Home > NewsRelease > A Recent Reader Survey Conducted by Wakefield Research for Wattpad Reveals Intriguing Insights into the Preferences and Perspectives of Readers Across Generations
A Recent Reader Survey Conducted by Wakefield Research for Wattpad Reveals Intriguing Insights into the Preferences and Perspectives of Readers Across Generations
Norm Goldman --  BookPleasures.com Norm Goldman -- BookPleasures.com
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Montreal, Quebec
Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Wattpad Reader SurveyWakefield):

A recent reader surveyconducted by Wakefield Research for Wattpad reveals intriguinginsights into the preferences and perspectives of readers acrossgenerations:

  • 90% of readersbelieve that storytelling technologies will shape the future ofreading.

  • 92% emphasize theimportance of human involvement in writing and producing books.

  • Gen Z and Millennials65% and 71%, respectively) show a higher inclination towardswebnovels, e-books, and webcomics compared to Gen X and Boomers.

  • 61% of Gen Z and 70%of Millennials appreciate these digital formats for providing accessto diverse content, including LGBTQ+ and minority-focused material.

  • Gen Z (70%) andMillennials (82%) prioritize diversity when selecting books, movies,or entertainment, in contrast to 57% of Gen X and 60% of Boomers.

  • The top genres forGen Z readers are romance, fantasy & sci-fi, and horror, whileBoomers prefer history, biography, and mystery.

  • Gen Z is more likelyto seek out LGBTQ+ fiction, with 29% reading such stories for fun,compared to 5% of Boomers.

  • 80% of respondentsseeking new books prefer recommendations from individuals, whileonly 20% opt for AI or algorithmic suggestions.

  • BookTok and BookTubeare popular platforms for Gen Z (72%) and Millennials (68%) to findbook suggestions, while Gen X (64%) and Boomers (70%) rely more onfriends and family.

  • Online readingcommunities and platforms like Wattpad and GoodReads are crucial for38% of Gen Z and 48% of Millennials for book recommendations.

Wattpad Author Survey:

An internal Wattpad surveyamong 452 authors provides insights into the usage and concernsrelated to AI in the creative process:

  • 79% of writers havenot yet utilized AI in their creative process.

  • 43% express concernsthat AI could limit monetization and publishing opportunities.

  • 58% acknowledge AI'spotential to support editing, while 45% see its use in creatingcover art.

  • 54% believe AI mightjeopardize inclusive storytelling elements like characterauthenticity and diversity.

  • 23% worry about AIperpetuating systemic biases by undermining sensitivity reading.

Diverse Wattpad Storiesand Voices:

Wattpad showcases a rangeof stories, including popular works like Katarina E. Tonks’ Deathis My BFF, Mike Booth’s HAWK, Philline Harms’ Love and OtherWicked Things, Deanna Faison’s The Feeling Checklist, SondiWarner’s Lead Me Astray, Nandi Taylor’s Given, Claudia Tan’sPerfect Addiction, and Loridee De Villa’s How to Be The Best ThirdWheel.

Survey Methodology:

  • The reader surveyincluded 1,000 US adults aged 18+ with an oversampling of 100additional Gen-Z respondents, conducted between October 10th andOctober 17th, 2023.

  • The author surveycomprised 452 current Wattpad authors in October 2023.

About Wattpad:

Wattpad is a leadingweb novel and storytelling community, home to 90 million peoplemonthly. Wattpad, based in Toronto, Canada, aims to entertain andconnect the world through stories.

 Norm Goldman of Bookpleasures.com

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Name: Norm Goldman
Title: Book Reviewer
Group: bookpleasures.com
Dateline: Montreal, QC Canada
Direct Phone: 514-486-8018
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