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Kindle Publishing: Diversify Your Income and Sell More Books
Shelley Hitz -- Self Publishing Coach Shelley Hitz -- Self Publishing Coach
Findlay, OH
Saturday, September 10, 2011

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Every writer wants to get their work out there. They actually want people to read their books. In today's world, one of the best ways to get your writing out there and actually be read is to put your work on the internet.

Even with eBook sales outpacing hardcover sales, many authors still miss out on the eBook market, for legitimate reasons: they don't know where to start, they don't know how to format eBooks, or they might just be ready to be done with the book after it's published as a hardcopy and are ready to start their next one. However, publishing an eBook shouldn't be something that any author overlooks these days. Knowing that you should publish an eBook is merely the first step in the process. Authors still need to know where to publish, how to format and upload their documents, and a whole slew of other things. Shelley Hitz has put together all of the information that you need to know to successfully publish and eBook in her product: "Get Your Kindle eBook Done!"

Here's what's being said about it:
"I don't think that I could ever say enough positive things about this product. It helped me to go from absolutely zero knowledge about formatting and publishing on Kindle to being able to format all of my documents for Kindle with no problems whatsoever. I would have never been brave enough to attempt publishing an eBook without the information Shelley put together in this product. I highly recommend it to anyone who has ever written book."

– Heather Hart

"Get Your Kindle eBook Done!" includes a report with information about the benefits of publishing an eBook, advice about formatting and submitting your eBook, ideas to help promote your eBook, and tons of other valuable information. As well as a video that walks you step by step through the formatting process and a template that is already set up in the correct format for you! Shelley includes a step by step guide to help you ensure that your eBook is successful. For more information, please visit: http://kindle.self-publishing-coach.com

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Shelley Hitz
Group: Self Publishing Coach
Dateline: Findlay, OH United States
Direct Phone: 419-581-9003
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