Home > NewsRelease > 11 Known Facts About Sex Offenders
11 Known Facts About Sex Offenders
Timothy A. Dimoff -- High Risk Security Expert Timothy A. Dimoff -- High Risk Security Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Akron, OH
Friday, July 3, 2020


Research shows that most convicted sex offenders have committed many, many assaults before they are caught by law enforcement, which is troubling to many parents.

Here are the statistics associated with sex offenders and what you can do to stop them:

  1. There are approximately 500,000 registered sex offenders in the United States.
  2. According to The US Department of Justice Statistics Report, about 234,000 convicted sex offenders are under the care, custody, or control of corrections agencies.
  3. 80-95% assault people they know.
  4. 80% of convicted adult rapists report that they have molested children
  5. 66% of offenders who reported committing incest also said they assaulted victims outside the family.
  6. 60% are under criminal justice supervision in the community.
  7. 50% of convicted child molesters say that they also have sexually assaulted an adult.
  8. 33% of sex offenders report assaulting both males and females.
  9. The victims report fewer than 30% of sex crimes to law enforcement.
  10. Most sex offenders report that they have committed multiple types of sexual assault (sexual assault crimes include exhibitionism, voyeurism, oral sex, vaginal penetration, attempted penetration, fondling, and incest).
  11. Young victims who know or are related to the perpetrator are the least likely to report the crime to authorities.

Think You Have a Sex Offender Near You?

First, check out the National Sex Offender Public Website to see if they are registered. If they are, be sure to alert your family members and neighbors about this. Escort children to activities that might put them in the offender’s path.

Second, if they are not registered but you suspect criminal activity, contact your local police department for guidance.

Third, enlist the help of a private investigator to conduct surveillance.

SACS Consulting and Investigative Services Can Help

We can provide a wide range of confidential investigative services to concerned individuals, schools, or businesses of any size. We have professional, licensed PIs to conduct surveillance and report back to you for maximum peace of mind.

About Timothy Dimoff, CPP

Timothy Dimoff is founder and president of SACS Consulting Inc. a security and consulting firm that specializes in workplace security, HR, vulnerability assessments,  violence prevention and other workplace related issues. Corporate headquarters is located at Canal Place, Suite 2516, 520 S. Main St., Akron, OH 44311. Telephone: 330-255-1101. Website:  www.sacsconsulting.com. or  www.timothydimoff.com.


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Name: Carol Saferin
Group: Mart Saferin & Associates, LLC
Dateline: Green Valley, AZ United States
Direct Phone: 440-669-6325
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