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Critical Illness Insurance Association Focuses On Prostate Cancer Awareness
American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance
Los Angeles, CA
Monday, October 12, 2020

Prostate cancer statistics 2020

Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer afflicting American men according to the American Association for Critical Illness Insurance (AACII).  The organization director spoke today as part of Critical Illness Awareness Month (October).

"There are likely to be over 191,000 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed this year," shared Jesse Slome, director of the organization.  "An American man has a one in nine chance of being diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime."

"Every day somewhere in the U.S. multiple men will hear the dreaded words, you have prostate cancer," explains Slome, director of the organization that advocates critical illness insurance information.  "The good news is that many will survive as the five year survival rate can be extremely good."

Slome shared with a group of insurance professionals that roughly 60 percent of prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in men over 65. "The average age of diagnosis is 66 years," he explained. "The disease rarely occurs in men who are younger than age 40 so we recommend planning really start when you reach your 50s."

According to data shared during the presentation, the number of new cases diagnosed in black men is 60 percent higher than to the number of new cases diagnosed in white men.

"The five-year survival rate for most men with local or regional prostate cancer is nearly 100 percent today," Slome reported to the audience.  "For men diagnosed with prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, the 5-year survival rate is 31 percent. 

Prostate cancer awareness and planning is paramount for men Slome advocated with the insurance professionals.  "During Critical Illness Awareness Month do what you can to raise awareness of the issues and options available," he added.

For men a modest cancer insurance policy or a more comprehensive critical illness insurance can cover costs not covered by their health insurance. It can also replace lost income especially important for the growing number of gig economy workers. "What I like to say is that critical illness insurance allows you to focus on your recovery not worry about the bills piling up," adds AACII's Slome.

Founded in 2009, the American Association for Critical Illness Insurance (AACII) advocates for the importance of planning for the risks and financial consequences associated with cancer and other critical illnesses.   To learn more or access the free Critical Illness Insurance Rate Calculator visit the organization's website at www.criticalillnessinsuranceinfo.org.

Jesse Slome is director of the American Association for Critical Illness Insurance.  He also directs the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance.  Visit their website to get long-term care insurance quotes.  To find local Medicare insurance agents visit the American Association for Medicare Supplement website.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jesse Slome
Title: Executive Director
Group: American Association for Long Term Care Insurance
Dateline: Westlake Village, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-597-3227
Main Phone: 818-597-3227
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