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Crafting Your Legacy: Preparing & Creating a Will
Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. --  Age Brilliantly Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. -- Age Brilliantly
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: New York, NY
Sunday, July 30, 2023


We often spend our lives focused on the present moment, but it’s crucial to also plan for the future. One way to do this is by preparing your will—a document that ensures your wishes are carried out after you’re gone. While contemplating mortality may seem daunting, creating a will empowers you to shape your legacy, protect your loved ones, and leave a lasting impact. In this article, we will explore the process of preparing your will, highlight its importance, and provide valuable resources to guide you on this meaningful journey.

Reflect on Your Values and Intentions:

Before diving into the technical aspects of creating a will, take a moment to reflect on your values, intentions, and the legacy you want to leave behind. Consider the causes or organizations you care deeply about and the impact you want to have on future generations. This reflection will provide a guiding light as you navigate the process of preparing your will.

Seek Legal Guidance:

While it’s possible to create a basic will on your own, consulting with an attorney who specializes in estate planning can provide invaluable expertise and ensure that your will is legally sound. They can help you navigate complex issues, such as estate taxes, guardianship of minor children, and the distribution of assets. Websites like American Bar Association (www.americanbar.org) and Avvo (www.avvo.com) offer resources to find qualified estate planning attorneys in your area.

Take Inventory of Your Assets and Debts:

To prepare your will effectively, begin by taking inventory of your assets and debts. Create a comprehensive list that includes bank accounts, investments, real estate properties, valuable possessions, and any outstanding debts or liabilities. This inventory will serve as the foundation for determining how you want your assets to be distributed and debts to be handled.

Designate Beneficiaries and Executors:

When creating your will, consider who you want to name as beneficiaries—individuals or organizations who will inherit your assets. Be thoughtful in selecting these beneficiaries and specify their respective shares. Additionally, designate an executor, someone you trust to oversee the execution of your will and ensure your wishes are carried out. Choose someone who is organized, reliable, and capable of handling the responsibilities involved.

Consider Guardianship for Dependents:

If you have dependents, particularly minor children, it’s important to consider guardianship in your will. Designate a trusted individual or couple who will take care of your children and provide guidance and support in your absence. Communicate your intentions with the designated guardians and seek their consent beforehand.

Review and Update Regularly:

Life is ever-changing, and so should your will. As circumstances evolve, review your will periodically and make updates as needed. Major life events such as marriage, divorce, birth of children or grandchildren, or the acquisition of significant assets warrant revisiting and revising your will accordingly.

Communicate Your Intentions:

While the creation of a will is crucial, its effectiveness can be enhanced by open communication with your loved ones. Engage in open dialogue about your intentions, the contents of your will, and any specific requests you have. This not only helps manage expectations but also ensures that your loved ones understand and respect your decisions.

Preserve Your Will Securely:

Once your will is prepared, store it in a secure location such as a safe deposit box or with your attorney. Inform your chosen executor or a trusted family member about the location of your will and provide them with access instructions. Additionally, consider providing a copy of your will to relevant parties involved, such as beneficiaries or guardians.

Share Your Wisdom and Values:

While preparing your will is primarily focused on distributing assets, it’s also an opportunity to pass down your wisdom, values, and life lessons to future generations. Consider including a personal letter or statement that conveys your hopes, dreams, and the lessons you’ve learned along the way. This heartfelt addition can serve as a lasting testament to your values and provide guidance for those who come after you.

Inspire Others to Take Action:

By taking the proactive step of preparing your will, you set an inspiring example for others to follow. Share your experience with friends, family, and colleagues, encouraging them to reflect on their own legacies and consider preparing their wills. Be an advocate for creating a culture that recognizes the importance of leaving a legacy and planning for the future.

Preparing your will is an empowering and compassionate act that ensures your wishes are honored and your loved ones are taken care of. It allows you to shape your legacy, protect your assets, and leave a lasting impact on future generations. By reflecting on your values, seeking legal guidance, and communicating your intentions, you can navigate the process of preparing your will with confidence and purpose. Remember, your will is not just a legal document—it’s a reflection of your life, values, and the love you have for those who matter most.

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Name: Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: CEO
Group: Age Brilliantly
Dateline: New York, NY United States
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Cell Phone: 646-290-7664
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