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13 Ways to Use the 2019 ‘Black Book’ to Contact Celebrities
Joan Stewart -- Publicity Expert Joan Stewart -- Publicity Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Sagamore Hills, OH
Monday, April 22, 2019


Book of celebrity contacts“How can I contact Charlize Therone and ask her to endorse my new book on transgender children? I read that she announced that her daughter, 7, is transgender. “

“Our non-profit wants to ask Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers to donate a signed jersey for our silent auction. Who do we call?”

“I want to send a sample of my company’s new lip gloss to Kim Kardashian. Do you have her address?”

*    *    *

Those are the types of questions I receive frequently. That’s why I’m glad that Jordan McAuley finally updated “The Celebrity Black Book 2019 (Deluxe Edition).” [Affiliate link.]  It’s packed with more than 56,000 verified celebrity addresses for movie and TV stars, musicians, athletes, reality stars, politicians, world leaders, authors and writers, directors, producers and more.

How Celebrities Can Help You

I haven’t checked the book, but I doubt you’ll find Kim Kardashian’s mobile number. The way to get through to most celebs is to penetrate their inner circle: the important people who decide whether your request is worthy of a second look. Those might include the celeb’s booker, manager, talent agent, assistant, lawyer, publicist spokesperson, who are much easier to reach.       

Here are 13 ways to use the “Black Book” of celebrity contacts:

  1. Autograph collectors can ask their favorite celebs for an autographed photo.
  2. In charge of gathering items for your nonprofit’s silent auction? Your best bet is to find a celeb whose favorite charitable cause or issue dovetails with yours.
  3. Authors can ask celebrities to endorse their book. These are called “book blurbs” and appear on the inside flaps or back cover. 
  4. If you’re lobbying for legislation at the state or national levels, a celebrity who cares about the issue too might lend his or her name to your efforts.
  5. Ditto for politicians. A congressman in California might be eager to support your cause in Delaware.   
  6. You need a musician to perform at a special event.
  7. You want your book to be turned into a movie and need contact information for Hollywood producers.
  8. You have an idea for a reality TV show.
  9. You want a product placement. That means your product would appear on the set of a TV show or movie, and you’re willing to pay. If you don’t have money to pay, you can still ask that it be included. This is known as a “trade out.”
  10.  If your library needs a current celebrity address book, this is a good choice. 
  11.  Journalists and freelance writers who need to interview celebrities can save valuable time if they know the publicists’ telephone numbers or email addresses. 
  12. PR pros who need to contact celebrities on behalf of their clients will find this a valuable resource.      
  13. If your print or broadcast media outlets receive lots of requests for celebrity contact information, tell people about this book.

Contact Any Celebrity, Jordan McAuley’s subscription service provides up-to-minute contact info for celebrities. It’s recommended in several best-selling books including Tim Ferris’s The 4-Hour Workweek, Dan Kennedy’s No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent, Dan Poynter’s Publishing Encyclopedia, John Kremer’s 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, Robin Blakely’s Get PR Therapy, and Tsufit’s Step Into the Spotlight: A Guide to Getting Noticed. Learn more about the service using this affiliate link. 

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Name: Joan Stewart
Group: The Publicity Hound
Dateline: Sagamore Hills, OH United States
Main Phone: 262-235-2843
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