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Raise a Remarkable Kid with Musical Magic
Edie Raether Enterprises  and  Wings for Wishes Institute Edie Raether Enterprises and Wings for Wishes Institute
Charlotte, NC
Tuesday, March 1, 2016


    Edie Raether is releasing a new program to improve child development by integrating music into everyone's home and daycares. The research clearly indicates that the 3 R's (Rhyme, Rythmn and Repetition) of music are essential to unleashing a child's genius. From competence and comprehension to culture and creativity and from bonding and behavior to learning and language, music is essential to unleashing a child's genius. Below is an overview to a program that will help parents raise a remarkable kid. 

                                          The Magic of Music


 From comprehension to culture and creativity, from bonding and behavior to learning styles and language,   the 3 R's (Rythm, Rhyme and Repetition) of music are essential to unleashing a child's genius.

The Universal Language: Unites Diverse Cultures, Helps and Heals

     1. It's instinctual: Babies coo, cats purr and birds sing

     2. Communicating without words: Children with autism, ADHD, and special needs

Grow Your Brain: The Developmental Benefits of Music In Early Childhood

     1. Promotes quantitative spatial-temporal and reasoning skills (science and math readiness)

     2. Increases memory and verbal recall

     3. Activates brain cells and neural activity for sensory-motor skills

     3. Increases IQ: Strong music programs show  increase of 22% in English, 20% in Math

     4. Rhythm and repetition: Neurological and psychological triggers for confidence and learning

Experiential  Learning:  Emotions, Expression,  Endorphins and Empowerment

     . 1. Tools, techniques and activities that promote emotional growth and social skills

       2.  Constructive release of energy and emotions for conscious choice

       3.  Promote understanding of differences through musical role playing and movement

       4.  Exercises to develop communication skills, discipline and direction

Ages and Stages

Earlier is better: Music before age 7 is crucial for  skill development

Influences of pre-birth musical experiences

The Mozart Effect: Does it work? 

Selecting music for desired  moods and behaviors: : Relax, motivate, energize and calm down

Participation: Lisenting is passive. Why children must play and create music

Music and movement: Just for fun

Edie Raether is an international keynote speaker, bestselling author and expert on child development. Her books include Stop Bullying Now and I Believe I Can Fly!, an empowering character building program for children. Visit www.wingsforwishes.com or call (704) 658-8997. 

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Edie Raether, MS, CSP
Title: CEO
Group: Edie Raether Enterprises and Wings for Wishes Institute
Dateline: Charlotte, NC United States
Direct Phone: (704)658-8997
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