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Is Christian Peacemaker Teams the new face of global Christian missions?
Aaron D. Taylor -- Evangelical Peace Advocate Aaron D. Taylor -- Evangelical Peace Advocate
Farmington, NM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm trembling as I write this one.  Not because I don't feel strongly about what I'm about to write, but because I'm already isolated within my own faith community (Pentecostalism) for my unorthodox views on war and peace; and I know that what I'm about to write may put me at odds with a lot of people in the progressive evangelical community—a community I'm just getting used to.  In addition, there's always the fear of being misunderstood, so regardless of whether you agree or not with what I'm about to write, know that at least it's my aim to speak the truth in love.  So here goes.

I love Christian Peacemaker Teams.  I especially love their motto, "What would happen if Christians devoted the same discipline and self-sacrifice to non-violent peacemaking that armies devote to war?" I wish every Christian on the planet would ask themselves that question.  I have nothing but admiration and respect for full and part-time CPT workers that live out that motto every day.  When I went on a delegation with CPT in October 2007 to the West Bank, it radically changed my life.

 So why am I conflicted about CPT?  It's not that I don't believe in the organization.  I do.  Nor is it because I necessarily disagree with their anti-proselytizing policy. I understand that every organization has it's own purpose and mandate. The reason why I'm conflicted is because I'm concerned about the implications of progressive evangelicals continuing to promote CPT as "a new face of global missions." 

As a long time evangelical missionary and a recent convert to non-violence, I find myself caught between two worlds.  On the one hand, I move freely in circles that "pray through the window" and map "unreached people groups" (ethnic groups that have yet to embrace Christianity). On the other hand my devotion to peace and non-violence cause me to move in peace circles—many of which are comprised of theologically liberal Christians.

Never was this more obvious than when I was on the CPT delegation.  It took all of about two hours for everyone in the group to realize that I was the "evangelical" in the group.  When I was asked to describe myself, I shared with the group honestly about what I had been doing over the past several years—traveling the world and sharing the gospel.  For the most part, the group was respectful, but there was the occasional anti-missionary remark that reminded me of my minority status within the group. 

Throughout the week, I had many discussions with individuals in the group about why I believe that Jesus is God and why I don't believe that all religions are equal paths to the same truth.  Because I was the odd man out in the group, I left that week thinking that Mennonites were mostly theologically liberal.  It wasn't until much later that I befriended some Mennonites and discovered that Mennonites are mostly theologically conservative—which is one of the reasons why I'm so concerned.  If a Biblically orthodox denomination continues to send its young people to CPT to experience a "new face of global missions", how many of these young people will eventually jettison their Biblical orthodoxy?

My concern isn't just about conservative Mennonites and their ongoing relationship with CPT, but with the progressive evangelical movement at large. I wonder if in our sincere efforts to promote peace and tolerance between people of different faiths, we're becoming more "progressive" than "evangelical?"  I wonder if our zeal to be good stewards of God's creation has dampened our zeal to evangelize the lost—as if Jesus would have approved of a carbon footprint exception clause to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."  I wonder if we've gone too far in laboring to share physical bread with the masses that we've neglected to share the Living Bread with the masses.

Maybe peacenik evangelical missionaries like myself need an alternative to CPT. Then again, maybe not.  I think it's at least an option that should be looked into, and I'm willing to dialogue with anybody even remotely interested in pursuing the matter further.  Either way, I pray that we in the progressive evangelical community will never forget that despite all of our efforts to save the world, that the "form of this world is passing away."  May we labor "not for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life."

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Aaron D. Taylor
Group: Great Commission Society
Dateline: Rio Rancho, NM United States
Direct Phone: 636-208-6828
Main Phone: (505) 867-6385
Cell Phone: (314) 609-5258
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