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2-Minute Tips 12 Most Common Mistakes Presenters Make
Arnold Sanow -- The Business Source Arnold Sanow -- The Business Source
Vienna, VA
Friday, September 9, 2011


2-Minute Tips -- 12 Most Common Mistakes Presenters Make

There are a number of concerns and challenges presenters face when organizing and delivering presentations. Here are 12 of the most common problems we have seen over the decades in our presentation skills training programs and coaching. Based on the book, Present with Power, Punch and Pizzazz by Arnold Sanow and Henry J. Lescault.

Lack of Initial Rapport with Listeners. Many presenters walk in a room and immediately start practicing and going over their program. They fail to meet and greet the attendees. Although they have their material down, they have failed to build the initial rapport and connection that can determine the success or failure of a presentation. To fix this situation, always arrive early to set up. When attendees start arriving stand by the door and greet each one. Shake hands, smile, focus with good eye contact and nod to show you are paying attention. If there is still time after greeting everyone, continue to talk to audience members.

Poor Meeting Space. Arrive early and make sure everything is set up the way you want it. Can everyone see you? Is the seating set up in a U-Shape or tables in rounds so that you get maximum interaction and impact? Is it too warm or too cold? Are there any distractions (open windows with great views, noise from other meetings, etc.)? Is the lighting appropriate? Is it clean? Can everyone hear you from anywhere in the room?

Stiffness in Use of Body. By moving around you create energy and as a result keep your audience awake. To make our clients move around, we put little round sticky dots on the floor. This is a reminder that every few minutes they should move to one of those dots.

Body Language is Distracting. People's attention spans are short. Anything you do that distracts them will take away from your message. Here are some common distractions; hands in pockets, playing with marker or notes, filler words (ah's uhms, oks'), speaking in monotone, your dress (not appropriate for the group)

Poor Use of Eye Contact or Facial Expression. Eye contact is the key to building rapport or trust. Make sure you look people in the eye when you meet them and throughout your presentation. As a rule of thumb, good eye contact is around 3 to 5 seconds. After that people tend to become uncomfortable. After 5 seconds glance away and then come back. Also, make sure to smile when appropriate and use facial expressions to convey messages as happiness, anger and sadness.

Lack of Humor. People remember humor 6 times longer than they remember anything else. We don't mean to use jokes. Unless you are a comedian be very careful if you do use jokes. Also, as a rule of thumb make sure all your humor follows the AT@T rule. Humor needs to be appropriate, timely and tasteful. Start a humor file on your computer. Write down everything you hear, say or do that seems funny to you on a daily basis. Family and friends are great resources for material as well as newsworthy items.

Speaker Seems Uncomfortable Because of Fear of Failure. If you think you will deliver a poor presentation the odds are you will. Think the best. One technique we prescribe is to have our clients write out 50 times, "I am a great presenter" We then have them repeat it another 50 times. By the time you are finished you start believing it.

Talk is Rambling. Presentations are unclear because of poor preparation. 90% of the success of any presentation hinges on planning out your presentation and going over and over it until you feel comfortable. Our rule of thumb is that you need to spend at least 20 hours for every 1 hour presentation. 20 hours included the design, development and practice.

Use of Boring Language and Lack of Interesting Material. To keep things spiced up make sure every 3 to 5 minutes there is a story, anecdote, exercise, humor, or question.

Lack of Energy or Enthusiasm. People are more convinced by your energy, enthusiasm and conviction than by anything else you do. To make sure you keep your enthusiasm high, one exercise we suggest is to take any article in a newspaper and highlight or circle key words. Then read the article with your regular voice, and when you come to the highlighted words yell out the highlighted word. Do this 20 times before your presentation and you will naturally be more enthusiastic. In the next chapter see another exercise we use to keep your enthusiasm high.

Inability to Use Silence as Impact. Many speakers talk too fast and don't take a breath. To make sure everyone understands your message and to get maximum impact on what you want to get across, it's important to stop at key points. For example, you may want to say, "80% of businesses that start today will be out of business in 5 years" At this point stop, look at the audience and give them time to ponder this thought. By stopping they also tend to become more attentive. They are now listening to hear what you are going to say about it. If you don't stop the impact is lost.

Presentation is Intellectually Oriented ... Speaker Forgets to Involve Emotionally. Facts, statistics and data are important, however your presentation will come alive by having stories, anecdotes, case studies and examples. For example, one politician was discussing the budget deposit. Instead of just giving numbers and facts, he showed a slide with a picture of dollar bills going around the earth three times. In another instance, one speaker was talking about drunk driving. Instead of just statistics the presenter used the story about someone who died in a drunk driving incident.


Ask About Arnold's Professional Development Programs, Workshops, Keynotes, Coaching and Consulting. Arnold works with companies and individuals to assist them in improving their communication and presentation skills to build more positive, productive and profitable companies and organizations

www.arnoldsanow.com - speaker@arnoldsanow.com - 703-255-3133


www.arnoldsanow.com - overall site

www.speakingcoach.com - site dedicated to presentation skills and the business of speaking


Need a Speaker, Seminar Leader or Facilitator?

Make Your Next Meeting A Memorable One!!

Keynotes, Seminars, Training, Retreats, Facilitations, Consulting, Coaching

Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) works with his clients to assist them in improving, increasing and maximizing individual and organizational performance. He accomplishes this by delivering speeches, seminars, training, facilitation and consulting. His most popular presentations and programs include:

· Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere ... Build Rapport,

Relationships and Connect with Customers and Co-workers (Can also

be titled, "Creating Enduring Connections ... Build Rapport,

Relationships and Connect with Customers and Co-workers")

· Keeping Customers for Life ... Create a "WOW" Customer Experience

· Communicate Like A Pro - Boost Your Communication IQ!

· Deliver Every Presentation with Power, Punch and Pizzazz!

· Facilitatation of meetings, strategy sessions and retreats

Arnold has been the President of The Business Source, Inc. since 1985. He has delivered over 2,500 paid presentations to over 500 companies, organizations and associations worldwide. Recently he was named by Successful Meetings Magazine as one of the top 5 "best bang for the buck" speakers in the USA. In addition, he is the author/co-author of 6 books to include, "Get Along with Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime", "Present with Power, Punch and Pizzazz", "Marketing Boot Camp" and the "Charisma Card Deck" and is a frequent guest in the media to include, the CBS evening news, ABC World News, USA Today, Time Magazine, Wall Street Journal, etc. He can reached at 703-255-3133 or at www.arnoldsanow.com speaker@arnoldsanow.com


Customer Service Makeovers - We will review your current situation, mystery shop, interview key staff and customers, review systems and guidelines and look at all processes and procedures from the customers point of view. You will then get a report with specific actions to take to improve service and a follow up seminar to go over the findings and a comprehensive review of what is WOW service


Coaching- Arnold Sanow will work with you and/or your team members on a one to one basis to assist you in meeting and achieving your personal and professional goals and objectives. The coaching sessions concentrate on where you are today and what needs to be done to get where you want to be tomorrow. Call now at 703-255-3133 or e-mail at speaker@arnoldsanow.com


Hotline- Do you ever have those pressing questions, concerns or just need to know how to approach a situation? Arnold Sanow and his associates will be available to you and your staff on an ongoing basis by phone or e-mail. For about the price of only 1 hour of consulting you and your staff can have an advisor, coach, consultant, advocate and strategist for a year. Call now at 703-255-3133 or e-mail at speaker@arnoldsanow.com


Board of Advisors - Arnold Sanow will be a member of your team and provide you or your company with real world advice, strategies and techniques on an ongoing basis. You are never alone. When you have those pressing needs, challenges and concerns Arnold will be there to guide you. Call 703-255-3133 for more information


Increase Sales, Boost Profits, Cut Costs, Improve Customer Service and Develop a Positive Working Environment. Arnold Sanow has facilitated numerous meetings and retreats to develop specific solutions to provide immediate answers to the challenges you face. Call Arnold at 703-255-3133 or speaker@arnoldsanow.com


Webinars/Tele-seminars- Save time and money ... No travel!

Ask about our targeted series of webinars that feature short 20 minute meetings with a 15 minute question and answer period. These webinars provide specific how-to information that can be used immediately. These "bite-sized" modules which are tailored to your organizations needs, challenges and concerns provide you with exactly what you need without overwhelming you. Depending on your needs you will receive a series of 6 to 10 webinars broken into digestible modules with real-life tips, tools, solutions you can use ... NOW! There is no travel, no expenses, no time away from the office or high fees. Please call now for more information 703-255-3133


Lease/Outsource Your Own Training Department

The Business Source, Inc, run by Arnold Sanow will work with you to design customized training programs to meet all of your companies or organizations needs. We will coordinate all training, handle all logistics and get the right instructor for each program. If you are looking for a "one stop" shop to save you time, money and the aggravation of having to find the right trainer for the right program call Arnold at 703-255-3133 or at speaker@arnoldsanow.com


Audio Insights. This monthly audio magazine comes to you on a CD with bite-sized messages focusing on specific tips, tools and solutions you can use to assist you in your personal and professional life. Yearly subscription is $297. Special rates for groups. Call Arnold Sanow 703-255-3133 or e-mail speaker@arnoldsanow.com


Start, Build and Grow Your Own Full or Part Time Speaking/Training Business-Arnold Sanow works one on one with his clients to help them start, build and grow a successful speaking, training and coaching practice. You'll save time, money and frustration with Arnold's step-by-step coaching and mentoring program See the web site www.speakingcoach.com or www.arnoldsanow.com -click on business opportunities or Call 703-255-3133


Independent Agents/Reps Wanted to Promote Arnold's services- Build your own business- Part/full time to promote Arnold Sanows' speaking, seminars, training and facilitation programs. Proven track record - Easy to sell and work with - Generous commissions, call 703-255-3133 or e-mail at speaker@arnoldsanow.com


"Turn- Key" Training Company is now Availiable.Partner/Align with Arnold Sanow to offer speaking and training services to your clients. If you have an established business here is a chance to add a new division without any cost or risk. Or do you want to start a business? Increase your companies income. Brand it as yours. No additional staffing, No additional expenses. We do all the work. Just offer our training services and let us do the rest! Adds additional earnings to your bottom line. Great additional income stream. Call 703-255-3133

Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP, is a speaker, seminar leader, facilitator and coach focusing on building stronger customer and workplace relationships. He has delivered over 2,500 paid presentations to more than 500 companies, associations and governmental agencies. He is the author/co-author of 5 books to include; "Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere" and "Marketing Boot Camp". His topics focus on people skills, teambuilding, leadership, communication, getting along, persuasion, customer service, presentation skills and relationships sales. www.arnoldsanow.com - speaker@arnoldsanow.com - 703-255-3133 ---- Want to become a speaker/trainer? Contact www.speakingcoach.com or call 703-255-3133.Program descriptions and video at http://bureau.espeakers.com/simp/viewspeaker9980

Rated by Successful Meetings Magazine as one of the top 5 best "bang for the buck" speakers in the USA for 2009

Hear Arnold talk about Getting Along on ABC News at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2fOX0UjyJo and how to keep your attitude upbeat at FOX news


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP
Title: Speaker, Seminar Leader, Facilitator
Group: The Business Source
Dateline: Vienna, VA United States
Direct Phone: 703-255-3133
Cell Phone: 703-869-1881
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