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45 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Presentation Skills
Arnold Sanow -- The Business Source Arnold Sanow -- The Business Source
Vienna, VA
Monday, April 29, 2013



  45 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Presentation Skills

Every time you deliver a presentation whether it is at a staff meeting, a sales call to persuade clients, a briefing or a formal presentation at a  conference, everything you do and say is being judged. People will makeup their minds about your competence, intelligence, and overall abilities by how well you come across.  Here are 45 proven and time-tested tips that I have shared with my clients in my keynotes, training and coaching programs to help them transform their presentation skills to boost their credibility, image and personal presence; persuade, motivate and influence others; project poise and professionalism; captivate and engage the audience; develop comfort and confidence and to be clear and concise.  To improve communication and presentation skills see www.arnoldsanow.com - www.speakingcoach.com  or contact speaker@arnoldsanow.com
  • Speaker's commandment #1 - don't be boring
  • Speaker's commandment #2 - never wing it.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice - use a video camera of live audience
  • Smile as much as appropriate
  • Turn off your cell phone before arriving
  • Always arrive early --- make sure everything works
  • Be prepared to deliver your presentation without slides if something goes wrong
  • Bring backups of anything you may need
  • People are judging you as soon as you walk in the room. Your first impression will be a lasting impression
  • Dress appropriately for your audience
  • Stand by the door and cheerfully greet all attendees as they arrive
  • Never go over the time you've been allotted. If possible end early
  • Update your presentation on a regular basis to get the latest trends, thoughts and ideas
  • Always build pauses in your presentations - people need time to absorb your main points
  • Don't talk down to the audience
  • Be authentic
  • Use vocal variety
  • Be prepared
  • Always pause after laughter
  • Follow the AT&T rule for humor: It needs to be appropriate, timely and tasteful
  • Use relevant stories - this is what people will remember
  • Have a strong opening and a strong closing
  • Always use your own style
  • A presentation is just a conversation
  • Exaggerate your body language and expressions
  • Watch your language ---- Be politically correct
  • Avoid talking about sex, politics and religion
  • Be enthusiastic - People are more convinced by your energy, enthusiasm and conviction than by anything else.
  • Every 3 to 5 minutes have a story, anecdote, example, exercise or question
  • Be sensitive to the audience's wants and needs --- Observe body language and words to see if they are into your presentation
  • Always use a remote hand held clicker vs. using the laptop to advance slides
  • Videotape every presentation  and review on a regular basis
  • Know your audience and focus on their needs, challenges and concerns
  • Your presentation is not about you
  • Be careful about topics that may offend your audience
  • Make sure your appearance is appropriate for the group
  • Don't let negative or critical feedback pull you down. Remember, it's not personal
  • Always repeat the question and look at everyone when answering
  • Tell people to take out their cell phones during your presentation and twitter ideas, thoughts and best practices.
  • Use new material. Keep up to date with the news, relevant stories, etc.
  • Be prepared if things don't work. If projector is not working, keep going without it.
  • Stay energized and motivated while presenting your material (unless you are performing a eulogy at a funeral). However don't get too carried away and speak so quickly that your audience can't keep up. 
  • Make sure all presentations have a combination of interactivity, fun and content.
  • If a couple people give you bad reviews out of a room of 50 ignore them.
  • Be genuine while at the same time entertaining. Don't overdo it with too much drama. Vaudeville will only get you so far. People are paying for content as well as entertainment.  If they wanted to see a drama, they'll go see a play. If they want "just" comedy, they'll go see a stand-up comic. Blend it together.
To  improve your presentation, personal presence and communication skills so you can speak clearly, confidently and convincingly to inform or impress, persuade or provoke, intrigue or inspire- contact Arnold Sanow at  www.arnoldsanow.com  
 703-255-3133 or speaker@arnoldsanow.com to find out more about his keynotes, training and coaching sessions.


Need a Speaker, Seminar Leader or Facilitator?

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Keynotes, Seminars, Training, Retreats, Facilitations, Consulting, Coaching

Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) works with his clients to assist them in improving, increasing and maximizing individual and organizational performance. He accomplishes this by delivering speeches, seminars, training, facilitation and consulting. His most popular presentations and programs include:

·       Get Along with Anyone,  Anytime, Anywhere ... Build Rapport,
          Relationships and Connect with Customers and Co-workers (Can also

          be titled, "Creating Enduring Connections ... Build Rapport,
          Relationships and Connect with Customers and Co-workers")

·        Keeping Customers for Life ... Create a "WOW" Customer Experience 
         (also titled, "What Customers Love")

·        Communicate Like A Pro - Boost Your Communication IQ!

·        Winning Presentation Skills - Put Power, Punch and Pizzazz into      

           Your Presentations. - www.speakingcoach.com

·         7 Traits Top Leaders Share

·        Teams That Work ... Transform Individuals into Teams
*       Winning Networking Strategies through Personal Branding

·        Marketing/Sales Boot Camp.. Boost Your Bottom Line .. Now! 
          (Relationship 1 to 1 sales)

·        Facilitation of meetings, strategy sessions and retreats
 Arnold has been the President of The Business Source, Inc. since 1985. He has delivered over 2,500 paid presentations to over 500 companies, organizations and associations worldwide. Recently he was named by Successful Meetings Magazine as one of the top 5 "best bang for the buck" speakers in the USA. In addition, he is the author/co-author of 6 books to include, "Get Along with Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime" and "Present with Power, Punch and Pizzazz." He is also a frequent guest in the media to include, the CBS evening news, ABC World News, USA Today, Time Magazine, Wall Street Journal, etc. He can reached at 703-255-3133 or at www.arnoldsanow.com   speaker@arnoldsanow.com


Start, Build and Grow Your Own Full or Part Time Speaking/Training Business-Arnold Sanow will work with you one to one to help you start, build and grow your own speaking, training and coaching business. You'll save time, money and frustration with Arnold's step-by-step coaching and mentoring program See the web site www.speakingcoach.com  or www.arnoldsanow.com  -click on business opportunities or Call 703-255-3133


"Turn- Key" Training Company is now Availiable.Partner/Align with Arnold Sanow to offer speaking and training services to your clients. If you have an established business here is a chance to add a new division without any cost or risk. Or do you want to start a business?  Increase your companies income. Brand it as yours. No additional staffing, No additional expenses. We do all the work. Just offer our training services and let us do the rest! Adds additional earnings to your bottom line. Great additional income stream. Call 703-255-3133

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP
Title: Speaker, Seminar Leader, Facilitator
Group: The Business Source
Dateline: Vienna, VA United States
Direct Phone: 703-255-3133
Cell Phone: 703-869-1881
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