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May is National Meditation Month
Dr. Jennifer Howard Dr. Jennifer Howard
Huntington, NY
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dr. Jennifer Howard
In 2003, Time Magazine's cover story on "The Science of Meditation" reported that ten million Americans practiced some form of meditation. According to USA Today, only four years later a government survey showed that the number had risen to 20 million. A number that's continued to grow as meditation has moved into the mainstream—it's now prescribed by doctors; practiced at corporations, such as Apple, Proctor and Gamble, and AOL Time Warner; and taught in some schools. Celebrities from Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan and Oprah Winfrey, to media mogel Rupert Murdoch find meditation helpful.

People's meditation goals range from stress reduction to enlightenment, and while meditation is often thought of in terms of quieting mind and body, according to Dr. Jennifer Howard, psychotherapist, meditation teacher, and author of Your Ultimate Life Plan, a 2013 Gold Nautilus Book Award winner, meditation helps us live a more conscious life.

"It's a powerful tool for helping us become more conscious of, and even working with, our thoughts and feelings. By using the perspectives of the Four Dimensions of Consciousness, you get a fresh entry point into, and expanded view of life that can help you overcome long-held problems."

Dr. Howard goes on to say that, "The more conscious of our thoughts and feelings we become, the better able we are to meet life with courage and confidence. In this way, meditation can be a catalyst for the happiness and success that we all seek."

About Dr. Howard:

Jennifer Howard, Ph.D., is the author of Your Ultimate Life Plan: How to Deeply Transform Your Everyday Experience and Create Changes That Last, a 2013 Gold Nautilus Book Award winner and finalist in the ForeWord Book of the Year Awards and Benjamin Franklin Book Awards. The distillation of Dr. Howard’s 20-plus years of experience as an internationally known licensed psychotherapist, life coach, professional speaker, energy healer, and spiritual teacher, this "workshop in a book" is the missing "how to" for moving past your problems and stepping boldly into your next, deeper level of happiness, wholeness, transformation and success.

A thought-leader on psychology and spirituality, Dr. Howard taught meditation for five years at Marble Collegiate Church in New York City, has appeared as an expert on numerous national network television and radio shows, is a Huffington Post blogger, and the creator and host of the popular radio talk show, A Conscious Life. She maintains a private practice with offices in New York City and Long Island. Her website is www.DrJenniferHoward.com. The book’s website is: www.YourUltimateLifePlan.com.
News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Jennifer Howard
Title: Psychologist, Award-Winning Author
Dateline: Huntington, NY United States
Direct Phone: (631) 424-1691
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