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A Remedy for Today's Political & Coronavirus Fears
Robin Jay Robin Jay
Las Vegas, NV
Thursday, February 27, 2020

"Becoming the Keys" is the latest film in The Key Movie trilogy
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If you feel like you might be losing your mind over recent world events, writer/producer Robin Jay has the perfect remedy for you. Jay has produced three inspirational films that will leave you feeling empowered and uplifted. She believes that most of today's hysteria comes from fear. And, that while fear can affect us through external sources, the thoughts we hold inside ourselves can be even more damaging. Jay says the more you allow yourself to be exposed to the fear mongering, the harder it can be to avoid the negative emotional ripples that come with it.

"There has never been a better time to focus on things that can lift you up and empower you. That is one of the reasons I wrote and produced the 'Key' movies," says Jay. "When there is unrest in society, we can feel incredibly overwhelmed. From voilence in the news to economic concerns, and now the world epidemic of the Coronavirus, it's no wonder many people are feeling helpless. All anyone needs to do is turn on the news to find themselves scared and helpless."

Jay shares, "If the news is getting to you and you find yourself more stressed and on edge, know that you have to power to control your thoughts. Turn off the TV, meditate, exercise or go for a walk, or spend time with a good book or a fun movie. By changing gears, you can limit the influence the world around you seems to have. And, with a new way of coping, whatever is happening in the world will no longer have a destructive impact on you. We each have the power to either buy into hysteria or pay more attention to what we focus on, and we have the ability to feed our minds more positive messages."

Jay quotes American author Earl Nightingale, who said, "Whenever we're afraid, it's because we don't know enough. If we understood enough, we would never be afraid. We can let circumstances rule us, or we can take charge and rule our lives from within."

"We also know that 85% of the things we tend to worry about never happen," says Jay, citing NBC News and other outlets that have researched the subject of needless worry. She adds, "If you are old enough to remember Y2K, you will remember that all the technology was going to crash between New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, 1999 - 2000. But, nothing happened. There were a few bugs that were fixed in plenty of time. Can you imagine being one of those people who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars buying a bunker, preparing for Armageddon? Other people bought enough powdered food to last a year. What a waste of time, energy, and money! Then, there was the foreboding Mayan calendar date of 12/12/2012. Many people interpreted the date to indicate that the world would come to an end. That date was tied to doom and many of the frightened people were actually surprised to wake up to their regular lives on 12/13/2012."

What has all this got to do with Jay's "Key Movies"? The three movies are entertaining hybrids that feature a narrative story and a few fictional characters interacting with experts and thought leaders, who share their stories and messages. They are so powerful that they leave the characters – and the viewers – feeling more empowered about their own lives.

"This is the perfect time for people to see these films. The experts have gone through diverse challenges and situations and have come through them all," says Jay. "These thought leaders share their incredible messages with the viewers and the result is a greater understanding of life itself.

There are three "Key Movies" including "The Keeper of the Keys" which stars Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marci Shimoff; "The Secrets of the Keys" which stars Brian Tracy, John Assaraf, don Miguel Ruiz, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Dannion Brinkley, and Gloria Loring; and "Becoming the Keys" which stars Brian Tracy, Joe Vitale, don Miguel Ruiz, and Dannion Brinkley. The messages in all three films focus on seven keys that can change your life. These include The Keys of Appreciation, Harmony, Passion, Courage, Faith, Vibration (energy), and Empathy. The movies are the first fun self-help movies that are as much fun to watch as they are empowering.

The Key Movies are currently available through an online membership with Gaia.com (you can sign up with Gaia through Amazon.com), as well as directly through Vimeo on Demand links on www.TheKeyMovies.com.


For more on Robin Jay, the Key Movies, and the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, visit http://LVCSB.com or email: Robin@LVCSB.com.

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Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Henderson, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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