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Hormone Replacement Therapy
Louis B. Cady, M.D. Welness and Integrative Neuropsychiatrist Louis B. Cady, M.D. Welness and Integrative Neuropsychiatrist
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Evansville, IN
Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Have you not been feeling like yourself lately? Are you noticing some drastic changes to your overall health that are unexplained? You may have some hormonal imbalances. At the Cady Wellness Institute in Newburgh, IN, our hormone replacement therapy can help you get back to the things you enjoy in life.

What Are the Signs that You Need Hormone Replacement Therapy?

If you’re not feeling your best, or you’ve noticed some changes in your mood or behavior, then you may want to look into something like HRT. This treatment method offers you an effective way to get back to your old, healthy, and happy self.

There are many signs that your hormone levels are not in balance, and that HRT might be an effective treatment method for you. A few of these signs include mood swings, night sweats, fatigue, and frequent headaches. But the best way to understand all the different signs is to get into what hormone replacement therapy is in the first place and how they work.

All About Hormone Replacement Therapy

HRT can be beneficial for many people. But the first step to learning why that’s the case is to learn how hormones work and what they do for your brain and body.

What Are Hormones?

Your body performs many tasks. It walks, eats, talks, picks things up, and regulates its internal systems. Your brain is the control center of your body and this is where all of these activities and systems stem from. But your brain needs a way to tell your body to perform certain things. To do this, it sends hormones to various parts of the body.

Your hormones act as messengers. They tell your body to do things like digest food, grow bigger and stronger, and keep all your body’s most important internal systems in check. For this reason, it’s important to make sure that your hormones are always at the right levels.

What Hormones Affect Us the Most?

Everyone has the same basic hormones but the levels will vary between men and women. Women, for example, have higher levels of a hormone called estrogen than men do. This hormone plays a role in your skin health and metabolism and also affects your ability to become pregnant and menstruate.

Men, on the other hand, tend to have higher levels of a different hormone. This hormone is called testosterone and is responsible for things like reproductive tissues in men and more muscle and bone mass. There are other important hormones, like your thyroid hormones, that also play a huge role in the overall health and function of your body.

Why Do Hormone Replacement Therapy Levels Change?

Your hormone levels can fluctuate for a variety of reasons. It’s normal for everyone, both men and women alike, to experience different levels of their hormones throughout their lives. However, if you experience a number of drastic changes throughout your life, you may have a hormonal imbalance problem.

Major hormonal imbalances can be caused by a wide variety of issues. There are many medical conditions like diabetes, Addison’s disease, and hypothyroidism that can cause hormones to change too much. Sometimes the issue is as simple as a poor diet or aging. Whatever the cause, if you’re struggling with hormonal imbalances then HRT could be the solution for you to start feeling your best again.

How Do I Know If My Hormones Are Unbalanced?

If you are experiencing hormonal imbalance, there are a few signs that you may notice. Some of these signs can be hard to spot while others tend to be extremely obvious.

While many of these signs on their own don’t necessarily indicate a hormonal imbalance when in combination they could indicate that this is an issue you’re experiencing. If you feel that you may have some hormonal imbalances, speak to your doctor. If you find that your hormones are imbalanced, then consider receiving HRT at our clean, safe, and welcoming clinic.


One of the major signs that your hormones aren’t in balance is fatigue. Many people mistake feeling fatigued with feeling tired. It’s completely natural to feel slow and sleepy once in a while but feeling fatigued is more than that.

If you are feeling chronically tired and nothing you do seems to give you any energy, then you may be fatigued. This is a huge indication that your hormones aren’t quite at the right levels. If you’re finding it impossible to increase your energy levels, then it’s wise to get your hormone levels checked out.

Weight Changes

Everyone goes through weight fluctuations throughout their lives. In fact, within just one day your weight can fluctuate by several pounds! It’s completely normal for this to happen, and minor variations like this are nothing to be concerned about.

However, if you’re noticing major changes to your weight and your regular diet and exercise regimen haven’t changed, then that could signify an issue. If you’re finding that you’ve gained a lot of weight very quickly or lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time, then your hormonal imbalance could be affecting your metabolism and causing these major shifts in weight.

Hot Flashes

You may have heard menopausal women complain of hot flashes before. These are sudden and extreme warm feelings that can be felt throughout the entire body. However, many times the feeling is localized to smaller parts of the body like the chest and neck.

Hot flashes are most commonly with menopause, a time in a woman’s life where their estrogen levels begin to change. But they can also be caused by hyperthyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland becomes too active.

Mood Swings

Your mood is one of the many internal systems that your hormones regulate. There are many hormones responsible for your mood, including serotonin, cortisol, and dopamine. Women especially tend to experience changes in serotonin levels throughout their lives caused by changes to their estrogen levels.

When your serotonin drops or increases drastically and suddenly, this causes a mood swing. You may feel happy and content one second, and angry or miserly the next. If you’re experiencing a lot of these mood swings, then you may be struggling with a hormonal imbalance.

Night Sweats

While they’re referred to as “night sweats,” they can happen at any point of the day. While sweating is an important function of the human body, this type of sweating happens suddenly and without any prompting.

Night sweats can be extremely frustrating and embarrassing. If you are experiencing night sweats, then you may want to look into HRT as a way to balance out your hormones.


Not all headaches are caused by hormonal imbalances. It’s normal to experience headaches every once in a while and there can be a variety of reasons why you’re experiencing them. But if you’re getting a lot of headaches frequently, that could be a sign that you have a hormonal imbalance.

Regardless of the reason, frequent and long-lasting headaches are a reason to visit your doctor. If the headaches are caused by your hormones being unbalanced, then HRT can help you level your hormones out.

Changes in Sex Drive

Your sex drive, or your libido, is your desire to have sex and the energy that you’re able to put into sex. Years ago, society believed that a loss of libido was inevitable. But better science today tells us that that’s not necessarily true.

It’s entirely possible to enjoy a healthy and active sex life even in old age. If you’re experiencing a major decrease in your libido, then HRT could help you get your hormones back to an appropriate level and allow you to enjoy your sex life again.


Depression means more than feeling just sad. It’s impossible to get through life without feeling sad once in a while. But if you’re experiencing prolonged feelings of sadness, feeling generally blue, or are experiencing a loss of motivation or energy, then you might be struggling with depression.

Left untreated, depression can be extremely harmful. If you feel that you are depressed, you should speak to your doctor. They will be able to help you determine the cause of your depression. Some people experience this issue because of hormonal imbalances. If that’s the case, then HRT can help.


Like depression, anxiety is a mental illness that can severely impact your life if left untreated. Stress is a normal part of life, and it’s actually healthy to feel some amount of stress once in a while. But an anxiety disorder is an unchecked, uncontrollable feeling of stress and apprehension.

This mental illness can make day-to-day life difficult to manage. If you are experiencing a lot of anxiety in your life, then speak to your doctor. If the cause of your anxiety is a hormonal imbalance, HRT will help treat it.

Changes in Sleep Pattern

Sleep disturbances are one of the most common signs of a hormonal issue. It’s important for your overall health to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep every night. If you’re not getting the right amount of uninterrupted sleep every night, then you may be more susceptible to illnesses. Your mood will be affected and when you’re awake you may feel tired and unwell.

A sleepless night every once in a while isn’t usually cause for concern. But if you’re spending many nights tossing and turning, you may have a hormonal issue on your hands.

Brain Fog

The inability to think clearly can be extremely frustrating. It can impede your daily function, and make remembering things challenging. If you’re finding that you’re less able to perform complex cognitive tasks, you’re not retaining new information as well as you used to, and you have a lack of focus, then you might be experiencing brain fog.

When you receive HRT to treat your brain fog, you should find that you’re able to maintain focus on complicated tasks and that you can remember things more easily.

Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy

If you have any of the above signs of hormonal imbalances, then you’ll want to consider looking into HRT. When you receive this treatment, you’ll find that issues like hot flashes, weight fluctuations, brain fog, and depression are greatly reduced.

You’ll feel much happier, more energetic, and able to get back to the things you enjoy in life.

Get the Help You Deserve

If you’re looking at getting hormone replacement therapy, getting it from a reputable source is paramount. At our clinic, we’ll make sure that you feel safe, comfortable, and heard, and that your treatment is effective. Ready to learn more? Get in touch with us today at the Cady Wellness Institute in Newburgh, IN.

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Louis. B. Cady, M.D.
Title: CEO, Founder
Group: Cady Wellness Institute
Dateline: Newburgh, IN United States
Direct Phone: 812-429-0772
Main Phone: 812-429-0772
Cell Phone: 812-760-5385
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