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Creating Long-Life Success as an Author
Robin Quinn -- Public Relations Writer Robin Quinn -- Public Relations Writer
Los Angeles, CA
Friday, March 12, 2021

Author Judi Hollis and Her Star

Reserve today for multiple best-selling author Judi Hollis, Ph.D., who will visit the IWOSC Westside Satellite, on March 20, 12:30 Pacific on Zoom. And fasten your seatbelt, as she'll share her insights candidly – gleaned from a writer's journey that has lasted decades.

Los Angeles, CA | March 12, 2021. When you read From Bagels to Buddha, a memoir by best-selling author Judi Hollis PhD, you may notice essential qualities that help fuel author success – grit, tenacity and egotism. The fun part is that she shares these aspects of herself in the book with humor and self-awareness.  

What else leads to long-term author success? "You've got to be a tiger mom about your book," she advises, "Because nobody cares about it as much as you do."

Dr. Hollis will be interviewed by Editor/Book Coach Robin Quinn, host of the IWOSC Westside Satellite on Saturday, March 20th, starting at 12:30 pm Pacific. The "Creating Long-Life Success as an Author" program will also include short readings by the author from Fat Is a Family Affair (over 500,000 copies sold!) and best-seller From Bagels to Buddha, as well as a motivating writing exercise for attendees.

Topics include:

o The importance of agents

o Evolving as a thinker and as a writer

o The importance of publicists

o The power of influencer endorsements (Judi was selected as one of Dr. Oz' ShareCare Experts.)

o Maintaining your relationship with publishers over time

o Staying relevant

o Branching out into workbooks, video, film and your own radio show or podcast

o Balancing career and personal time


To RSVP, go to: https://iwosc.org/los-angeles-westside-writers-group/

Free to members, $10 for non-members

Registration closes at noon, on Friday, March 19.

"I always say that I have been extremely lucky," says Dr. Hollis. "On the other hand, I have a little sign on my desk that says, 'The harder I work, the luckier I get.' You must do the footwork."

The IWOSC Westside Satellite is sponsored by the Independent Writers of Southern California, a Los-Angeles-based group for indie writers that was founded almost 40 years ago. IWOSC regularly presents a wide range of programming relevant to writers on the craft and business of writing. Currently offered on Zoom, the meetings are open to writers around the world as well as down the block. https://iwosc.org/

For almost fifty years, Dr. Judi Hollis has been featured by CNN, Extra, Inside Edition, Oprah, Shape, Glamour, Self and Cosmopolitan, while practicing as a marriage and family counselor and maintaining her own 80-pound weight loss. Since opening the nation's first eating disorders unit and authoring best-sellers such as From Bagels to Buddha, Fat Is a Family Affair, Fat & Furious and Hot & Heavy, Dr. Hollis has been training professionals internationally offering guidelines and support for creating personal paths out of destructive behaviors. She is currently guest speaker on Zoom to community groups and conferences and is working on a new recovery book as well as a memoir about adaptations and flexibility. She contemplates producing blogs, vlogs and podcasts, while having fun in the sun in Palm Springs, CA. Free downloads at www.judihollis.com.

Westside Satellite host Robin Quinn is an award-winning book editor, book coach, ghostwriter and copywriter. She specializes in self-help, health and spirituality, as well as memoir. Ms. Quinn has been in the book biz for three decades. She regularly produces and moderates book panels, including the monthly IWOSC Westside Satellite. In 2020, she won Best Media Kit in the Irwin Awards. Ms. Quinn's recent editorial projects include A Women's Guide to Conscious Love by spiritual teacher Ann O'Brien, the memoir Bliss + Blues = Bipolar by survivor Jason Park, the award-winning Legends of the Grail: Stories of the Celtic Goddesses by Celtic mythology expert Ayn Cates Sullivan, Ph.D., and the thriller Executive Malice by R.L. Hann. Ms. Quinn can be reached at robinkayquinn2 AT gmail DOT com. www.writingandediting.biz.


Robin Quinn is a copywriter, book editor and book coach who makes her nest in Los Angeles. For further info, explore her website at www.writingandediting.biz. 

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Name: Robin Quinn
Group: Quinn's Word for Word
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-813-3716
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