Friday, September 15, 2023

Age Brilliantly (.org) Announces its Academy's Fall Virtual Workshop Series:
Weekly Programs Empower Adults of All Ages to Lead Fulfilling 100-year Lives
New York, NY. September 15, 2023. Age Brilliantly, the interactive community of adults who want to maximize their opportunities to lead fulfilling 100-year lives, announced the launch of its Academy. The series of 12 weekly Virtual Workshops begins October 3. Registration fees are waived.
"Age Brilliantly (.org)'s platform empowers adults of all ages sharing information, inspiration, resources, support, and tools to help plan, execute, evaluate and adjust life-plans," said Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D., CEO and CLO. "Members include individuals, experts, service providers, and business leaders who value continuous growth and life-fulfillment as we navigate our potential 100-year lives. We've added the Academy to our service-ecosystem in order to learn more about optimizing their six life essentials for life-fulfillment (e.g., health, financials, relationships, passion, purpose, and time mastery) as well as related issues including careers, lifelong learning and travel/leisure. The workshops provide practical insights with which to make better life-choices; it also introduces them to qualified experts and resources for ongoing support."
This Fall series of 12 highly interactive virtual workshops is presented on consecutive Tuesdays from October 3 to December 19, from 1-2 PM ET. Topics for this and future Academy programs reflect areas of interest to Age Brilliantly's diverse membership. Faculty include industry experts and providers who partner with us to elevate members' ability to lead intentional, fulfilling lives for as long as possible.
The schedule of virtual workshops is as follows:
Oct. 3: Empower Yourself to Lead a (More) Fulfilling 100-Year Life
Oct. 10: The Health & Vitality Blueprint for an Enjoyable 100-Year Life
Oct. 17: Nine Steps to an Unlimited Life: The Fundamentals
Oct. 31: SoloAgers: Creating Your Lifetime Plan
Nov. 7: Financial Literacy: The Pitfalls of Traditional Thinking
Nov. 21: Your Extraordinary Why – Secrets to Finding Purpose
Nov. 28: Estate and Tax Planning Checklist for 2023 and Beyond
Dec. 12: How to Exit Your Business with No Regrets
Dec. 19: What's Your Legacy?
People can register for individual program at the Academy's website: People can register for several programs at one time, using the Quick-Register Link:
"In the future, we will introduce additional services to help our growing, multi-generational community make the most of their 100-year lives," concluded Dr. Cahn. "With the gift of longevity, each of us has the responsibility to empower our future-selves to use the time well. Age Brilliantly is committed to helping individuals and businesses wisely manage the uncertainties so we lead fulfilling 100-year lives."
For more information, visit contact 800-493-1334, or
The Chanin Building • 380 Lexington Ave. / 122 East 42 St. (4th floor) • New York, NY 10168
Phone: 800-493-1334 • • Fax: 646-478-9435