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Not Sure What New Years Resolution To Make? Dream Expert and Author Says Your Recurring Dreams Reveal The Perfect Resolu
Lauri Quinn Loewenberg - Dream Expert Lauri Quinn Loewenberg - Dream Expert
Apollo Beach, FL
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Not Sure What New Years Resolution To Make? Dream Expert and Author Says Your Recurring Dreams Reveal The Perfect Resolution For You!

The New Year offers us a "restart" button. It's a great time to start fresh and make lasting and positive changes in our lives. We could all stand a little improvement... but where do we start?

Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, Dream Expert and author of Cracking The Dream Code claims that if you look at your recurring dreams, they'll show you exactly what part of your behavior could use a little nip and tuck. Loewenberg says there are 5 common recurring dreams that point to various behavior flaws. If you get any of these dreams on a regular basis then you've got yourself a resolution to work on this year...

Clogged or Filthy Toilets - You tend to hold in your frustrations, thoughts and opinions rather than letting them flow out of you. Holding on to negativity will back up your emotional plumming. This year, try to work on speaking your mind and letting your feelings be known. You'll feel better and those around you will appreciate your honesty.

Teeth Falling Out - You tend to say things that ought to remain in your mouth permanently. While being honest and open is a wonderful quality, there are certain things that should not be said. If your opinion is not constructive to anyone, keep it to yourself! Gossiping doesn't do anyone any favors either. If you get this dream, start working on thinking before speaking. Loose lips sink ships, as they say.

Being Chased - You avoid issues and confrontations rather than dealing with them and nipping them in the bud. This behavior is usually caused by fear of others seeing you in a bad light. This year, try to work on overcoming that fear so you can handle your business right away. Remember, the longer you avoid something or someone, the longer the issue will bother you.

Mate Cheating On You - This dream isn't about a behavior flaw but rather a flaw in your relationship. This common dream happens when the two of you aren't spending enough time together. Something is going on that is causing you to feel "cheated" out of your time with your mate. Work, the Nintendo Wii or friends have become the 3rd wheel in your relationship. If you are getting this dream, let your mate know and together, decide what each of you can cut back on so that you can get some more quality time together. Start having a date night, something that will remind you of how much you really like being together. When you make this small effort, the dreams will stop and your relationship will grow!

Tornadoes - You are very likely a proud, card carrying member of the worry wart club! Weather in dreams reflect your emotions and tornadoes are a good indication your emotions are spinning out of control... your worrisome emotions in particular! And just as a tornado is beyond anyone's control, you are likely worrying about things that are beyond your control as well. If you are getting this dream, try to work on "letting go and letting God." The universe has a cool way of working things out, if you let it. Loewenberg says to remember Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. There was a magical place on the other side of her tornado. If you can ride out your worry storm you'll find a magical place too... it's called "peace of mind!"

Loewenberg says there is nothing more honest and insightful than what we dream. If you get the same dream or the same dream theme over and over again, then you've got an issue that needs correcting. She says the dream can not move forward until you move forward. Correcting the issue or behavior the dream is commening on will banish it for good!

To interview Dream Expert and author Lauri Quinn Loewenberg about these findings or anything else you'd like to know about our powerful and mysterious dreaming minds, call 888-536-5213 or email lauri@thedreamzone.com

For a free special report describing the 12 Most Common Dreams and What They REALLY Mean, How to Look Into Your Dreams, simply sign up at www.thedreamzone.com

About Lauri Quinn Loewenberg: Lauri Quinn Loewenberg is a Dream Expert and author of two books, Cracking The Dream Code and So, What Did You Dream Last Night? Her mission is to wake everyone up to their dreams and show them how easy it is to decipher the language of the subconscious. Even the strangest of dreams has meaning and is offering directions and solutions for your life right now.

Her dream-working techniques are so easy and ground-breaking that she has been invited on literally thousands of radio shows and national television shows such as The View, Good Morning America, The Today Show and on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 (twice) and in a CNN Dr. Sanjay Gupta special called "Sleep."

You can find more talking points and radio and television clips at www.thedreamzone.com/media.php
News Media Interview Contact
Name: Lauri Loewenberg
Dateline: Apollo Beach, FL United States
Direct Phone: 888-536-5213
Cell Phone: Media ONLY please
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