Sunday, July 18, 2021
When we think about innovation, we often think of the big home-run idea – the kind books are written about and dreams are made of. We get starry-eyed at the prospect – and then discouraged that we aren’t creative enough and could never be that innovative. But what if we thought about innovation differently? What if we aimed not for the stars, at least not with one big idea, but rather focused on creating massive success with everyday innovation?
That is the premise of Josh Linkner’s new book Big Little Breakthroughs: How Small, Everyday Innovations Drive Oversized Results. Josh suggests that everyone can be innovative. In fact, it is through everyday innovation that we will create great results. Josh doesn’t come at this idea as an academic or a purely philosophical perspective. Rather, he is the founder and/or CEO of five tech companies that have sold for more than $200 million. This proves his idea is sound.
If you buy into the idea that everyday innovation is the good kind, the next hurdle is figuring out how to do it – for yourself and for your team. That is the heart of this book.
The second half of the book is built around his Eight Obsessions for Everyday Innovators. They include:
- Fall in love with the problem.
- Start before you are ready.
- Open a test kitchen.
- Break it to fix it.
- Reach for the weird.
- Use every drop of toothpaste.
- Don’t forget the dinner mint.
- Fall seven times, stand eight.
The nature of these “obsessions” and the way he describes them gives you a flavor for this book. Through real life stories and examples, Josh helps you believe you can create everyday innovation in your organization and provides you a roadmap for doing so.
Chances are your organization isn’t perfect. You could use some improvements and advancements to reach your goals. Why not engage everyone in creating everyday innovations to reach your goals? This book can help you get there.
You can start benefiting from this book before your copy arrives on your doorstep. Dip into the ideas and insights from the book by listening to my podcast conversation with Josh on the Remarkable Leadership Podcast. Listen on your favorite podcast app or watch or listen from here.
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