Home > NewsRelease > Charisma Collage Seminar
Charisma Collage Seminar
Jeanette Chasworth -- The Color Whisperer Jeanette Chasworth -- The Color Whisperer
Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

It's time to discover the beauty of you.  This seminar celebrates you and all that makes you unique in this world and gives you the tools you need to design your home, your style.
We will be creating a work of art.  A work of art based on you.
In this course we will be looking at the qualities in you that make you charismatic.  We will look at different areas of personality, and find words and pictures that express your unique qualities. 
As we do that, all the beauty that is in you will unfold into a frame-worthy collage. You will also discover your unique design blueprint.  With this blueprint, you will know what shapes, colors, styles and textures express your energy.   These are key ingredients that you can use in designing your home, putting your wardrobe together,  buying accessories, and much more.
These tools will help you to
- express yourself more fully
- know how to style your home
- know what furniture you need for your home
- know what accessories work for your home
- select the right items for your home, work and fun.
This will be an 8 week course.  We will meet virtually (unless we get enough local people who desire to meet together).   This will be a unique chance to connect with yourself and others in a deeper way.
When I did this course, I was surprised that people saw much more in me than I did.  This course is eye opening.
You will see yourself in a whole new beautiful light and you will have a beautiful work of art to remind you of it every day.


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Name: Jeanette Chasworth
Dateline: Monrovia, CA United States
Direct Phone: 626 485 6354
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