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Make 2017 YOUR Great Year!
Lillian Too -- Feng Shui Expert Lillian Too -- Feng Shui Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

ltpic13Happy New Year! It is my greatest wish for you to enjoy a successful, happy and prosperous Year of the Rooster! If there was ever a year for new opportunities and growth, this is it – so do take advantage of the positive energy changes brought by the Lap Chun and the Victory Star in the center of the chart. This week I’ve given you some ideas for business success and how to energize your inner chi as well. Of course everything requires hard work – you’ve heard that from me before. Don’t expect magical results without some effort on your part.
Think about what you really want to achieve this year and make your goals realistic! The key to success is focus…and keeping things in perspective. Too often we let ourselves be swayed by the opinions of others and we allow ourselves to get derailed and off course. Don’t let this happen to you. The abundance of water in the chart means lots of competition, so you need to stay on top of your game.
If you subscribe to our Feng Shui World Magazine you probably loved the January Chinese New Year special edition. In it, we advised that today, February 1, is the Birthday of the God of Wealth! So, if you could not pray on the first day of Chinese New Year you can do so today and this invites excellent wealth luck into your home. We also gave you another wealth ritual to be performed on February 4th to activate two good luck stars of 2017. If you missed this special edition you can still get a copy!
Make this your best year ever. Stay focused, be positive, smile a lot, be kind and compassionate. Your mind is all-powerful – discover it’s power and you will be able to use it in ways you have never imagined!
To A Very Happy and Successful Year!

Secrets to Enhance Your Entrepreneurial
Get-Rich Potential in 2017
I have many good friends and students who are entrepreneurs as I myself am. Sometimes it’s not easy when business doesn’t develop the way we plan, but never get discouraged. Successful people move on and find alternative ways to do things. This is a particularly good year for new opportunities and growth. Here are a few ways you can sharpen your business instincts and enhance your chances of success when running your own enterprise…and they’re important even if you are working for someone else.
1) Be a Good Communicator! Selling isn’t just done by sales clerks in shops…we sell our ideas, our products and ourselves every day…. so it’s important to communicate well. Learn how to be more persuasive and enticing as success in any business depends on how you market your products and services. You always need a well thought out strategy and good story line! And don’t forget your feng shui. As you’re chatting to a customer or potential client – be sure to face your sheng chi direction.
ltstrategy2) Keep Things Simple – Stay Focused and Positive! Staying positive makes your energy more powerful and when you keep your goals focused and clear cut the tasks at hand get simplified. Don’t get distracted and try to multitask. You’re more productive when you focus on a specific goal or project and not on several things.
3) Be Adventurous! Successful business people usually have a sense of adventure and are willing to explore new ideas and directions. Courage is important if you are to stay with your vision and forge ahead. All true entrepreneurs have this sense of adventure…to boldly experiment with the unfamiliar and occasionally go against the grain of conventional wisdom in whatever industry they are in. Think Donald Trump!
ltfollowyourheart4) Do what you love! We’ve all heard this before, but this is the year to make it happen. Discover what your special skill is and turn it into your passion. Live it, expand it and study every aspect and angle of it. Then build your business around it.
5) Identify Your Income Sources! Many entrepreneurs are dreamers with lots of great ideas and business proposals but no source of income to fund or finance them! When I ask them …what’s the source of your immediate income… they look blankly at me. No matter how good an idea…your business must be able to generate its own source of income. When it cannot, then it’s not a business but simply a hobby.
ltcharttrends6) Keep Your Business Fresh and Up To Date! At the beginning of every year, as I am doing right now, review all the projects you have on hand and analyze each one carefully. It is the process of thinking that stimulates your creativity and keeps your business “fresh.” I look at the trends, study the Internet, and keep up to date on celebrity news and fashions to stay a step ahead of the competition. It’s not easy, but it’s a necessity to continually repackage and reinvent my product lines and business ideas.
Being an entrepreneur requires leadership skills, taking risks and staying ahead. Follow your feng shui guidelines and conduct all your business ventures with the good intention.
Make 2017 YOUR BEST YEAR!,

Visualize For Prosperity!
Your inner mind has great power to enhance your life; it is the source of success and the flow of abundance. When you keep images of victory and prosperity vividly in your mind, your outer reality merges magically with your inner power. Herein is the mystery of visualization… the supremacy of your mind and the vividness of your imagination combine together to bring all your desires to fruition. To master the techniques of mental imaging, you need to tune inwards and mentally remove all outer negativities.
To visualize for prosperity, imagine scenes that show you surrounded by personal abundance and picture yourself letting go of negativities that are holding you back. Listen to and change your self-talk. Stop complaining and thinking the worst! Picture yourself vividly letting go of negative attitudes. This is how luck works. It starts by making the mind positive and strong. Here are a few visualizations to enhance your well being and ultimately your wealth and prosperity.

Image: Think Sun
Think Sun!
You can cheer yourself up just by thinking of sunny days. If you are coming out of winter, the sun is especially warm and comforting. And even if you live in countries as I do that get bright sunshine all year round, you wont get tired of it. If you are feeling down, depressed or low for any reason at all, visualize the sun and its powerful yang energy filling your entire being with strength and happiness. Better still, go outside for a walk and let your body soak up the energy of the sun to feel instantly energized!


Tap into the unseen forces within you. Reach inside for the wisdom, strength and power of silence. Use your inner force. Think of it as a bright, white light inside you. Feel it move along the meridians in your body, lighting up your heart, your throat, your head as it strengthens you. Tap the power inside yourself so that it may show up on the outside in what you say, what you do and how you do it.
Image: troubled spots in the mind TROUBLED SPOTS IN THE MIND
It is the troubled spots in your mind that create obstacles to success, happiness and wellbeing. The Chinese are great believers in never allowing anything to obstruct the flow of chi – the life force – within the mind, body and space. Blocks can cause real problems so whenever you become aware of a hang up you have, get rid of it before it becomes a permanent issue.
Remember that the mind is a powerful tool, the most powerful tool that you possess. It is stronger than any of your inborn talents. Utilize the power of your amazing mind as fully as you can. Reality begins with but a single thought. The power of visualization combines mind with imagination. Things you only dreamed of can become reality for you.
Good luck!

ltpic14Grand Master Lillian Too is undoubtedly the world’s most prolific and popular writer and advocate on living with good feng shui! She has written over 100 books that have been translated into 31 different languages, and over 10 million copies of her books have been sold worldwide.
After graduating with an MBA from Harvard Business School, Lillian went on to pursue a highly successful business career in banking and finance in the 1980’s in Hong Kong. Her business acumen, drive and abundant energy soon led her from the finance world to the world of luxury department stores and boutiques where, through a leveraged buy out, she became Chairman and shareholder of The Dragon Seed Group.
All the while she was guided and taught by her feng shui masters in Hong Kong and China – and she attributes much of her monumental and quick rise to success in Hong Kong directly to them.
Lillian soon decided to retire from active corporate life and return to Malaysia to raise her beautiful daughter, Jennifer, and spend more time with her family. It was at this time she began to devote her energy to writing and furthering her study of feng shui.
She published her first book in Malaysia in 1995 that quickly became a best seller and the rest is history. Today she is Chairman of Wofs.Com, a feng shui franchise and merchandising company run by her daughter, Jennifer Too.
She trains feng shui students and future consultants at her Certified Consulting Institute in Malaysia and is much loved by her readers, associates and students for the way she teaches practical feng shui in a user-friendly way, using ordinary situations and circumstances that interest people and affect their everyday lives.

In November 2009, at the International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore, the well-deserved title of GRAND MASTER OF FENG SHUI was conferred upon Lillian Too. Immediately following this accolade, in early January 2010, she received the prestigious Brand Laureate Personality of The Year Award presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia! There seems to be no stopping her popularity and these days!
Lillian believes everyone should know her secrets and learn how to adapt feng shui to modern life… and she warmly welcomes you into her Mandala.
You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at www.lillian-too.com.
Lillian Too Mandala – North American Office
3840 Blackhawk Rd,
Danville, CA 94506
Toll Free Info and Customer Service : 1 866 508 8806
Email: info@lilliantoomandala.com Fax: +1 925 736 6177

Energize Your Inner Chi!

When you exercise and breathe deeply you are also energizing the breath or chi inside you. Don’t you feel better after a good walk or run? You have opened the wind channels with plenty of yang energy. Now here’s something to add to your regimen: As you walk or run, visualize a white light, the fresh chi, entering through your head and flowing through your body, purifying and refreshing you! Make a commitment to good health this year!

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Lily Noon
Group: Noon Books
Dateline: Danville, CA United States
Direct Phone: 925-736-6696
Cell Phone: 925-323-9110
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