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Phony War on Thanksgiving and Christmas
O'Dwyer's Public Relations News O'Dwyer's Public Relations News
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: New York, NY
Friday, November 20, 2020

Charles Payne
Charles Payne

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has warned people not to travel during the holiday season, is waging a war on Thanksgiving and Christmas to boot, according to the gang at Fox News.

Rupert Murdoch’s network also is pushing back at COVID-19 mitigation guidelines from local and state governments advising people to limit the number of people at their holiday festivities.

Fox News scoffs at it all, gleefully adding Thanksgiving to its traditional “War on Christmas” campaign.

Fox Business News host Charles Payne told the Nov. 17 “Fox & Friends” that America needs Thanksgiving now more than ever before.

He said: “The notion that you’re going to come to my house and count how many people are there, this is separation of families.

“And it’s the most important day of the year. I think, outside of Christmas, and this time it means so much more. We have been separated. We’ve been forced apart.”

Americans are being “forced apart” because the White House task force on coronavirus predicts “aggressive, unrelenting, broad community spread across the country, without evidence of improvement, but rather further deterioration.”

It dismisses current mitigation efforts as inadequate, saying much more must be done.

COVID-19 has killed more than 250K Americans and things are getting worse.

The US lost 2,015 people from COVID-19 on Nov. 19, which is the largest single-day number of deaths since May. Half of the country has been declared a “red zone” due to COVID-19 infections.

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington predicts a staggering 470,974 Americans will be dead from COVID-19 by March 1.

Some those people will have believed the lies and disinformation about COVID-19 that aired on Fox News.

They will be missed at Thanksgiving tables and Christmas gatherings in 2021.

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