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7 Traits of Ethical Business Owners
Chuck Gallagher -- The Business Ethics Expert - Keynote Speaker Chuck Gallagher -- The Business Ethics Expert - Keynote Speaker
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Greenville, SC
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sim?l? actions b? ????l? h?lding l??d?r?hi? positions will dir??tl? im???t the ethical behavior ?r??ti??? within a business. Having th? ???r?t?r? screen calls wh?n th? m?n?g?r i? vi?ibl? ?v?il?bl? m?? n?t seem important, but ?v?n the ?im?l??t white lie ??mmuni??t?? wh?t is acceptable. Sm?ll decisions t? b?nd th? truth will develop into larger h?bit? of ju?tif?ing li?? ?b?ut finances, time and attendance, including hiring ?nd firing d??i?i?n?. Ethi??l v?lu??, tr?n?l?t?d int? ??tiv? l?ngu?g? ??t?bli?hing standards ?r rul?? describing th? kind of behavior with which an ?thi??l Ethical Business Owners??r??n should be engaged. Here you find traits of ethical business owners.

7 Traits of Ethical Business Owners

1. HONESTY. Ethi??l business owners ?r? h?n??t ?nd truthful in all th?ir d??ling? ?nd th?? d? not d?lib?r?t?l? mislead or d???iv? others by misrepresentations, overstatements, ??rti?l truth?, ??l??tiv? ?mi??i?n?, or any other m??n?.
2. INTEGRITY. Ethical business owners demonstrate ??r??n?l integrity ?nd th? ??ur?g? ?f their ??nvi?ti?n? b? doing what th?? think i? right ?v?n wh?n th?r? i? gr??t ?r???ur? t? d? otherwise; they are ?rin?i?l?d, h?n?r?bl? ?nd u?right; they will fight f?r th?ir b?li?f?. Th?? will n?t ???rifi?? principle for ?x??di?n??, b? h????riti??l, ?r unscrupulous. In th? ?g? of M?d?ff ?nd Enron, the ?ubli? at l?rg? h?? had ?n?ugh of un??ru?ul?u? bu?in??? owners.
Cu?t?m?r service has d??lin?d practically int? non-existence in m?n? indu?tri??, and m?n? bu?in??? owners th?t are f??u??d on ?r?viding quality ?r?du?t? ?nd h?n??t service ?r? ?i?king up di??n?h?nt?d consumers. Th? ?r?lif?r?ti?n ?f ???mm?r? out th?r? have m?d? ??n?um?r? wary — business ?wn?r? n??d t? di??l?? int?grit? in ?v?r?thing th?? do t? b? ??n?id?r?d tru?tw?rth?.
Int?grit? matters in ?ll ?f ??ur bu?in??? r?l?ti?n?hi?? — with vendors, ?u??li?r?, ?m?l?????, ?nd ?u?t?m?r?. M?k? h?n??t? ?nd ??und (?thi??l) business ?r??ti??? the ??r? of ??ur company ?ultur? and expect the ??m? from businesses you w?rk with. D?n’t l?t ?m?l????? slide ?n minor infr??ti?n? th?t inv?lv? int?grit?, or ??u will ???n th? d??r t? fr?ud ?nd th?ft. Show int?grit? in ?v?r?thing you d?, b???u?? ??ur b?h?vi?r guid?? th? w?? work gets d?n? in ??ur bu?in??? — f?r b?tt?r or w?r??. Make sure that h?n??t? i?n’t ju?t th? best ??li??, it’? th? ?nl? ??li??.
3. PROMISE-KEEPING & TRUSTWORTHINESS. Ethical business owners are w?rth? ?f tru?t. Th?? are ??ndid ?nd f?rth??ming in ?u??l?ing relevant information ?nd ??rr??ting mi????r?h?n?i?n? of f??t; ?nd th?? make ?v?r? r????n?bl? ?ff?rt t? fulfill th? l?tt?r ?nd ??irit of their ?r?mi??? and ??mmitm?nt?. Th?? do n?t interpret ?gr??m?nt? in an unr????n?bl? t??hni??l ?r l?g?li?ti? m?nn?r in ?rd?r t? r?ti?n?liz? non-compliance ?r create ju?tifi??ti?n? f?r ?????ing their ??mmitm?nt?.
4. LOYALTY. Ethi??l business owners are w?rth? ?f tru?t, demonstrate fid?lit? ?nd l???lt? t? persons ?nd in?tituti?n? b? fri?nd?hi? in adversity, support ?nd d?v?ti?n to duty; th?? do n?t use ?r di??l??? inf?rm?ti?n l??rn?d in confidence for ??r??n?l advantage. They ??f?gu?rd the ability t? m?k? independent ?r?f???i?n?l judgm?nt? b? ??ru?ul?u?l? ?v?iding undu? influ?n??? and ??nfli?t? ?f int?r??t. Th?? ?r? l???l t? th?ir businesses.
5. FAIRNESS. Ethical business owners ?re fair ?nd just in ?ll d??ling?; they d? not ?x?r?i?? ??w?r arbitrarily, ?nd d? not use ?v?rr???hing n?r indecent m??n? t? g?in ?r m?int?in ?n? advantage nor t?k? undue ?dv?nt?g? ?f ?n?th?r’? mi?t?k?? or difficulties. F?ir persons m?nif??t a ??mmitm?nt t? ju?ti??, the equal tr??tm?nt ?f individuals, tolerance f?r and acceptance of diversity, the th?? ?r? open-minded; they ?r? willing t? ?dmit th?? ?r? wr?ng ?nd, wh?r? appropriate, ?h?ng? th?ir ???iti?n? ?nd b?li?f?.
6. CONCERN FOR OTHERS. Ethi??l business owners ?r? ??ring, ??m????i?n?t?, benevolent and kind; th?? lik? th? G?ld?n Rul?, h?l? th??? in n??d, ?nd ???k to ????m?li?h th?ir bu?in??? objectives in a m?nn?r th?t causes th? l???t h?rm ?nd the gr??t??t positive g??d.
7. LEADERSHIP. Ethi??l business owners ?r? ??n??i?u? ?f th? r????n?ibiliti?? ?nd opportunities of th?ir ???iti?n of l??d?r?hi? ?nd seek to be ???itiv? ethical r?l? m?d?l? b? their conduct and by h?l?ing t? create ?n environment in which ?rin?i?l?d r????ning and ?thi??l decision making are highly ?riz?d.
These 7 Traits of Ethical Business Owners establish a framework for business success.
The post 7 Traits of Ethical Business Owners appeared first on Chuck Gallagher.
News Media Interview Contact
Name: Chuck Gallagher
Group: Chuck Gallagher, LLC
Dateline: Greenville, SC United States
Direct Phone: 828-244-1400
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