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Overcoming The Economic Crunch
Tractor Beam Marketing -- Marketing Education Tractor Beam Marketing -- Marketing Education
Friday, April 2, 2010

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 Rising to meet the urgent demand from recession-battered small business people across the globe, Tractor Beam Marketing Inc. has released the first installment of it's revolutionary new online business courses. Described as being like an 'interactive graphic novel'; the courses (referred to as PODs) contain valuable business knowledge communicated in a way that has never been seen before.

"In learning through my own business experience, I look back and wished there was a resource that could have helped me avoid common business pitfalls." says Jake Bergen, Tractor Beam's Marketing Director. "The demand we have received from around the world is overwhelming. Business people want tools to help them succeed, and we are giving them the things we wish would have been available to us!"

The online episodes chronicle the 'business adventures' of fictional business owner Jack Goodlife; and convey real-life marketing strategies and tactics through the lessons of Jack's company and neighboring businesses as they strive to adapt to changing times. Each POD contains an abundance of rubber-meets-the-road information that is easy to use and understand; and by completing the PODs, business owners will be building a marketing plan as a natural byproduct of their newly acquired knowledge.

James Rozak, Creative Director for Tractor Beam Marketing, says, "Our Interactive PODs are low-cost and high-impact. By teaching things like the the most effective ways to brand your company and how to harness the power of social media; these courses will give business people tools which can be applied right now."

The people of Tractor Beam Marketing take pride in being different. Tractor Beam was founded in 2009 by experienced entrepreneur and marketing expert Jake Bergen, and business partner James Rozak, a visionary and accomplished creative force in branding and media design. Together, they have put together top-notch strategies to radically transform business education and become allies with business people around the world who are driven to succeed.

Jake Bergen is also the author of 'Venture Hype', a business and marketing advice column currently published in the United States and Canada.

Tractor Beam Marketing looks to the future, and desires to raise the bar continually. They are always seeking opportunities to join forces with other companies, particularly in the entertainment industry, to take their ideas and innovation to other forms of media, such as print and film.
News Media Interview Contact
Name: Jake Bergen
Group: Tractor Beam Marketing Inc.
Dateline: Edmonton, AB Canada
Direct Phone: wrong
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