Home > NewsRelease > More Facts on GMO’s
More Facts on GMO’s
Andy Lopez  - Organic Gardening Expert Andy Lopez - Organic Gardening Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Malibu, CA
Sunday, July 10, 2016

  • More Facts on GMO's
  • Another Survey?
  • Organic Under attack.. again
The past few days have seen a flurry of comments and remarks  about GMO’s. Most are the usual stuff: how safe and thoroughly tested and proven safe and how the general public is confused and refuses to change! Many in the scientific communities, continue to say that GMO’s are not only safe to eat but just as nutritious.  A Recent report by a well-known organization of  scientists and medical as well as researchers (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine), all agree on how safe it is to eat and how it does not effect the environment.
I read that report over several times and I am still reading it again today. I do not understand how an organization such as this one can say such things as GMO’s are totally safe to eat and to the environment?  Did they read all of the studies or just the ones that agreed with them?  They must have missed the studies that showed increased use of Round-Up on GMO crops and its environmental consequences?  The same holds true for BT ready crops which have been shown to damage the ecosystem by increasing BT in the soil? Or the damage it does to certified organic farmers with the overflow of GEO pollen to these organic certified farms?
This last report also says how safe Round Up is (The World health organization has recently classified Round Up as a possible carcinogenic.).
This further adds to the confusion.
Because of the media and the internet and how information (correct or not) gets assimilated into our society, we find ourselves in a fact-checking mode all of the time. Folks are even complaining about the “Fact Checkers”.
I love facts especially if they are correct. However everywhere one looks, newspapers, books, TV, Internet, everywhere a person can just repeat their own facts as if they were correct, these non-facts are being looked at as if they were the whole fact.
I tell folks that it is very similar to a blind man describing an elephant and only felt the elephant’s ear and decided that an elephant looks like a big ear. That person is partly correct but mainly wrong. Then to make matters worse,  that “nonfact” spreads through the internet and society as if it were the total correct fact that an elephant looks like a big ear.
Organic Gardening and GMO both fall into the elephant in the room category.
Let us be complete in how we describe these and not just call it an ear. organic Gardening and GMO are both very complex  and require correct facts and not half truth and half lies. The main problem with both is money. Money is attempting to take over these (wait it has already with GMO’s) and now wants the  Organic Gardening money too.
Most importantly is the fact that we are allowing one company to own patents  on food. By allowing patents on seed we are allowing a for-profit company dictate our future’s food production of the whole world thereby putting it in dangerous territory.
We have the right to know what is in our food. We have the right to grow organic foods if we want free from any company that demands otherwise.
We have the right to clean free air and clean free water.
We have the right to clean soil.
Like Captain Picard woud say
Make it so

Andy Lopez - The Invisible Gardener  --- Click on image to go his website.
Andy Lopez

Contact Andy Lopez  Invisible Gardener 310-457-4438 or call 1-888-316-9573 leave a message.

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Name: Andy Lopez
Group: Invisible Gardener Inc
Dateline: Malibu, CA United States
Direct Phone: 1-310-457-4438
Cell Phone: 805-612-7321
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