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The Importance of Stretch (New Career Success Blog Post by Dr. Liz Bywater)

Dr. Liz Bywater, Career Success Expert


Career success expert, Dr. Liz Bywater, has posted her newest blog entry: The Importance of Stretch. In this post, Liz advises her readers: To be successful and fulfilled in your career - and in life - remember to stretch yourself on a consistent basis.

Here's more from her blog, Career Success with Liz Bywater:

Earlier this month, I flew out to California and had the great delight of hitting the beach in Carlsbad (San Diego area) with my three awesome nephews and wonderful sister-in-law. As I wasn't traveling with my own kids, I took advantage of the opportunity to kick back on my beach chair, open a leisure book and simply relax. I watched my nephews hit the waves on their boogie boards and smiled and waved as my sister-in-law succumbed to their earnest requests that she join them in the water. Looked like fun, but hey, I was in relaxation mode.

Until, that is, my nephew, Noah, asked me to boogie board with him. Now this kid is sweet as can be and, in truth, very difficult to refuse. So, despite my desire to just vegetate in my beach chair, my concern about the 'chilly' water, and just a bit of trepidation about hitting the waves, I got off my behind and joined him in the surf. He gave me some pointers on catching the waves properly and offered me his board.

Let me tell you, it was one of the most fun and exhilarating experiences I have ever had. What a complete joy to catch and ride a wave right up to the beach line. I mean, I was smiling ear to ear and literally laughing out loud!

The point? Well, boogie boarding initially felt like a real stretch for me. I'd never done any sort of surfing before and was far more comfortable just staying put in my beach chair with my book. But once I'd ventured out and pushed beyond my comfort zone, the reward was tremendous. I felt more confident, competent, masterful, proud, adventurous, and eager to take on the next challenge. (This challenge came just two days later, by the way, when my brother took me for a ride on his Spyder roadster - check out the link, it's very cool! But that's a whole other story...)

To be successful and fulfilled in your career - and in life - remember to stretch yourself on a consistent basis. Extend your comfort zone. Try new things, move beyond what you've already experienced and mastered. If you feel intimidated or unsure, that's probably a good sign. As the saying goes, feel the fear and do it anyway! That's the key to continued growth and a well-earned sense of accomplishment.

Until next time... 


About Liz Bywater, PhD

Dr. Liz Bywater is an internationally acclaimed career and workplace performance expert. She consults, writes, and speaks on a variety of leadership and career-related topics. Some of her most popular presentations include: Leadership Essentials for Troubled Times, Communicating for Success, Stress Management at Work and at Home, Practical Goal-Setting, and Conflict Resolution in the Workplace.

She offers a wide of variety of consulting and coaching programs to help her clients achieve dramatic improvements in individual, team, and organizational performance. Her clients range from independent business owners to senior executives within the Fortune 50. She sits on the advisory board for Par Excellence Magazine and is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Society for the Advancement of Consulting, and the Cornell Entrepreneur Network. Dr. Bywater is quoted frequently in the media and has been interviewed by such publications as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Crain's, Yahoo! HotJobs and USA Today.

To interview Dr. Bywater for print, Web, radio or TV, call 800.846.4546 ext. 103.

To inquire about speaking or consulting services, call 800.846.4546 ext. 103.

Read Career Success with Liz Bywater: http://bywatercareersuccess.blogspot.com

Follow Liz on Twitter: http://twitter.com/drlizbywater

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Name: Liz Bywater, PhD
Title: President
Group: Bywater Consulting Group
Dateline: Yardley, PA United States
Direct Phone: 800.846.4546
Main Phone: 800.846.4546
Cell Phone: 215.805.5551
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