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Black Friday/Cyber Monday Giving Opportunity
Nancy Boyd --  Bright Wings Inc. Nancy Boyd -- Bright Wings Inc.
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Eugene, OR
Thursday, November 24, 2022


Today’s the day!  We’re LIVE!

Here’s what’s happening (starting right now until end of day, December 2, 2022.)

I’m not much for following trends (or following ANYONE, for that matter!)

But.  All year I’ve been seeing more and more people become homeless.  More and more people suffering from disasters in their personal lives and communities.

And I’ve been thinking about what I could do (besides being up to my neck building new programs and projects to truly help people.)

This year, as we get closer to Thanksgiving and the usual onslaught (umm, frenzy??) of marketing messages and appeals from every direction — I finally landed on something that works for me.  I hope it does for you, too.


For the first time (EVER) ~ I’m making a Black Friday offer that I think you’re going to love.

Before I tell you what it is, though, I want to tell you how it’s gonna work.

All orders placed between Friday November 25th and Friday December 2nd will be matched 100% and the proceeds donated to YOUR CHOICE of the following charities:

The Hunger Project
Freedom From Hunger
World Central Kitchen (founded by Chef Andre)

I’ve chosen these organizations because, among the many out there, these are proven to be effective at feeding the most people in the most urgent areas of the world.  They get stuff done.

So. . . for the first 50 orders (or until 12/2/22, whichever comes first) your orders will be matched dollar for dollar and a donation sent to whichever of the above organizations you prefer, so that your generosity has an impact and gets people fed.

reaching out

Reaching Out ~ Lend a Hand

Here’s the fun part!

First I want to say that what I’m offering is a reflection of my personal journey from pain to healing, and through many kinds of spiritual exploration.

I was raised in a family that held Christian beliefs, and because we moved more than 27 times before I was 11 years old (another story for another time) we experienced a lot of different churches and Christian beliefs.

All of them left me puzzled and unsatisfied, and as soon as I could I began a lifelong search for spiritual connection and meaning.  Gradually I found what I was looking for (and it wasn’t in the Christian Church, although I met many wonderful people in Christianity along the way.)  And that, too, is another story for another time.

What’s important here is to acknowledge that there are many paths to Truth — and many ways to connect with and celebrate Source/God/God/All-That-Is.

This explains why I took the long way round to share what I’m offering.

Recently I came across a prayer that was translated from the original Aramaic directly into English.  When I first read this prayer, it stunned me — because of its beauty, power, and deep truth.  It brought tears.

I read it over and over.  I printed it.  And I put it away for a while.

But this Thanksgiving, it’s been on my mind and in my heart to share it somehow ~ which is when this idea was born.

I made a beautiful color print of this prayer and want to offer it to anyone who is interested in it, in exchange for a nominal amount from you to cover my costs and that includes (for a limited time) a matching gift that feeds hungry people and kids.


Lord's Prayer Aramaic to English Translation

Lord’s Prayer Aramaic to English Translation

The Lord’s Prayer Translated Directly From Aramaic to English

After doing some research about this, I learned that it was based on an Aramaic-language scroll discovered by archaelogists in 1892 which, when translated directly into English led to a more accurate and definitive translation than the one currently being used by most Christian churches.

Christian theology created the idea of one, single “literal” translation of The Lord’s Prayer.  But apparently, there are many different versions of it, with interpretations being influenced by prophets and mystics who read into the language subtle variations from each other.

This particular version of the Lord’s Prayer was first mentioned and circulated in social media by mystic Neil Douglas-Klotz, to whom credit is owed.

Whose versions is “correct”? And who gets to say it is?

That’s not for me to decide.

All I know is what my heart tells me. And that is this:

This prayer is beautiful. It leads me to a deeper connection with God/Source/All-That-Is. And from my (limited) point of view, it cannot possibly cause harm.

That is why I am now offering copies of it in a lovely format, for your spiritual support and growth.

You can get this prayer in 4 different versions (Just click on any of these links and it will take you directly to the order page for each item):

— Plain text $9.99
— Beautiful color PDF $14.95
— Laminated color PDF $19.95 + shipping/handling
— Framed and matted 11×14 color print $29.95 + shipping/handling

The last 2 versions will make wonderful gifts for someone special on your holiday list — and can go out right after Thanksgiving if you place your orders soon.

So there you have it.  This is how I decided to engage with the energy of generosity and flow this season.  I hope you’ll join me and pass it on.

The cart is open NOW and ready to take your orders!

Buy something for yourself, and add a few for gifts for someone special in your life ~ you can let them know that their gift helped to feed hungry people so their gift goes far beyond just the thoughtful expression of one person’s generosity.

This holiday season, let’s make a difference in the world!


IMPORTANT NOTE:  The matching offer applies ONLY to the new products listed above, not any of the other products in our store.  That said, please do go ahead and shop our other products for unique gifts for holiday — and when you do (during this Black Friday/Cyber Monday window) we will make a 10% contribution to one of the 3 organizations listed above on your behalf — and that is IN ADDITION to whatever you order from our special offer here!

Bright Wings, Inc. is an empowerment resource company located in Briarcliff Manor, NY.   For more information about products and services, click here.
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Name: Nancy
Group: Bright Wings, Inc.
Dateline: Eugene, OR United States
Direct Phone: 800-914-2975
Main Phone: 800-914-2975
Cell Phone: 5413578375
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