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Banish Burnout Toolkit Book Club Helps Readers Harness Tools to Prevent Burnout
Janice Litvin -- Wellness Speaker Janice Litvin -- Wellness Speaker
San Francisco, CA
Sunday, November 22, 2020

Banish Burnout Toolkit Book Club
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November 23, 2020

Contact: Janice Litvin 415.518.2202


Banish Burnout Toolkit Book Club Helps Readers

Harness Tools to Prevent Burnout

(San Francisco, CA) Coronavirus, financial insecurity, huge shifts in how we work and how our kids go to school…In these difficult times, you may not be able to control external stress from happening, but you can control the way you react and respond, says Janice Litvin, author of the new book Banish Burnout Toolkit. As an adjunct to the workbook, Litvin created the Banish Burnout Book Club, to help people deeply understand how to banish burnout from their life.

Each club meeting held over Zoom takes a deep dive into one of the six tools and helps people understand how to best work the toolkit, one tool at a time. Partnerships and friendships are formed and everyone leaves a little less stressed and armed with an easy-to-implement method of managing their stress.

"Most people come to work (remote or in-person) with some sort of emotional baggage," says Litvin and the goal of the book is to help people uncover their limiting beliefs so that they can be eliminated.

With the onset of the Corona Virus pandemic, people are more stressed than ever. Having to quarantine for months at a time is upsetting to the entire family. Suddenly the entire country and world had to shift the gears of their life and become remote workers with their remote children learners, all in one day. Some people are coping but many are having difficulties. They and the children, who often don't know how to express themselves are having unresolved frustrations that erupt in unusual ways, with feelings of hopelessness and depression.

The book is based on established principles of cognitive behavior therapy and the growing understanding of workplace wellness, as well as Litvin's 25 years of professional work in human resources, and her personal experience untethering herself from her negative behavior patterns learned in childhood.

Here is what Rick Hecht, Clinical Psychologist and Employee Wellness Strategist and Healthcare Industry Leader had to say about Litvin's book. "In the Banish Burnout Toolkit, Janice Litvin combines her passion, experience, and expertise for health and wellbeing to deliver an easy-to-use, easy-to-follow compendium of exercises, activities and information to help manage stress, modify maladaptive thinking, and mitigate burnout."  

Anyone who needs help managing their stress is invited to join the Banish Burnout Book Club. Register Now for free at: Janice@JaniceLitvin.com. Full details about the book, along with further articles and videos can be found at: https://www.JaniceLitvin.com. Contact Janice Litvin at Janice Litvin Speaks, Janice@JaniceLitvin.com, 415.518.2202. Janice is available for book talks and customized workshops.

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Name: Janice Litvin
Title: Professional Speaker
Group: Janice Litvin Speaks
Dateline: Walnut Creek, CA United States
Direct Phone: 415-518-2202
Cell Phone: 415-518-2202
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