Home > NewsRelease > The American Tail is Wagging the Dog in the White House: Political Correctness is not the Law of the Land!
The American Tail is Wagging the Dog in the White House: Political Correctness is not the Law of the Land!
Rose Colombo Rose Colombo
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Long Beach, CA
Saturday, December 5, 2015

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Rose Colombo, (c) 12/5/2015

 Freedom of Religion is a problem that is being abused by foreigners and anti-Constitution politicians and groups. The reason that Freedom of Religion is a problem is simple.  It created a serious loophole used for the invasion into America.  The American tail is wagging the dog and lives in the White House.  Americans are not interpreting it correctly.  In the United States of America, which is a very religious country, we experience that it is normal and natural to express your religious beliefs and we need to take the lead of the French Constitution protecting religious freedom.  In France, it is accepted that if certain movements do not respect the liberty of their followers that they are dangerous. If a foreign religion respects the law of the nation in the United States of America, immigrants who call themselves a religion are welcome as long as it is peaceful and practiced in their own homes and religious buildings without conspiring to dominate a nation or overthrow a nation and force Americans to comply. The comply or die mentality is a crime in the USA. This is the meaning of  Freedom of Religion.  Any religious group who demands compliance of their domestic or  foreign religions is dangerous to the Freedom, Liberty and Rights of America and the American citizens.  We must protect Americans from cults, such as Jim Jones,  who use religion or freedom of religion to enslave and kill people who refuse to comply with their demands.  Politicians and Presidents aren’t elected to protect foreign sects or domestic sects and cults or guarantee everyone in the world will protect your sect which is not their job.  There is a difference.  Americans are not required to assist foreigners to overthrow their own government and the U.S. Constitution which is what is being demanded on U.S. soil.

There is a loophole in our law titled “Freedom of Religion” and the Middle East radicals are using this loophole to enter into the USA and impose their ideologies on U.S. soil and migrating and funding tens of thousands of illegals and foreign unidentified aliens under the guise of “refugees” as well as suing American businesses.  Their goal is to put Americans who refuse to comply with their demands out of business causing Americans to lose their  jobs, with the goal of  changing our nation into their nation.  They are using our laws against us.  Political correctness says, Americans must respect the foreign ideologies under the guise of religion, but respect is a two-way street, so  where is the respect for Christians, Catholics, Jews, Conservatives, Heterosexuals, and patriotic natural born Americans?

To establish if a movement has a “sectarian” profile and to what extent, the criteria is of course difficult to specify and assess;  among them:  (this list was created by an anonymous source and provides the same criterias used to overthrow the USA and dominate as stated by foreign radicals)

    • Excessive financial demands
    • Cut-off from personal environment
    • Harm to physical integrity
    • Indoctrination of children
    • More or less anti-social declarations
    • Perturbation of public order
    • Numerous court cases
    • Not involved in the economic circuit
    • Attempts to infiltrate public authorities
    • Mental Destabilisation
  1.  Americans are being ordered to pay support along with health care, benefits, and life time retirements which is similar to family law court who order Americans to pay child and spousal support, health care, and additional support after divorce.  If Americans refuse to pay up, they will be punished, even if the elected taxpayer funded representatives are violating their sworn oaths and trampling on constitutional law and failing to perform their fiduciary duties.

2.  Too many politicians are abusing their  positions by protecting enemy nations, enemy leaders, and enemy individuals migrating into the USA as well as misappropriating U.S. tax dollars to fund the Muslim Brotherhood nations and leaders who the Egyptian government and Nigeria and the FBI designated as a terrorist organization. They take an oath to uphold, defend, and preserve the Constitution, protect the safety and welfare of Americans in exchange for their jobs and taxpayer funded wages.  Such a violation is a federal offense and a Breach of Contract.

3. Too many elected representatives are failing to protect the sovereignty of the United States of America.

4.  Too many elected representatives are failing to uphold, defend, and protect Judeo-Christian religious freedom.

5.  Too many elected representatives are ignoring that we were developed as One Nation Under God, not one nation under foreign ideologies or foreign religious laws worshipping foreign idols and political laws that are bonded together and can’t be separated.

6.  Too many elected representatives are ignoring terrorist groups and individuals who are non-vetted or vetted and working in the government agencies paid by American taxpayers or private industry who may suddenly decide they don’t like the word “Christmas” and conspire to kill their American co-workers with a complacent government who reduces mass murder to workplace violence under the current regime while sending a 13-year old American kid to jail for 10 years to life because they posted a photo or a stupid comment on twitter and never killed anyone.

7.  Too many elected representatives are so weak as Patriots and loyal Americans that they refuse to unite and stand up against America’s known enemies.  The current regime has  created a them against us society and they are abandoning every American who must now fend and defend themselves from the enemy who they are required by law to protect but are failing to do.  It appears that the international scandal at Benghazi where 4 Americans were abandoned by our White House is the message that Americans should expect in the future if our representatives continue to fail to secure the borders and halt the illegals and non-vetted foreign aliens from entering into our nation now and in the future by failing to uphold immigration laws. Are you prepared to defend yourself from the invited invasion using U.S. tax dollars to create and fund the invasion which the U.S. Constitution establishes as traitors and treason and an” act of war” against America?

Merry Christmas America – Happy Hanukka America, Europe, and Israel and all converted Christians and Coptic Christians!

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Rose Colombo
Dateline: New York, NY United States
Main Phone: 315-537-3088
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