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Caregiving Expert Shares Caregiver and Patient Experiences
Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker Pamela D. Wilson - Caregiving Expert, Advocate & Speaker
Denver, CO
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Grieving The Future: Patient and Caregiver Tips
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Caregiving Expert Shares Caregiver and Patient Experiences

     Denver, CO – May 2, 2024. Caregiving expert and speaker Pamela D Wilson shares caregiver and patient experiences about grieving the future. In Wilson's recently released video, she responds to caregiver requests for information about managing anticipatory grief—the idea of grieving before a loss occurs.

Many family caregivers become decades-long caregivers for disabled children, aging parents, or spouses with chronic diseases or memory loss. Their dreams and hopes for the future collide with the reality of the ongoing care needs of family members when physical and mental abilities decline.  

For example, the side effects of chemotherapy and immunotherapy can result in dementia. So, while a loved one may be a cancer survivor, they are now affected by advancing memory loss that requires 24/7 care.

Caregivers and Patients Have Competing Worries

Caregivers and persons who need care have competing worries about what will happen tomorrow. Caregivers may worry about completing a long list of tasks, money to pay for healthcare expenses, or who will care for loved ones if the caregiver dies first.

Patients can be mentally consumed with taking medications, attending ongoing treatments, and the mental and physical challenges of not feeling well. These mental distractions can make persons needing care appear unappreciative of their caregivers, leading to relationship challenges. 

Wilson Speaks to Caregiver and Patient Needs

In this video and at speaking events, Wilson offers practical advice, tips, hope, and inspiration to caregivers and persons experiencing health challenges. Her balanced approach results from over 20 years of professional advocacy for caregivers and patients.

Followers of her YouTube Channel are encouraged to submit ideas for future videos and podcasts. According to Wilson, "Every interaction and invitation to speak is an opportunity to create new and valuable experiences to meet the interests and needs of caregivers and patients."

Wilson's Programs Provide Practical Support for Family Caregivers, Care Receivers and Patients

Wilson is a caregiving expert with over twenty years of lived experience supporting caregivers and care receivers. Through information on her website, online courses, YouTube Channel, and speaking events, she provides practical, detailed step-by-step education and instructions to guide professional and family caregivers and adults facing change in health and uncertainty about the future.  

Learn more about Pamela at www.pameladwilson.com.

CONTACT: Pamela D. Wilson +1 303-810-1816 Email:   Inquiry_For_Pamela@pameladwilson.com


   Check Out Podcast Replays of The Caring Generation® Radio Program for Caregivers and Aging Adults HERE

Pamela D. Wilson, MS, BS/BA, CG, CSA, is an international caregiver subject matter expert, advocate, speaker, and consultant. With more than 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, professional fiduciary, and care manager in the fields of caregiving, health, and aging, she delivers one-of-a-kind support for family caregivers, adults, and persons managing health conditions.

Pamela may be reached at +1 303-810-1816 or through her website.

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Name: Pamela Wilson
Title: Director
Group: Pamela D. Wilson, Inc.
Dateline: Golden, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-810-1816
Cell Phone: 303-810-1816
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