Home > NewsRelease > Inside Edition Examines Vacation Use of Televangelist Jet
Inside Edition Examines Vacation Use of Televangelist Jet
Trinity Foundation, Inc -- Religion Fraud Detectives Trinity Foundation, Inc -- Religion Fraud Detectives
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Dallas, TX
Saturday, December 12, 2020

Daystar Television — An exposé of Marcus and Joni Lamb’s usage of Daystar Television Network’s Gulfstream V business jet aired this afternoon on Inside Edition with a little help from Trinity Foundation.  A small portion of our extensive database of televangelist ministry aircraft and flight log data came in handy.  The program showed a couple of Lamb family social media posts—one talking about “our amazing fam on Vacay” and another “memories made on their family beach vacation”.
In a brief, brisk walking interview with reporter Lisa Guerrero, Marcus Lamb told Lisa that yes, there was a vacation but that they had several meetings with ministers while there.  After being approved for a Corona Virus related paycheck protection (“PPP”) loan guaranteed by the US government, Daystar purchased the Gulfstream jet; however, Mr. Lamb stated that none of that PPP money went toward the purchase of the jet.

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