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Adopt An Infinite-Game Mindset For A Life Of Fulfilling Adventures
Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. --  Age Brilliantly Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D. -- Age Brilliantly
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: New York, NY
Sunday, March 26, 2023


Longevity and fulfillment are not always the linear path that we have traditionally known and seen them as. Be it our career, relationships, ups and downs, all of it moves in ways that are not relatively easy to define, let alone in a fixed framework. Especially with life expectancy and longevity increasing gradually to a potential 100 years, we all need to redefine our beliefs.

The longevity studies by Bernhard Warner on Rethinking65 show that our coming generations will be enjoying a much larger life expectancy. However, it brings forth two issues that need widespread understanding. These are- financial uncertainty for the retirees and a burden on the youth.

Retirees depending on pensions for a longer time frame create pressure on the economy to support the social security of the older generation. Eventually, it ends up cutting larger chunks of national economies’ GDP. So, the younger generation faces the offset of the event by facing greater pressure to support themselves and the economy.

As the Sanford Center on Longevity says, a 100-year-old life is coming, but we are unprepared for it. Hence, we must gain a broader awareness of longevity, especially how to make the best of it. Age Brilliantly believes that this is an opportunity to have longer lives full of greater fulfillment. 

An excellent strategy is to adopt an infinite-game mindset to embrace a life full of fulfillment, which is the core idea behind Age Brilliantly. As Darryl White, the CEO of the Canadian bank BMO, suggests, we as a society must move towards a different life hack. 

We can form a contemporary approach toward a potential 100-year-old life of fulfillment in many ways. Here are some essential strategies.

The Non-Linear Framework: The first step is to eliminate the idea that life moves forward through a linear framework. That is, the traditional idea of first school, then work, and then retirement becomes invalid in the journey towards purposeful living.

Instead, we should see that life has no definite stages. We must have a dynamic approach toward our overall life goals. That means it is never too late to start on our dream job, school, or other passions. 

Continuous Growth: As a dynamic approach is essential for our journey toward fulfillment, we must learn, develop, and grow continually. Continuous learning and growth for the long haul allow us to enjoy numerous adventures and opportunities. 

To help you with that, the Age Brilliantly App can be a perfect choice. You can motivate yourself daily to take on the challenges of the day, week, month, year, and more. With our app, you can also record your learnings and enable others to join on the journey. 

Redefining Retirement: As people continue to live longer and healthier lives, it’s becoming crucial to rethink the concept of retirement. Traditionally, retirement has been viewed as a time of rest and relaxation after years of hard work. 

But with people living well into their 80s, 90s, and even beyond, this traditional approach to retirement may no longer be feasible or desirable. We might want to continue pursuing our passions for 100+, just like Iris Apfel or Henry Kissinger, etc.

Financial Management: Financial management and awareness are essential for a long and fulfilling life. It can provide us with the knowledge and skills to manage money after retirement and later. At Age Brilliantly, we believe that financial security is one of the core pillars of having a long, fulfilling life. 

Proper financial management can ensure a comfortable and secure retirement by providing the means to pursue goals and dreams. Without this knowledge, we risk falling into debt, struggling to make ends meet, and missing out on career opportunities. 

Overall, the increasing life expectancy offers both opportunities and challenges. Age Brilliantly is here to help you build the right mindset and strategic approach for a fulfilling life. Thus, we can start our journey towards purposeful living together. Share your opinions by joining our forum. Join our movement by registering today.

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Name: Jerry Cahn, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: CEO
Group: Age Brilliantly
Dateline: New York, NY United States
Direct Phone: 646-290-7664
Main Phone: 646-290-7664
Cell Phone: 646-290-7664
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