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What Sarah Palin and LeBron James Have in Common
Leslie Ungar -- Leadership Coach Leslie Ungar -- Leadership Coach
Akron, OH
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pistol Packin' Palin and Quitness LeBron have somethings in common.

Who Knew? A governor who did not finish her term shares a list of qualities with a player who "left early".

Five things Palin and LBJ have in common

1. Neither know when to STOP talking

Both of them just need to shut up. If they don't need a break from us, we need a break from them. They are like the senior citizen in the old commercial that fell and could not get up. Try as they may, they just can't stop talking. They complain that we talk about them, but they can't stop putting their message out there.

2. They can both light up the blogosphere

They know they are like oxygen to a fire and yet they do not use their status wisely.

3. They have bad advisors or good advisors they don't listen to

Perhaps they surround themselves with YES people. Or perhaps they have good advisors and choose NOT to listen to the good stuff. Either way, they have this trait in common,

4. They never take responsibility

It's always someone else's fault. LBJ used the oddest excuse when he said he only re-tweeted the message. First of all, technology tells us if it is a tweet or re-tweet. Secondly, what does it matter. Own your actions.

For Palin it is always the media's fault. From the Couric interview to the cross-hairs remark. Own your words.

5. They have really bad timing

Palin taped her own "gotcha" speech on the same day as the ceremony for the VICTIMS in the tragedy in Tucson. LBJ taped THE DECISION on national TV.

If it is true that you can evaluate a person by the company you keep, draw your own conclusions.

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Leslie Ungar
Title: President
Group: Electric Impulse Communications, Inc.
Dateline: Akron, OH United States
Direct Phone: 330-668-6569
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