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4 Signs The Person Who Ghosted You Might Actually Come Back
Fran Greene, LCSWR -- Flirting - Dating - Relationship  Coach Fran Greene, LCSWR -- Flirting - Dating - Relationship Coach
Commack, NY
Thursday, August 10, 2017


So out of nowhere, just when things seemed to be going well, you were ghosted. Wondering if the person who ghosted you will come back? It's possible. My theory on people who have dumped you is that they always force themselves back into your life eventually, right?

So yeah, that person who ghosted you — they will come back. And there are several ways they will try to go about it. They might send you a present in the mail, ask mutual friends about you, or — the most popular — keep tabs on you online.

In my humble opinion, someone who continues to like your social media still has an interest in how you are and what you're doing, and most importantly, they're probably liking those selfies you put up because they still find you attractive. Don't be surprised if you get a text from an ex who ghosted you after you post a thirst trap. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about.

But social media isn't the only sign that a ghoster might be coming back into your life.

Fran Greene, LCSW, The Flirting, Dating, and Relationship Coach, and author of Dating Again with Courage and Confidence and The Flirting Bible, told me the four signs that the person who ghosted you might actually come back. But do you want to let them?


View Full Story at this link:  http://elitedaily.com/dating/signs-guy-ghosted-you-will-come-back/2041021/

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Name: Fran Greene, LCSWR
Title: Flirting, Dating, and Relationship Coach
Dateline: Commack, NY United States
Direct Phone: 516-317-5818
Cell Phone: 631-265-5683
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