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When $#*% Happens, This Selfless Traveler is Now Prepared
Mike Thiel --  Hideaways International Inc. Mike Thiel -- Hideaways International Inc.
Portsmouth, NH
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Contact: Gail Richard (603-430-4433 x112) PHOTOS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST

Hideaways International Names Winner of "Rescue Me" Contest

"Breaking a leg halfway around the world or being caught in the middle of a military coup—these are the travel scenarios no one likes to think about, yet every traveler should be prepared for," says Mike Thiel, Founder and President of Hideaways International™ (www.Hideaways.com). "The good news is, you can easily pack for such misadventures, not with what's in your suitcase but what's in your wallet—a membership card to Global Rescue, the world's premier provider of medical, security, and evacuation services."

Earlier this year, Hideaways International partnered with Global Rescue (www.Hideaways.com/globalrescue) to bring this peace of mind, at a discount, to its travel club members. To kick off this new partnership, Hideaways sponsored its "Rescue Me" Contest, open to all travelers. "It seems we struck a chord when we asked travelers to submit stories of travel woes and mishaps for the contest," says Mike. "Among them all, one submission stood out as most deserving of the prize, which is an Annual Family Membership with Global Rescue plus a year's membership in the Hideaways Aficionado Club."

The winning entry was submitted by Hideaways member Melanie Maycock on behalf of her father, Thomas Maycock, of Romulus, Michigan, who travels the world trying to make it a better place. Here is an excerpt from her story.

"[My father] has traveled to Haiti, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and other countries helping to rebuild. He was in Conakry, Guinea, during the coup in 2008, and we could not get him a flight out. He makes all these trips at his own expense and all because someone asked him if he would help . . . my siblings, my mom, and I would actually be able to sleep at night knowing he had the security of [Global Rescue] while he was traveling."

"Our hats go off to Mr. Maycock," says Mike. "Let's hope this selfless traveler doesn't have to put his Global Rescue membership card to use! But his Hideaways Aficionado Club membership should come in very handy for taking some well-deserved breaks between his Good-Samaritan expeditions."


About Hideaways International™

Hideaways International, Inc., which operates the Hideaways Aficionado® Club, has been seeking the best-of-kind and the out-of-the-ordinary for its savvy, discerning, and well-traveled members for more than three decades. Members, who hail from around the world, range from notable celebrities, musicians, publishers, authors, captains of industry, and politicians to ordinary folks with extraordinary taste. All are part of this lively community with a passion for travel away from the madding crowds.

For more information, visit www.Hideaways.com or contact Gail Richard at 603-430-4433, ext. 112, or pr@hideaways.com.

About Global Rescue

Global Rescue provides best-in-class medical, security, evacuation, and crisis response services to individuals, corporations, travelers and expeditions worldwide. The company's emergency response teams are comprised of paramedics, physicians and security personnel, many of whom are veterans of elite special operations units of the U.S. Military. Through an exclusive relationship with the physicians of Johns Hopkins, Global Rescue members also benefit from the advisory services of some of the world's finest physicians.

Examples of Global Rescue's work includes extracting and evacuating hundreds of people from the Middle East during the uprisings of 2011, responding to victims of the earthquake and Tsunami in Japan and deploying medical and security personnel to earthquake ravaged Haiti to secure, treat and evacuate more than a hundred travelers, humanitarian workers, and orphans. Other recent missions include evacuations from Chile, the Republic of Georgia, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Mexico, Alaska, Argentina, Ethiopia, Nepal, and Thailand.

For more information, visit www.Hideaways.com/globalrescue.

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gail Richard
Title: Press Contact for Hideaways International, Inc.
Group: Hideaways International
Dateline: Portsmouth, NH United States
Direct Phone: 603-430-4433
Main Phone: 603-430-4433
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