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Real Women on Health! Forms Strategic Alliance with Largest Community of Nurse On-line
Kelley Connors MPH - KC Health Kelley Connors MPH - KC Health
Norwalk, CT
Monday, July 12, 2010

Real Women on Health!
As healthcare marketers recognize the need to tap into the power of nurses, Real Women on Health! and NurseTogether.com are joining forces to offer healthcare marketers a direct connection and conversation forum for listening and sharing information with nurses.

"The goal of the alliance is to help marketers gain intelligence on key trends, conversations, and insights into the nursing profession in this time of shifting healthcare priorities," says Kelley Connors, Founder, Real Women on Health! "NurseTogether's access to 320,000 nurses worldwide and Real Women on Health!'s conversation platform provides marketers with a powerful opportunity to build and maintain relationships with this important mostly-female audience."

As a first step, a pilot survey was conducted asking nurses to gauge their role in health management in the coming years. "Of the first 100 respondents of the partnership survey, 67% stated they believe that nurses will see their roles increase in patient education and disease prevention," says Steve Curtin, VP, Content and Strategic Partnerships. "This demonstrates nurses' recognition that they are going to play an ever-growing and important role in primary care as a result of healthcare reform."

Real Women on Health!'s focus on empowering women to be their own best health and wellness advocates is a perfect match for NurseTogether as nurses are often the least likely female segment to care for their own health needs before others. "The oxygen mask syndrome is alive and well with nurses and we're excited to find innovative ways of connecting with this group for marketers who want to reach an underserved women's wellness market, " says Ms. Connors.

Marketers interested in learning more about how they can take advantage of this unique offering can contact kelley@realwomenonhealth.com or cassie@realwomenonhealth.com.

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Real Women on Health!, an online conversation network for women, is the first multi-channel community with a singular focus on health & well-being and building trust with women through authentic conversations. RWoH! partners with influential health and wellness organizations to create robust content through candid conversations on behalf of consumer packaged goods, pharmaceutical companies and healthcare service providers. Partners include NurseTogether.com, Disruptive Women on Health and HealthyWomen.org, the leading independent women's health resource, which was recently ranked the top women's health website by Dr. Mehmet Oz in "O: The Oprah Magazine."

NurseTogether.com was founded with a single goal in mind: empower the global community of nurses with helpful information through a single, easy-to-use web site. With a focus on unique nurse lifestyle, professional development and career content, NurseTogether.com is the only web site where the worldwide community of nurses, nursing students and those considering a career in nursing can truly come together, communicate and connect on the issues that really matter to them. The organization has combined its management team's shared experience related to the nursing profession with technology and publishing experts to bring our members a website packed with information and useful tools.

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Kelley Connors
Title: President & Founder
Group: KC Healthcare Communicatoins
Dateline: Boston, MA United States
Direct Phone: 203-856-3732
Cell Phone: same
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