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Get Paid to Speak & Write
Robin Jay --  Las Vegas Keynote Speaker Robin Jay -- Las Vegas Keynote Speaker
Las Vegas, NV
Monday, September 27, 2010

Imagine Getting Paid to Speak!
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Imagine getting paid to speak! If you've ever wanted to write or speak professionally, this is your chance to discover what it takes and how to get paid for doing what you love. Spend a day with some of the most successful speakers and authors in Las Vegas. Robin Jay, award-winning author, speaker, columnist, publisher, and president of the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau is hosting a one-day event on Saturday, October 9th in Las Vegas.

Jay and several outstanding guest speakers will be sharing their experience and coaching audience members through a comprehensive look at what it takes to become a professional PAID speaker and successful author or writer.

Guests will discover that there are three different types of professional speakers and be able to determine which category is right for them. Jay and her experts will share the nuts and bolts of what it takes to monetize their speaking career. If you have ever wondered what it takes to become a professional, PAID speaker, here is your chance to get an insider's view during this information-packed and entertaining seminar.

As president of a speakers bureau in the convention capital of the world, Jay is in a unique position to offer insights from some of the most successful speakers of our time. She regularly works with some of the most popular, successful motivational speakers, including Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Keith Ferrazzi, and more. She is also the publisher of a series of speaker anthologies, "The Power of the Platform," that feature these industry leaders.

Attendees will receive a FREE copy of "The Power of the Platform: Speakers on Success," which features chapters from some of these speaking icons including Jack Canfield, co-creator of "Chicken Soup for the Soul," Brian Tracy, "America's Success Guru," Les Brown, "The World's Leading Motivational Speaker," Dr. Tony Alessandra, creator of "The Platinum Rule," and Marcia Wieder, "America's Dream Coach," along with many other outstanding professional speakers.

Jay will help speakers to understand the industry of professional speaking and what it takes to earn thousands of dollars every time they speak. Jay says, "It typically takes a speaker several years of speaking for free before they feel comfortable enough to charge thousands of dollars to speak. In this one day program, my team of experts and I will cut through the misconceptions that keep most speakers from charging what they are really worth. We will also show what other speakers are doing to succeed. If you've ever dreamed of getting paid to speak, this is your chance to fast-forward your professional speaking career. The information we will share will save you thousands of dollars and years of struggling, putting you instantly on the path to becoming a PAID speaker."

"We will also cover what it takes to have a best-selling book. Speaking and writing are two fields that are practically inseparable," says Jay. "Authors need to speak to promote their books, and speakers need books to define themselves as experts. Producing a book and getting published isn't as challenging as most people think. As someone who has self-published, sold her work to a traditional publisher, contributed to anthologies, published anthologies, and is a featured columnist, I've done it all. I will share my tips and secrets for achieving writing success. If you're currently working on a book or even thinking about writing, I'll sort through the maze that is the publishing industry and show you how you, too, can have a best-seller sooner than you ever thought possible."

The seminar will cover an insider's look at the speaking and publishing industries, as well as presentation skills, marketing materials, and the other tools that speakers and writers need to succeed.

Those interested in getting paid to speak or write can sign up for early bird registration before September 30th, 2010. Early bird registration is just $149 per person. After 9/30, registration will be $199 per person. The program will begin at 9AM and run until 5PM, with breaks for lunch and throughout the day. The event will be held on Saturday, October 9th, at the Hampton Inn & Suites Las Vegas South, at 3245 St. Rose Parkway, Henderson, NV 89052.

"As an added bonus," Jay says, "I am also including two tickets for each guest to attend Smokey Robinson's hit show on the LV strip, 'Human Nature.' This show is outstanding … it's Motown music at its finest. These show tickets are regularly $70 each. All in all, guests will receive $160 in added value – but that's just the beginning. The information, tips, and techniques we will share will have attendees getting paid to speak in no time at all. That's why I'm offering an unconditional, money-back guarantee."

For more information or to sign up, please call Robin Jay at 702-460-1420 or e-mail her at Robin@RobinJay.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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