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70% of Your Employees Cost You Money!
Jennifer Leake  -- Employee Retention Consultant Jennifer Leake -- Employee Retention Consultant
Roanoke, VA
Tuesday, November 11, 2014


70% of Your Employees Cost You Money! 

Too few of your employees show up to work with a desire to give 100%. 

Employees who have a connection to their work make your company better, and carry that energy and commitment into their personal lives and their community. That's the value of Employee Engagement - and Employee Assessments are invaluable tools to make this happen. 

Happy and satisfied employees are not enough. Company picnics and monthly birthday celebrations are not enough. LET'S GET ENGAGED! Together let's change the world and make this your best year ever! 

Hi! I'm Jennifer Leake, Certified Management Consultant, and I want to help your company reduce costs and increase sales.

You may be thinking, " Employee engagement sounds like an HR issue. What does it have to do with increasing sales or performance?" 

My answer is "Everything!" 

Engaged employees feel valued and appreciated. In turn, they make your customers feel valued and appreciated. And sales grow. 

Numerous studies prove it. But I learned this long before the first employee engagement studies were done. I saw it demonstrated daily on my first job, where a wise employer made my co-workers and I feel respected and appreciated. He knew we'd pass these values on to his customers. And I saw how his business prospered. 

That early, positive experience made me a passionate advocate for growing employee engagement! And I want to fire YOU up with your own passion for a principle that I believe can change not only your workplace, but the world you live in. 

I've been a business consultant for more than twenty years, and in that time I've never seen an idea that has more potential to positively impact both businesses and the people that make them run. 

Employee Engagement is an idea whose time has come, and the goal of my whitepaper is to get you as motivated as I am to bring employee engagement into workplaces everywhere.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jennifer Leake CMC
Title: Employee Retention Consultant
Group: Assessment Pros LLC
Dateline: Roanoke, VA United States
Direct Phone: 866-373-0300
Cell Phone: 540-420-1004
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