural designer and aspiring architect, Korynn is committed to integrating sustainable building practices into her professional projects.

Korynn recently published a work titled Indiscernible Elements: Calcium.

Today, Korynn will join us to talk about her diverse background, sustainable architecture, and her art that examines the connection between design and the environment. We're thrilled to have her with us!

Norm: Welcome Korynn, and thank you for agreeing to be interviewed.

How does calcium connect us? Can you elaborate on the role of calcium in architecture and human relationships?

Korynn: Calcium offers us a story and illustrations so we are able to understand the connection between architecture, humans and the earth.

The same element that is in the human body is part of the earth’s core. Not to mention most, if not all living organisms on our planet.

The same element is used in architectural products. Calcium is modified in some ways so we can use it for architectural products, but it all derives from the same type of Calcium.

Drywall and concrete are two of the most common architectural products that uses Calcium – which creates a bone structure for our built environment.

Norm: Could you discuss the journey of creating Indiscernible Elements: Calcium and the unique perspective you aim to provide readers?

What insights or new understanding do you hope readers will gain from your work?

Korynn: The journey was incredible! It was challenging, it was an emotional roller coaster and I learned so much on the way.

Within Indiscernible Elements: Calcium, I do explain the ins and outs of how Calcium evolved and came to life in detail. To put it simply, I was at a stand still with my research and decided to go back to the basics.

At the time I was researching funeral home design and cemeteries thinking my project was going to offer an alternate to the traditional way of American death.

I began to wonder, what exactly happens when the deceased is put in the ground? Then what? I hope this book can offer inspiration to viewing the world a little differently.

Offering insight on how we are all connected on a micro and macro scale.

Indiscernible elements: Calcium shows us on different levels what cycles can offer us with changing small habits to seeing the overarching theme of climate change.

Norm: In your book, you explore the concept of living and dying in architecture. How has this perspective influenced your perception of death?

Has it changed the way you view mortality and the transience of life?

Korynn: The concept of living and dying derived from Staying With The Trouble, by Donna Haraway. Her book led me to thinking about what that means within architecture.

A classic approach to some architects is if a building is built so beautiful and that it is made to last, that is the most sustainable thing we can do.

Construction contributes 40% of carbon emissions in the United States. Is building things to last really helping us? Living and dying with architecture challenges this notion.

We need to start exploring different material. It may be that these materials don’t last forever because they have less toxins, but is that so bad?

To build with temporality? To build with materials that grow back, that recycle, compost and so much more. I view living and dying a part of life – everything comes to an end.

To me, that’s not what it is about! It’s what is after that makes me optimistic. I believe in life after death, and not in a spiritual way. In a way that offers us hope, that our memories live on.

That organisms’ bodies turn into something new - they continue to grow within the earth.

Norm: With the possibility of spending more time indoors because of global changes, how do you believe this affects the outside world?

Can you discuss the interplay between indoor and outdoor environments and their impact on our connection to the planet?

Korynn: I often think about how much effort we put into making our interior spaces comfortable, maybe at a nice 70 degrees.

These systems that are making us comfortable within our interiors, is contributing to climate change. The emissions of mechanical systems all the way to fast furniture are all contributing to global warming.

As conditions get worse, because they are going to, how will our interiors change? Hopefully with better mechanical systems that are not contributing to the issue as well as the products we are choosing to live our lives in.

Less toxic materials within our indoors and allowing materials inside our home that makes us happy.

Norm: In your book, you mention the idea of people being less comfortable in their living spaces. Could you elaborate on why you believe it is important for individuals to be less comfortable?

How does this relate to our relationship with the built environment?

Korynn: I think we are all going to go through changes in the upcoming years. For example, the intense heat.

We will need to adapt to our new conditions that we have put ourselves in, and its not going to be a comfortable ride.

In order to grow, we not only need the companies of the world to change the way they create products but we also need to change our daily habits.

Eating less meat, not having that 70 degree interior, composting, recycling, bringing water bottles and coffee cups, etc… All of these small habits will make a change, and it won’t be fun learning to make those changes.

It will be challenging, but we are humans, we are adaptable.

Norm: Are there any companies or architectural firms that you find innovative in creating unique and inspiring spaces and environments?

Could you highlight any notable examples or trends in this area?

Korynn: I live in Driggs, Idaho which is near Jackson, Wyoming. I love two firms here, Love Schack and Vera Iconica Architecture. They believe in sustainability and are practicing it.

Love Schack does Passive House Design and Vera Iconica Architecture is about wellness within buildings. Both firms have a different approach, but are well on their way to new discoveries and making a difference.

That is one of the beautiful moments we are in right now. Think of all the new possibilities ahead! There is so much to explore in this era.

A variety of issues to find solutions for and there is room for all ideas.

Norm: You mention that we often fight over land. Can you expand on why you believe this is the case and the potential consequences of such conflicts?

Korynn: Fighting over land is fundamental to climate change! We begin toxic wars of the desire for power, to control people and have the recourses that the land offers.

Our borders do not exist in the sky - the toxins that move around our global community are destroying peoples homes.

What is worse, when they want to escape, they are not allowed to cross the borders on land.

Norm: Environmental racism is an issue that affects people both in the US and other parts of the world.

Can you speak about how it affects communities and individuals, and what steps can be taken to address this issue?

Korynn: Environmental racism is not something that has happened over night. The built environment, especially architecture is what we live our lives in.

For example, Cancer Alley in Lousiana, is a stretch next to the Mississippi River where a variety of different toxic plants are home to.

These plants were built next to low income neighborhoods – now these people are suffering from terrible air pollution that are causing many of the residents cancer among other things.

In every major or non-major city, there is an example of how environmental racism design was intentional to suppress low income neighborhoods, especially within neighborhoods with people of color.

Norm: How do you envision the future of architecture? Are there any emerging trends or technologies that you believe will shape the field in the coming years?

Korynn: My hope designers think about this life cycle, like Calcium can offer us to see.

Designers need to start designing not just for humans, but all organisms and the earth in mind. I am obsessed with mushrooms, they have so many possibilities!

I am excited to see how mushrooms start to lead changes with climate change solutions.

Norm: Where can our readers find out more about you and Indiscernible Elements: Calcium?

Korynn: If you would like to support a small company, please look no further than my publisher, The Black Hat Press.

You can also find the link through my WEBSITE. It is also available on Amazon and in Ebook format. You can catch up with my daily life on Instagram @kornville.

Norm: As we conclude this interview, what projects or topics are you currently working on?

Are there any plans for future books exploring other elements or aspects of architecture and human connections?

Korynn: I am currently studying for my architecture exams to become a licensed architect and working for a construction company. I won’t say too much, but there will be more books with various elements in the future.

I imagine and work through drawing, so every book, like Indiscernible elements: Calcium has a body of artwork behind it. I cannot do one without the other.

Norm: Thank you once more, and may success accompany you in all your future endeavors.

 Norm Goldman of Bookpleasures.com

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Name: Norm Goldman
Title: Book Reviewer
Group: bookpleasures.com
Dateline: Montreal, QC Canada
Direct Phone: 514-486-8018
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