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Data, Studies Indicate 2012 Election Was Not Obamacare 'Mandate'
Michael G. Zey, Ph.D. -- Future Trends and Longevity Expert Michael G. Zey, Ph.D. -- Future Trends and Longevity Expert
Mt. Freedom, NJ
Monday, October 14, 2013

Morristown, NJ. (Expansionary News Service)  October 14, 2013. Although Obamacare supporters claim that the President's re-election represented a de facto national endorsement of the law, surveys and election exit polls reveal that the majority of voters were opposed to the health law at the time of the election.

Furthermore, some political analysts assert that voter opposition to Obamacare, coupled with the stagnant economy, could very well have led to the President's defeat at the polls.

Such paradoxes are leading analysts to search for a new understanding of how Barack Obama overcame these obstacles to win re-election. Recent articles and academic studies are focusing on two "non-political" factors to explain Obama's victory, namely the cataclysmic event Hurricane Sandy, and the investigations of pro-conservative and tea-party groups by the IRS, FEC and other government departments begun in 2010.

Sociologist and future trends expert Michael G. Zey, Ph.D, in his Examiner.com column reviewed recent articles, political commentary, and studies (including one by Harvard and University of Stockholm researchers) examining the impact of the IRS investigations and Hurricane Sandy on the 2012 election. http://tinyurl.com/k3sdfh4

These articles and studies, Dr. Zey asserts, are part of a nascent national conversation about whether the IRS investigations, which sapped conservative organizations' resources throughout 2011-12, along with Hurricane Sandy, which diverted the voters' attention away from the election in several swing states, could possibly have impacted the votes of millions of voters and the election outcome.

In his lectures on planning for and predicting the future, Dr. Zey, author of the book Ageless Nation (soon to be published in a new edition by Transaction Publishers) as well as The Future Factor and Seizing the Future, stresses the importance of accurately determining the true causes of past events to correctly anticipate future political, economic, and cultural trends.

For a national leader the ability to assess events and predict outcomes is especially critical. "If a President misinterprets the reasons behind his election," Dr. Zey states, "He could make political miscalculations damaging to his legacy and to the nation."

TO INTERVIEW DR. ZEY ABOUT FUTURE ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, TECHNOLOGICAL, AND FUTURE TRENDS AND ISSUES, AS WELL AS HIS LATEST BOOK "AGELESS NATION" CONTACT HIM AT 973- 879-4776 (cell), 973-590-2567, or. OR E-MAIL HIM THROUGH WWW.ZEY.COM, Futurist3000@gmail.com , or http://www.examiner.com/x-38682-Future-Trends-Examiner

About Michael G. Zey

Dr. Michael G Zey is the author of "Ageless Nation" (New Horizons/Kensington), "The Future Factor" (Transaction Publishers; McGraw-Hill hard cover), "Seizing the Future: The Dawn of the Macroindustrial Era" (Simon and Schuster, hardcover; Transaction Publishers/ Paperback) and The Mentor Connection.

He consults in the areas of formal mentor programs, future trends, technology development, career issues, and leadership development for Fortune 500 companies and government, including AT&T, Nabisco (all divisions), Kaiser Associates, Warner Lambert, Hoechst-Celanese, United Technologies, the New York State Governor's Office of Employee Relations.

Dr. Michael Zey's controversial and original views on social and techno-trends have appeared in the LA Times, Providence (RI) Journal, Boston Globe, Worth, the Christian Science Monitor, Entrepreneur, the Sacramento Bee, The Age (Melbourne, Australia), La Liberation (Paris), Prosper, Flair and Il Sole/24Ore (Italy) The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, ABCnews.com, Radio Free Europe, La Monde, and XMSatellite''s USAToday/Newstalk station, NJ Business, as well as on WABC's "Batchelor and Alexander Show", AT&T's "Tech TV" and "The Bill Cunningham Show", as well as many NPR programs. He has been interviewed for The Wall Street Journal Report, CNBC, CNN, The Turning Point, and the Brazilian Globotv network program "Jornal Nacional". He has been an invited guest on FoxNews, PBS's Nightly Business Report, and ABC's 20/20. His views on human enhancement technologies appear on the website of the Discovery Channel, www.discovery.com.

He contributes to KNX-AM, the Los-Angeles news affiliate of CBS, and is the National Future Trends analyst at Examiner.com

Michael Zey serves as Executive Director of the Expansionary Institute (www.zey.com),  and is a Professor at Montclair State University, NJ.

Source: Expansionary News Service, Morristown, NJ.)

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Name: Michael G. Zey, Ph.D.
Title: Exec. Director
Group: Expansionary Institute
Dateline: Mount Freedom, NJ United States
Direct Phone: 973-879-4776
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