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Signs that Generate Success
Ron Karr -- CSP  -- Sales Leadership Expert Ron Karr -- CSP -- Sales Leadership Expert
Westwood, NJ
Monday, April 15, 2013

Reach Ron Karr directly for news media interview and business inquiry at: (201) 914-3895 or Ron@RonKarr.com

I am embarrassed to say that for the past week I have been trying like crazy to remember how to open my desktop mouse so I can change the batteries.  I must have spent a total of one hour working on this task until I went to Staples to have them help me figure it out.  After the store manager couldn't open it either, the tech person looked at the back and said don't you have to charge this unit?  These two copper electrodes tell me this is a charging device.  At that moment, my memory came back and I realized that's it, I need to recharge it.  Now how I forgot that this is a recharging unit is a subject for another blog.  I call it being overwhelmed with too many things on my mind.

The point of this blog is that by fixating on my perceived solution of changing batteries, which totally was the wrong thing to do, I was not open to seeing the signs that had the answer for me-those two copper electrodes.  They did not register because I was not open to this possibility.

When you try to influence someone, are you going into that conversation fixated on how you see the world and your point of view?  Or are you open to listening, putting all of your assumptions and experiences aside, to the signs that are around you.  The words people use, their actions, how they operate and behave, the things they hold dearly, etc.  When you are open to understanding the person, their motives, needs, fears and desires, only then will you have the information you will need on how to present your ideas in a powerful manner.

Don't do I as did in being fixated on the fact that there is only one way to get new batteries into the unit.  There are other ways.  Be open to them.   When you are, your success will will increase exponentially.

To FIND OUT how to increase your sales and revenues, invite Ron Karr to work with your team and/or read his CEO Bestselling Book Lead, Sell or Get Out of the Way.  Find out why people are achieving immediate results after listening to Ron Karr.
News Media Interview Contact
Name: Ronald Karr
Title: President
Group: Karr Associates, Inc.
Dateline: Boynton Beach, FL United States
Direct Phone: (561) 336-4199
Cell Phone: (201) 914-3895
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