Home > NewsRelease > Accounts in Transit: French/West/Vaughan Lands FITCRUNCH
Accounts in Transit: French/West/Vaughan Lands FITCRUNCH
O'Dwyer's Public Relations News O'Dwyer's Public Relations News
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: New York, NY
Wednesday, September 4, 2024


French/?West/?Vaughan is named PR agency of record for FITCRUNCH, a protein snack brand created by chef, restaurateur and television personality Robert Irvine. FWV will manage and execute comprehensive media relations, influencer marketing and consumer activation services designed to create awareness and demand for FITCRUNCH products. FITCRUNCH offers baked protein bars, wafer bars, dipped brownies and other products, which are available nationwide through grocery, big box, buyers club and Amazon retail channels. “The FITCRUNCH brand and Chef Robert Irvine are known for innovation and bringing a bold, energetic spirit to everything we do, and FWV understands how to harness that story and build relationships with consumers,” said FITCRUNCH VP of marketing Dave Plowden.


Campstories, a Denver shop, picks up US PR duties for Hotel Christopher St Barth. It is overseeing all PR programming, including print and digital media relations, influencer and strategic partnerships, media visits and creative experiences on-site. A 42-room-and-suite resort that’s focused on blending into its surroundings via sustainable operation, Hotel Christopher ST. Barth will open a new restaurant and a five-bedroom suite in the coming months.


Ripley PR lands Reins, a technology firm that helps small businesses retain key employees by offering them owner-like benefits that incentivize them to contribute to the long-term success of the business. Ripley PR will work with the company to help it establish brand awareness and authority for its custom equity incentives programs. Reins says it chose Ripley PR based on the agency's record of success with innovative technology companies serving small and enterprise-level businesses in the skilled trades, residential and commercial services, automotive and franchising. “They understand our mission and the needs of our customers, so we know we'll be connecting with business owners who will benefit from our solutions and help us grow," said Reins co-founder Chris Buttenham.

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