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4 Spiritual Lessons I Learned Over Decades Of Meditation & 57 Trips To India
Susan Allan -- The Marriage Forum Susan Allan -- The Marriage Forum
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Santa Barbara, CA
Sunday, April 30, 2023


How to Change your Life by seeking the Divine and shaping your Future

I have practiced disconnecting from outer sights and sounds and focusing on The Divine within to experience Bliss

In my twenties, I was introduced to meditation by the magnetic and magnificent actor, Michael Nouri. Long before his Broadway and Hollywood fame, Michael was a force field and he invited my mother and me to meet Maharaji, known as Prem, a charismatic Indian spiritual leader. The Guru’s contagious joy started my lifelong meditation practice to access inner peace and happiness.

Longing for Joy and Inner Peace

At first, my interest was to improve my state of mind and later, as that was an easily accessible outcome, my goals became specific and aligned with various life situations. The message from each Guru and spiritual leader with whom I studied was clear to me, not from the thousands of hours I listened and learned how to meditate, but from observing their own lives. Most gurus began in poverty in India, some possessed one piece of fabric with which to clothe themselves and a begging bowl and a vision of union with the Divine.

The biggest lesson I learned is this:

1.    Focus on what you desire

2.    Learn and practice various inner skills

3.    With repetition and diligence, your future unfolds in alignment with your “one-pointedness”, a term used by many Indian Gurus.

4.    However, if you focus on what you do not want, problems increase, and solutions are delayed and you suffer more.

To enjoy the complete article please visit my Blog on www.Yourtango.com and for answers to your questions please email susan@susanallan.org


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Name: Susan Allan
Group: The Marriage Forum Inc.
Dateline: Santa Barbara, CA United States
Direct Phone: 805-695-8405
Main Phone: 805-695-8405
Cell Phone: 818-314-1200
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