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How Does TMS for Depression Work?
Louis B. Cady, M.D. Welness and Integrative Neuropsychiatrist Louis B. Cady, M.D. Welness and Integrative Neuropsychiatrist
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Evansville, IN
Friday, December 3, 2021


Are you searching for relief from depression? Have medications and psychotherapy failed to give you the results you’re looking for? A treatment called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS, is a simple and non-invasive option that can help patients of Cady Wellness Institute in Newburgh, IN, beat back depression. This treatment can be used in place of, or alongside, antidepressants.

How Does TMS for Depression Work?

TMS creates magnetic fields that activate the cells in the brain that release chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. Because depression is caused by imbalances in these chemicals, the stimulation that this treatment offers can relieve depression and some other neurological conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. More than 14 million Americans experience depression each year, and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation can help.

Should I Continue Taking Antidepressants While Undergoing This Treatment?

Each patient is a little different. For some, continuing to take antidepressants during and after TMS treatment is the best way to address their depression. For others, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation alone may be enough. We’ll recommend a specific approach to treatment once we’ve met with you and evaluated your condition. We’ll also take into consideration any medications you may be taking for other conditions.

What Happens During Treatment?

During treatment, we’ll place an electromagnetic coil in the shape of figure eight on your head. At your first appointment, we’ll determine the proper placement of this coil as well as the intensity of the stimulation you’ll receive.

Once the coil is activated, it will create a magnetic field very similar to those generated by a magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, machine. This field will reach just two or three centimeters into the brain in the area under the treatment coil, making it possible for us to specifically target the area of the brain being addressed. The field will create electric currents that activate cells in a way that leads them to better regulate your brain chemicals.

Will I Feel Any Discomfort?

The magnetic pulses generated by this treatment may give you the sensation of a pencil tapping against your skull, and you may hear a clicking sound. It might take you a few moments to adjust to the clicking, but you won’t feel any discomfort. Anesthesia is not needed for this treatment, and most patients remain awake and seated the whole time. After your appointment, you’ll be able to return immediately to your regular schedule.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

We’ll make a specific recommendation regarding your treatment series once we’ve had a chance to evaluate your depression, but most patients undergo six weeks of sessions. Appointments will initially be scheduled every four to five days, with the first session being the longest. Subsequent treatments can usually be completed in under an hour.

What Type of Results Will I See?  

One of the many advantages of this treatment is that it delivers results quickly. Patients often see some improvement in their depression during the first week, and the improvement can be significant. While Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is not a permanent solution, it’s not uncommon for patients to enjoy relief for months or even a year.

What Advantages Are Associated With This Treatment?

It’s Convenient

TMS is an easy, convenient, and painless way of alleviating depression. We will ask you to remove any jewelry that could potentially interfere with the magnetic pulses generated by this treatment, but there won’t be much else you’ll need to do to prepare.

And while your first appointment may take a little longer because we’ll be fitting and adjusting the coil to give you the best possible results, most of your treatments will be short enough to fit into a lunch hour.

It Can Offer Relief When Other Methods Have Failed

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation can relieve treatment-resistant depression, which is depression that has not responded to traditional approaches like medication and therapy. If you’ve struggled with depression and other routes haven’t offered results, this treatment could offer relief.

It Comes With No Unpleasant Side Effects

You may have heard about electroconvulsive therapy, which uses electrical stimulation of the brain to treat depression. Electroconvulsive therapy, which is sometimes referred to as ECT or shock therapy, can impair memory or cognition. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, however, does not impact patients’ memory or ability to concentrate.

It Can Help You Feel Better

If you’re exploring this treatment option, there’s a good chance that you’ve struggled for some time with persistent depression. This treatment can help you feel better by alleviating those feelings of sadness and loss of interest, making it easier for you to concentrate and calm yourself. This approach can also alleviate anxiety and make it easier for you to sleep more deeply.

Who Is This Treatment for?

When a patient is diagnosed with depression, antidepressant medications and talk therapy are typically the first treatments tried. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is generally for patients for whom medication and therapy have not worked. TMS may also be prescribed for patients who are unsuitable for or unable to tolerate antidepressants.

To undergo this treatment, individuals should be at least 16 years of age and should not have metal implants like cochlear implants. Individuals with a history of seizure disorders may not be suitable candidates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Insurance Cover This Treatment?

It’s always smart to check with your insurance provider before embarking on a treatment. But if you’re seeking relief from depression and more traditional treatment methods have not helped, there is a good chance that your insurance policy will cover Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.

How Severe Must Depression Be for This To Work?

This treatment can be effective on all levels of depression, from mild to significant. Clinical studies are underway to determine which candidates benefit the most from this treatment, but there is some evidence that patients with depression that is less treatment-resistant may respond better to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.

At What Age Should I Undergo This Treatment?

As long as you’re at least 16 years of age, you can undergo this treatment at any time you and your doctor decide that it could help. Your age does not determine how effective this treatment will be for you.

Is This Treatment Ever Used for Other Conditions?

TMS is primarily used to address treatment-resistant depression, but it is sometimes used to help with other conditions as well, including anxiety, schizophrenia, chronic pain, Tinnitus, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Researchers are also studying its ability to help with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder.

Are There Patients Who Don’t Respond to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation?

As with any psychiatric treatment, TMS works for some individuals, but not for everyone. That means that there will be some patients who don’t find relief with this treatment. Most, however, do find relief with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Studies have found that 50 to 60 percent of patients who have not benefitted from antidepressants respond favorably to this revolutionary treatment.

Will Braces or Dental Fillings Interfere With This Treatment?

Although Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is not recommended for patients with metal plates or other types of metal in or around the head, dental fillings and braces are not a problem.

Is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Safe?

Yes, this treatment is completely safe. It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2008 and has been widely and effectively used in the years since.

What’s the History Behind This Treatment?

The origin of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation dates back to 1771 and Luigi Galvani, a scientist who studied electricity in the body. Physicist Michael Faraday also contributed to the development of this treatment back in 1881 when he was able to use electric currents to create magnetic fields. In 1896, the scientific community began experimenting with using electromagnetic fields to stimulate the brain.

How Does This Treatment Differ From Electroconvulsive Therapy?

Electroconvulsive therapy involves the electrical stimulation of the brain in a way that causes a seizure. ECT patients are sedated and are monitored for some time afterward. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a completely different treatment that does not result in a seizure.

Fighting Back Against Depression Is Possible

If you’re one of the millions of patients nationwide who are either not suited for antidepressants or haven’t seen any benefit from them, this revolutionary treatment may help. Transcranial Magnet Stimulation is a simple, convenient, and effective approach to fighting treatment-resistant depression. When it comes to fighting depression, you have options. Call us at Cady Wellness Institute in Newburgh, IN, today and schedule your TMS consultation today!

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Louis. B. Cady, M.D.
Title: CEO, Founder
Group: Cady Wellness Institute
Dateline: Newburgh, IN United States
Direct Phone: 812-429-0772
Main Phone: 812-429-0772
Cell Phone: 812-760-5385
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