Home > NewsRelease > Chemical Free Living’s Annual Spring Income Tax Sale.
Chemical Free Living’s Annual Spring Income Tax Sale.
National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation
Las Vegas, NV
Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Chemical Free Living, the online store of the National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation, is proud to announce its Annual Spring Income Tax Day Sale.

The effects of chemicals upon health have been receiving more attention in the last few years.

Pesticides, hormone-disrupting chemicals, lead in lipsticks, formaldehyde in children's shampoo, etc. Not only are the chemically/environmentally sensitive being impacted, fetal chemical exposures are generating life long health effects, along with everyday chemical exposures upon the public.

With everyone being concerned about GMO's in their food and purchasing organic foods, why store food or carry water in toxic plastic containers or BPA-free containers?

More companies are using BPA-free alternatives in water bottles, food storage containers, but, this alternative is not as safe as the public suspects.

Research requested by the Center for Environmental Health in Oakland, CA, had various BPA-free products tested for estrogenic activity. Two independent laboratories were used and the results were surprising. [1,2]

"The result: our testing found 9 out of 35 sippy cups we tested were found with significant amounts of estrogenic activity, including seven cups found with more estrogenic activity than a cup made with BPA. All of the nine estrogenic cups were labeled "BPA-Free."" [3]

"The products: First Years Disney Magical color-changing sippy cups ("Cars"; fairies; Minnie Mouse; Mickey Mouse Clubhouse; "Monsters, Inc.," both the boy and girl versions); Gerber Graduates color-changing cup; CamelBak Hearts spill-proof cup; Born Free Disney Mickey Mouse soft-spout cup." [4]

Glass and stainless steel are being offered by more companies to address the BPA concerns of the public. Chemical Free Living has concentrated on safer products; organic clothing and stainless steel especially to eliminate the potential for estrogenic activity.

From now until April 17th, at midnight PST, any order automatically gets a 20% discount.** For orders over $150.00, the discount is increased to 25%. This does not include shipping or NV sales tax.  ChemicalFreeLiving.Com

Orders must be paid by the deadline and made via email rather than thru the online order form, Info@ChemicalFreeLiving.Com.

Take advantage of this ONCE A YEAR discount.

**Except for air and water filters, testing kits, building materials, light bulbs and books

1. http://www.ceh.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/PlastiPure-Report-on-CEH-Sippy-Cups-Sept-7-2012.pdf

2. http://www.ceh.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Denison-Laboratory-Analysis.pdf

3. http://www.ceh.org/campaigns/plastics/ceh-action/a-warning-for-parents-bpa-free-may-not-equal-safe/#Estrogenic

4. http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/BPA-free-plastics-may-be-less-safe-than-those-5302319.php#page-2



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Angel De Fazio, BSAT, BCNHP
Title: President
Group: NTEF
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702.490.9677
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