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Survey Shows Most People Do Not Wear Medical Identification Jewelry
Susan Eisen -- Master Gemologist Appraiser_ ASA Susan Eisen -- Master Gemologist Appraiser_ ASA
El Paso, TX
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

December 23, 2008

Susan B. Eisen, 915-584-0022, jewelryexpert@crazyaboutjewelry.net, lifetag@att.net

Please email for high-resolution images.


At a recent convention of the American Association of Diabetes Educators, Susan Eisen, jewelry expert, author, and creator of LIFETAG® Medical Identification, ?Jewelry That Can Save Your Life!?, asked the attendees to tell her why most of their diabetic patients did not wear medical identification. With surveys completed, 55% said their patients dislike the current styles they have seen in medical identification. Medical identification jewelry, used to notify an emergency medical technician of a current medical condition, is crucial to warn of the proper diagnosis needed for a person in an emergency situation. Because of the generic and medical style that exists on the market today, most people refuse to wear the medical identification that could save their lives.

When Susan Eisen, designer of LIFETAG®, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, she also did not wear medical identification jewelry for the same reason. Because of her profession as a jewelry designer and her need to be an example for others around her, she invented LIFETAG®, ?Jewelry That Can Save Your Life!? (1-888-543-3824, www.lifetag.com). The LIFETAG® is a stick-on medical ID for people who dislike wearing jewelry of any kind that sticks onto a watch, cell phone, driver?s license, credit card, wallet, key chain, and other items. These small, well-designed identification tags offer medical information to people who need to know while not advertise the condition of the wearer to the public.

Because most people are in denial about their condition, they do not want to have anything on that reminds them of what they have. Breast cancer survivors need to notify people of their lymphedema, the condition that prohibits taking blood pressure or any other test on an arm that has had a lymph node removed. Heart patients need to notify first responders about their taking Coumadin, a blood thinner that helps blood circulation but also may cause someone to bleed to death in the case of a fall or cut. People with food, insect, or drug allergies need to be identified in case they are found unconscious or in an emergency situation so they can be properly treated. However, most of these serious conditions go unidentified because of the current styles of medical identification jewelry on the market.

With more and more people being diagnosed with serious medical conditions, the need for attractive medical ID?s is paramount. Eisen designs medical identification in gold with diamonds and in more hip materials like rubber and stainless steel. Plans are being made to develop more useful medical tags to be used in every day life.
News Media Interview Contact
Name: Susan Eisen, MGA, ASA, GG, GIA,
Title: Author, Jewelry Designer and Appraiser
Group: Susan Eisen, Inc.
Dateline: El Paso, TX United States
Direct Phone: 915 584-0022
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