Home > NewsRelease > 127 – Get top rankings fast: Tom talks Paid Traffic
127 – Get top rankings fast: Tom talks Paid Traffic
Tom Antion -- Multimillionaire Internet Marketing Expert Tom Antion -- Multimillionaire Internet Marketing Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Virginia Beach, VA
Monday, May 13, 2019


Episode 127 Paid Traffic. Yes, I still believe in basic search engine optimization, but paid traffic is now the key to success. I’ll cover this today in my Monday training session. Remember Monday’s are reserved for in depth training on things that have made me or saved me lots of money. And Wednesdays and Fridays I interview lots of other great entrepreneurs.

Last Episode 126 Travis Ketchum Contest Domination This guy has the gold standard for Contest services in is responsible for probably 80 million contest entries. He’s also got a new service that even shocked me after I’ve been doing this online stuff for 25 years. Don’t miss his episode.

I’ve got a big Freebie to thank you for listening to this podcast. It’s my $27.00 e-book “How to Automate Your business” Just one of the tips in this e-book has saved me over 7 million keystrokes. And I just might have something else for you over there I’ll know you’ll like. Visit: https://www.ScrewTheCommute.com/automatefree
Our Podcast App. Is in the iTunes store. You can also go to https://www.ScrewTheCommute.com/app where we have complete instructions to show you how to use all the fancy features so you can take us with you on the road and put it on your cell phone and tablet. If you would be so kind, please visit iTunes and leave us a review and rating. It really helps out the show.
And also, please tell your friends about this podcast. The more successful it is, the more freebies I’ll be giving to our faithful listeners.
Today's sponsor is the distance learning school The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. Did you ever wonder how tens of thousands of people like me sit home, earn legitimate money and don’t have to listen to a boss or get up and fight traffic every day? It’s because we have legitimate online businesses. The reason I keep emphasizing the word “Legitimate” is because there are tons of scams out there in the online world. That’s why I started the only licensed and dedicated Internet Marketing distance learning school in the country, https://www.IMTCVA.org You can have a ….here I go again…..legitimate lifestyle business in as little as six months. Check it out and we’ll have the link in the show notes.
And we’re approved by the Department of Defense for their scholarship program for military spouses so if you know any military spouses who want to work out of their home from wherever they’re deployed, please send them my way.
Main Event
Let’s get to the main topic today which is Paid Traffic. For many years I had great success with what they call organic traffic, i.e. traffic that came directly off the search engines because I was positioned well for my keywords. I had pretty much the best of the best training early on by a guy named Michael Campbell who could get all ten top positions in the search engines for himself and his clients and I was able to get between 4 and 6 of the top positions for myself on major keywords. I was in the top three on Google for 12 years straight on a major keyword that brought me hundreds of thousands of dollars of business over all those years.
What’s the old saying?.....”That was then, this is now.” Most of that stuff is long gone and I gave up on chasing first page rankings probably now about five years ago. I made a major shift in my strategy. It’s just not worth the time and effort anymore and for most people they could chase top rankings for a year or more and never get one. Not only did you lose all the time and money chasing the top rankings, you lost the sales you could have had during all that time. It’s long past the time when people penny pinch and think they can just write some good blog posts and have traffic pouring into their website. You have to do so much now to even have a chance of any success, that to me it’s just too risky and wasteful to even try. And even if you did get some success, Google and the other search engines could change one little thing and all of a sudden you disappear off the face of the earth. It’s happened even to many big companies who have 40 geeks working on search engine positioning day and night to beat you. Even they had to lay off tons of people when Google made a change where the companies rankings plummeted and so did their sales.
None of what I just said, means I think you should ignore basic search engine optimization principles that we aren’t really covering in today’s episode. It just means you will be far better off learning about paid traffic sources and how to tap into them without losing your shirt and not to scare you off, but you can lose your shirt if you’re not careful. How do I know? Years ago, I got too busy and put an ad in on a weekend and forgot about it till Monday where I owed Google $8,000.00 with no sales from the ad. OUCH! So, this brings me to your first lesson about paid traffic. YOU MUST OBSESS ON YOUR ADS UNTIL YOU GET MORE EXPERIENCE AND LEARN HOW TO LIMIT LOSSES IF AN AD ISN’T WORKING.
What does obsess mean? It means you check your ads every 15 minutes or so and maybe turn them off at night. It means knowing absolutely how to pause them and you would think that would be easy too wouldn’t you? Well that was another hard lesson I had to learn. At least it wasn’t $8,000.00 but it was about $500.00 I lost when I “thought” I paused an ad and it was really still running. I didn’t know about it till I got my Google bill. I got hold of them (which isn’t easy) to complain that I had paused the ad weeks ago and they said, “No you didn’t. You just paused one ad group, but left the entire campaign running” YIKES another user error. So, I paid the darn bill.
Again, I don’t want to scare you off from paid traffic. I just want you to know there are dangers of not knowing what you’re doing. Today’s episode is designed to show you where you could be advertising and give you ideas on how it works, but to do it well takes some training, or you could be paying those big bills that I had to pay and get no results.
Speaking of results. Here’s another overriding principle when you are using paid ads. Most of your ads will fail. What? Yes, I said most of your ads will fail. Even the best, most experienced digital ad agency will tell you, most of their ads fail. You might ask, “If most of your ads fail, how could you possibly make any money with paid ads?”
The answer comes in that old adage, “You must fail fast.” That means you cut off failing ads quickly. Here’s how it works. Let’s say you were advertising collectible baseball cards. You would make a whole bunch of ads. Maybe one had a Babe Ruth card, another Willy Mays and so forth. Maybe another set of ads were a video collage of a bunch of baseball cards. Maybe another set of ads were you holding up and talking about collectible baseball cards. Then you might change the text surrounding the ads to emphasize different things about baseball cards. Maybe one set of ads concentrates on the financial appreciation baseball cards have had over the years so it’s a good investment (be careful not to guarantee that), Maybe another set of ads concentrates on passing them on to your kids and so forth. You might end up with 15 or 20 ads or more.
You put all the ads up and then like I just said, you obsess on them. You watch carefully which ads are getting the most clicks for the cheapest price and you shut off the ones that are giving you the least clicks at the highest price. Basically, you are looking for the winning ads and immediately shutting off the losing ads. I.e. Fail Fast. Remember I said, most of your ads will fail. That’s just the nature of the beast. You want to find the tiny number of winners out of all the losers.
Now let me take a brief sidebar here. This is an introduction to paid ads. So, I’m just giving you the basics. As you get more experience you will learn things like the ad that gets the most clicks is not necessarily the best ad. What if it’s getting lots of clicks from people that come over to your site, but they don’t buy? I.e. they are tire kickers? In many cases you will find that an ad that gets far fewer clicks is the best ad for you because even though it doesn’t bring as many people, the people it does attract are buyers and not tire kickers. This gets into the field of ad tracking which is too deep for today’s episode and I’ll probably cover it in a future training session because getting good at ad tracking and split testing ads can really make you rich.
OK So, now I’m going to get into the different places you could be advertising. You should know that Google and Facebook are only a fraction of places you could be advertising and this is by no means a comprehensive list. It is way more than enough for you to get started and even I don’t do too many of these at once, because I don’t want to get too busy to obsess and forget about a losing ad which will waste lots of money. I’ll also be throwing in paid advertising tips along the way.
OK. Let’s go through a list of places you can advertise. I think I put these in alphabetical order so as not to push one service over another. You have to experiment and find out the ones that make you money for your products and your services. OK the first is AMS or Amazon Marketing Services. You can now advertise your books and other products on Amazon and they are now the third largest advertising service behind Google and Facebook.
Next is Bing. It’s Microsoft’s version of Google Ads. It’s actually a good place to start learning paid ads because since it has less traffic and less advertisers the clicks are not as expensive and any screwups you have will most likely be less painful than if you screwed up on Google. They also now have a custom audience function available which I will cover later and they are making it easier to import any ads you’ve tried in Google into their advertising platform.
OK Here we go with Facebook. The absolute first thing you should do ….or more likely have a geek or tech person do for you is to set the Facebook Pixel on all your pages of your blogs, websites, shopping cart thank you pages etc.
So, what is a pixel? Well to simplify it, it’s a piece of code that marks people that visit your pages. You may have heard of “cookies” before. It’s a kind of cookie. What it does is that it marks people so you can advertise to them more efficiently. Let’s go back to our baseball card example. Let’s say that you have a separate page for each one of your major baseball cards. We’ll take Babe Ruth again as an example. Let’s say you had 1000 people visit the Babe Ruth page of your website. Those 1000 people have shown a special interest in Babe Ruth because they visited the Babe Ruth page. All thousand of those people got what we call “Pixeled”, in other words the Facebook Pixel knows those thousand people visited the page. So, when you decide to advertise some Babe Ruth stuff, you can advertise only to those people who have already shown interest in Babe Ruth instead of sending your ad to everyone on earth. This is what is called targeted advertising. It increases your chance to sell Babe Ruth stuff because the people had already shown an interest in Babe Ruth and decreases your ad cost because you aren’t advertising to the whole world. Only to a specific targeted group of people.
Pixels will let you do lots of other stuff like not showing ads to people who already bought a certain product. That’s certainly wasteful and annoying to them.
I’ll also cover more about pixels when I tell you about “audiences” here shortly. One more thing you should know about pixels is that Facebook is not the only advertising place that has them. Google has them too and some of the other advertising places are getting them, but for now your IT person or geek should install both the Google and the Facebook pixel at the same time so you’ll be ready when you start advertising on Google and Facebook.
OK. I’ve got something with regard to Facebook that I really suggest you look at. It’s called the Facebook Epic Infographic on targeting your ads. It gives you All the different choices you can make to target your ads. Make sure you take a look at it in the show notes when you can.
Now let’s talk about Facebook Audiences and I have another great resource article I like from a company called adespresso. It’s a beginner’s guide to targeting ads on Facebook.
OK. Back to Facebook audiences. Basically, an audience is a group of people. The reason Facebook is kind of the gold standard for targeting ads is because they give you so darn many ways to precisely target people you want to send ads to. It’s almost a little scary or creepy how much they know about their users, but that’s another issue. From an advertising standpoint, it’s good for you because you can point ads only to those people that should care about the ads which saves you tons of money from shoving out ads to everyone.
One of the ways you can target is based on the person’s interest. Maybe they like golf, or tennis or maybe they like the show “Game of Thrones” you can actually target those people with an ad. Crazy huh?
You can target people based on their affiliation. Maybe you want to target people who work at IBM or are liberal or conservative
You can make custom audiences that have a bunch of targeting options lumped into one. Maybe you want to target tennis players in Florida, that are 35 years of age or older. Or maybe you want to find another way to reach your own subscribers and customers so you upload your database to Facebook and they do their best to locate your people on Facebook and create an audience of them for you to advertise to. That’s also called a custom audience. You might ask, “Why would I do that when I can just email them?” Well, it’s important to be able to reach your people in multiple ways and many people don’t read their email right away, and many email programs throw your email in the spam folder or commercial folder etc. so reaching people in more than one way is a good idea.
Now here’s a really cool thing that Facebook does. It creates “Lookalike” audiences. Facebook will actually take your customers or subscribers and go out and find similar people to the people that already know you. They make a “lookalike” audience to them and you can advertise to that group of people. How they know who the lookalike audiences are is beyond my pay grade hahaha. Anyway, the more you advertise to your lookalike audience and start getting some results, the more accurate the targeting of potential lookalike people becomes. It’s really amazing how lookalike audiences work. I don’t pretend to understand how Facebook could do this, but they can.
OK here’s another really powerful thing you can do with audiences and I’ll bet this has happened to you. You visit a website or product page and then all of a sudden, ads for that product start appearing all over the place. I bought a bra one time for my girlfriend because she needed it for an event and I had an Amazon Prime account for fast shipping. For the next couple months bra ads were following me around wherever I went hahahaha. Anyway, what just happened was that I was retargeted. In this case they retargeted me as a person interested in bras……hahahahah Well, I guess that’s technically right about that. Hahaha If I hadn’t bought the bra, they probably would have sent me ads for the same bra reminding me to come back and buy it. I.e. they saw I was interested and the sent me something based on the interests I showed. That’s retargeting. Oh, it’s also called remarketing. Your results are generally better because again the person has shown an interest in your product before you advertise the product to them.
So, now that you know that an audience is a group of people that have certain characteristics, they visited a certain page, or they are interested in a certain topic, or they work at a certain place now let’s talk about the strategy to create ads for different audiences. And remember I’m going to cover a lot more places to advertise than just Facebook. The next thing I tell you applies to many places.
Audience Temperature
I break down audiences into three identifiers Cold, Warm and Hot. Your strategy with your ads needs to be different for each of those audiences. First let me define what I mean by cold, warm and hot. The first audience called “cold” means they have never heard of you or shown any interest in your stuff. The second audience called “warm” is an audience that’s heard of you and/or your products and services. And what is one way we know they’ve been exposed to your stuff. It’s because they got pixeled like a talked about before when they were at one of your pages. Then a “Hot” audience is a customer. They clearly know who you are or they know your product or service because they paid for it. I guess there could be other “hot” audiences like stalkers or something hahahaha, but we’ll stick with customers as the definition of a hot audience for this episode.
OK For a cold audience you have to grab attention immediately. Especially on Facebook where people are scrolling through their news feed. You must do something in the first 5 seconds to grab them and make them stop their scrolling and look at your ad or video. You could hold up your book cover or you could have something written on your t-shirt and the reason I’m emphasizing making them see something is that many times their audio is turned off by default so what you say won’t even be heard by many people. Anyway, for cold audiences you have to grab attention and usually you don’t try to go directly for a sale. In general, they just don’t know you enough at that point. It’s ok to give away a freebie or something like that as part of the ad, but just don’t expect as big a response to buy stuff when it’s a cold audience.
For a warm audience again, your job isn’t to sell them directly. It would be nice if you could and you can certainly try, but the goal of a warm ad should be to move the person along the path to getting to know like and trust you so they eventually buy something. Maybe you push harder for a freebie giveaway or a webinar registration or more details about the product page they visited on your website. You can try for a sale and you should have better luck than with a cold audience, but nothing is as good as a hot audience.
Hot audiences know you already, don’t need any warm up and just want to see that you’ve got going now or what you new product or offering or teaching is. Certainly, you can advertise like crazy to this group, but don’t be crazy about it. If you just keep hammering even the hottest audiences to buy more stuff, they eventually get tired of you and disappear or ignore your ads. Every once in a while, why not throw a customer appreciation party, of give them some free training or a gift card or something other than and ad so that you keep them hot and they don’t go from “hot” to “gone”.
Okie Doke so you now know how to treat different temperatures of audiences cold, warm and hot.
Now let’s talk about how good your ads are in the eyes of the gatekeepers of ads. So, I’ll now cover the topic of “relevance score”.
Relevance Score
This was an evaluation by Facebook of how aligned your ad was with your entire offer. I guess that’s a fair definition. The problem is there’s a lot of things involved in an ad. A low relevance score simply told you that your offering sucks and Facebook is going to charge you a lot of extra money to run it if they let you run it at all. The relevance score didn’t tell you why your offering sucked. So, after lots of screaming over a couple of years from advertisers Facebook is retiring the relevance score and replacing it with three new things called Quality Ranking”, “Engagement Rate Ranking” and “Conversion Rate Ranking”. I’m going to explain those so don’t freak out about it.
This helps marketers narrow down the areas they need to fix to have a better overall offering and cheaper ad rates. Ya see Facebook wants the person that sees the ad to have a good experience with the ads they see and click on. If Facebook didn’t care what kind of crappy and misleading ads showed, then people would quit clicking altogether and their whole revenue model would fall apart. They’re not about to let that happen so they want the ads to be good and not misleading or a hassle more than they already are for Facebook Users. Google and any other reputable advertising platform feel the same way, just some are stricter than others.
Facebook realizes that if they would require all ads to be perfect, they would lose 90 percent of their advertisers who would feel like this is just too much trouble. So, they let ads in that aren’t perfect and just charge more for them. I.e. they give you the incentive of cheaper ads to encourage you to make better ads and overall offerings. If the offering is really bad though, they won’t let it run at all.
Ok So, let’s take a look at these three ranking factors that are replacing the relevance score.
Quality Ranking
The first is “Quality Ranking” - If you notice your quality ranking is lacking, that means your competitors are creating better ads. You need to look closely at other ads and one good place to see lots of ads is at https://www.adespresso.com and continue to make your ads look great and clearly convey your offer and your score will rise.
Engagement Rate Ranking
The next is your Engagement Rate Ranking – Poor engagement rates mean you need to focus on the things that make Facebook users stop scrolling and take action. Similar to what I talked about for cold audiences. If people are ignoring your ad, you don’t make money and neither does Facebook so they give you a low score.
Conversion Rate Ranking
And the last is “Conversion Rate Ranking” – If this is poor, you need to look at what happens to the visitor after they click. If they go to your landing page, are they buying or opting in or registering or are they doing whatever you wanted them to do? If they’re not, you’ve got to fix your landing page. And we’ll talk about that in a second.
I’m very happy Facebook did this so we at least have a chance to know what to do to fix low scores which give us higher cost for our ads.
Landing Pages
There’s an old saying about landing pages and that’s “One size fits none.” There is no such thing as a universal landing page if you want to create the best customer experience and get a high Conversion Rate Ranking with your ads and sell more too. You want to make a good landing page.
First let me define a “landing page” with regard to what it means for paid ads. A landing page is the page the person “lands” on when they click from your ad. If there’s too much information on the page, it can annoy someone who already knows what they need. If there’s too little information, it may cause a first-time visitor to move on to your competitor. If the landing page headline doesn’t make sense as compared to what someone was expecting when they clicked the ad, they will immediately leave and you’ll get a bad score.
So, back to one size fits none. You must have multiple landing pages. Don’t let that scare you in most cases you can just copy the previous landing page and change a few things and you’ll be ok. For instance, here’s an obvious mismatch. if I was selling an advanced gardening course in an ad and the person clicked to a landing page that said, “If you like Gardening, this page is for you.” Well, that implies anybody ….even beginner gardeners….will find something here. Wait a minute. The ad said “advanced” gardeners and that’s why the person clicked. They didn’t want a gardening product that anyone could use, they wanted something for advanced gardeners. They immediately leave the page. The landing page should have said something like, “if you’re an advanced Gardner, then you’ve come to the right place.”
See the ad aligned with the headline of the landing page. This is really important.
OK. Here’s some more things that are usually required on landing pages….many of these items are absolutes where your ad will not get approved at all in some services if it doesn’t comply with what I tell you now. Usually there is a demand for your contact information, a privacy policy and your terms of service. The page has to be Mobile Friendly. You should be able to Navigate Away from the page I.E. people are not stuck on the landing page. You usually can’t have any automatic Popups although if the person presses a button, that’s ok to trigger a pop-up window. Just like I said before, the ad content should match landing page content. You should put your landing pages on your own domain. Don’t put any exit stalls like or things that keep them from leaving. Of course, you cannot be selling any content on the landing page that is banned by the ad service no matter what the ad says. Make sure you check the terms of service of the ad service to make sure you’re not trying to sell stuff that’s on their banned list. Make sure nothing downloads automatically from the page and no audios or videos auto play and make sure the offer is clear and includes all the details. For instance, if you’re giving a $1.00 trial you must make it clear if they will be automatically charged $20.00 a month after the trial period. That MUST be clear or you might get banned from the ad service for being misleading.
MISC. Paid Ad Tips
OK let’s move on to the other places you can advertise, but I’m always going to be giving you some miscellaneous tips and here’s a few more. First, you might want to bid on longer keywords and to offer answers to questions in your ads and second produce ads that get people NOT TO CLICK – I.e. Disqualify them. For instance, if you had a beginner’s course on learning to play chess, you would not want advanced chess players to click on the ad because they would not want your beginner’s course. So, you would put in your ad “Learn to Play Chess” or “Beginning Chess Players Only”. Do whatever you can to get people NOT to click and the ones that do click are probably pretty good prospects. And you have to pay for these clicks. That’s why we don’t want them to click unless they’re qualified.
OK on to more places you can advertise. And while I’m thinking of it, every single place I mention today has its own quirks. I suggest only concentrating on one service until you get really good at it or things will get confusing real fast.
LinkedIn has ads and video ads are taking off there. Plus, they are introducing lookalike audiences and you can now target by Interest. Many of these services are trying to move toward the targeting abilities of Facebook but most are woefully far behind.
Advertising a Podcast
Hey if you’d like to advertise your Podcast there are two good places. One is https://www.Overcast.fm and if you want to do audio ads https://www.Spotify.com is a good place.

Mass Market Stuff
If you have a general or mass market product Outbrain and Taboolah are good places and I can never remember how to spell Taboolah. These are pay per click sites that get you on supersites like Time Magazine, CNN, AOL and the biggies. Just remember that it’s fraudulent to advertise on these big sites and then put their logo on your site pretending to have been featured on the site. Do that and you’re a scumbag just like the people promoting that idea.
Quora is a super high traffic question and answer site. Your ad can show when someone asks a question and your ad can actually I’m pretty sure send them to one of your answers where you have pretty much unlimited space to impress them on your stuff. I mean your answer can’t be just a big ad. It needs to be a real answer but you can sneak in your own products and services in the answer.
Reddit is a special animal and you really have to be careful and get to know the culture. Let me reemphasize that. You better darn well know the culture because users can either upvote or downvote your ad and give you a load of crap if they don’t like you. On the other hand, taking the time to be one of them can pay off big because of the power of that platform.
https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/advertising Here’s some tips on being successful with Reddit
• Spend time there posting before you advertise
• Get to know it.
• Pick the right Subreddits (communities based around a subject)
• No sophisticated tools but getting better
• Not a place for fancy super polished ads
• Marketers have two ad type options: link ads and text ads.
-- Link ads, go to your URL off of Reddit.
-- Text ads, link to a Reddit post.
• People will give you feedback on your ads
• Not overloaded with marketers. ….They may be scared.
• Not protected like Facebook
• People can vote your ad down
OK That’s Reddit Now on to

Pinterest is known to have an audience of approximately 80 percent female and the amount of money they spend on products and services is I’ve heard as much as 7 or 8 times what the average person spends on Facebook.
Some tips for Pinterest are that you should avoid including your brand logo on your ads. They should kind of blend in to the other pictures. Don’t expect enormous click through rates healthy is .20 percent, strong is only .50 percent
Also, Pinterest recommends you use at least 100 keywords connected to your pin. I hardly ever hear that anywhere …. Just so you know a pin is what a picture on Pinterest is called.
OK. Let’s move on to YouTube
YouTube and their True View and Discovery ads are I believe to be the best Bargain you can find for paid ads online. With the potential volume there and the cheap or free views I think it’s important you get a paid presence there.
I’m sure everyone listening to this is familiar with the skip button on YouTube Videos. If your ad is 30 seconds or longer, you don’t have to pay for the ad if someone clicks “Skip” before 30 seconds is up. You can get a heck of a lot of branding and name recognition without paying anything at all and I’ve gotten as cheap as 4 cent views on my ads that people did watch. That’s why they call them “True View” i.e. someone had to actually watch them before you pay.
They also have a 15 second ad that people can’t skip, so you have to pay for that one. There’s another type ad that’s at the top right of the search results called a “Discovery Ad”. If they watch that ad at all, you have to pay, but heck I have an hour and a half webinar and I pay only about .13 a view.
YouTube has all kinds of ad formats besides the two I mentioned, but those two are relatively easy to figure out, cheap and powerful and a good place to start.

Other Google Ads
Google owns YouTube but you have lots of other ways to advertise on Google. Many people are familiar with the Google AdWords advertising program where you show up in the Google search results. They have so darn many ways to advertise now, they changed the name to Google Ads, rather than AdWords. You’ll still see many people calling it AdWords since that’s been ingrained as the premiere pay per click service for many, many years.
Just one tip when advertising on Google or YouTube most people in the know do not advertise on Google Search Partners. You would have no idea where your ad would be seen and generally the response is poor so just keep your ads to Google or YouTube itself.
OK So there is a big primer on advertising tips and places you can advertise. Like I said at the beginning obsess on your ads, take courses, get in my mentor program so we can help you and keep you out of trouble but seriously, don’t wait around for search engine organic traffic. You’ll most likely be tripping over your beard before you get any.
Okie Doke so check out my school at https://www.IMTCVA.org so you can get a true lifestyle business that you can operate from anywhere in as little as six months and help me out reaching the military spouse market. If you know anyone please send them my way.

Next Episode 128 Jeffrey Palmer he created a simple and predictable system that generated the highest ever income in the history of a company in the beginning of the worse economic recession of our lifetime. He’ll have some great tips on sales and marketing for you.

Get your free automation eBook and surprise gift at https://www.ScrewTheCommute.com/automatefree Subscribe and Reviewnew to podcasts?, we’ve got instructions on how to do it at screwthecommute.com/127 I’ll catch ya’ll on the
next episode.
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Join the mentor program PLUS get a FREE Scholarship to the School: https://www.GreatInternetMarketingTraining.com

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Tom Antion
Group: Antion and Associates
Dateline: Virginia Beach, VA United States
Direct Phone: 757-431-1366
Cell Phone: 301-346-7403
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