Home > NewsRelease > Gaza War Diary 1 Sun. Sep. 25, 2016 Day 1013 1 1am
Gaza War Diary 1 Sun. Sep. 25, 2016 Day 1013 1 1am
Gail Winston -- Winston Mid East Analysis and Commentary Gail Winston -- Winston Mid East Analysis and Commentary
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Bat Ayin,Gush Etzion, The Hills of Judea
Sunday, September 25, 2016


Dear Family & Friends,

It is said to be a Chinese curse but, we sure do live in interesting times. See below.

I really like John Bolton’s analysis the best. He’s always superb. Hope he’s part of the new Presidential Administration…maybe Secretary of State?!

Mahmoud Darwish is back – in the news. His ‘poetry’ was featured during an Award ceremony for the Israeli film industry. Doesn’t anyone read anymore? Please absorb the message in Manny Winston’s, z’l, digging into Darwish’s message. Our stalwart Minister of Culture & Sport, Miri Regev was absolutely correct to walk out on this glorification of a Terror Provocateur from the past. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

All the very best, Gail/Geula/Savta/Savta Raba x 2/Mom

Our website: WinstonIsraelInsight.com


3.Poll: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump in Virtual Tie Ahead of First Debate

4.At the U.N., Only Israel Is an ‘Occupying Power’ By Eugene Kontorovich

6.Ambassador John Bolton: Netanyahu’s Behavior, Strategy ‘Sensible’ in Face of US Abandonment by Ruthie Blum

7.88 Senators Press Obama To Uphold US Policy To Veto One-Sided UN Resolutions




11.Chairman Of US Chiefs Of Staff Tells Congress He Won’t Implement Key Element Of Obama’s Syria Policy “the most significant threat to our national interests.”

12.Ten Times In Past 2 Years Terrorists Slipped Through Immigration Process Into U.S.


By Emanuel A. Winston, first published in 1996 & in 2000

If the infamous poet, Mahmoud Darwish, had his wish as expressed in his poetry, the remains of Yossi Sarid, along with all Israeli Jews, would be scattered into the sea. Sarid, as Minister of Education demands that the inciteful poetry of Darwish become part of the curriculum for Jewish children. Well, why not, since Sarid and his aberrant Leftists have launched upon a revision of Israel’s history to prove that Jews have no right to the land. Leftist professors, falling into the groove carved by Rabin, Peres, Yossi Beilin, Yossi Sarid, Shulamit Aloni and the rest of that bunch who seem to hate the word, Jew, more than the Arabs do.

Perhaps some will recall one of Darwish’s poems wherein he tells the Jews of Israel to “Dig up your dead, take their bones with you and Leave from OUR Land.” November 22, 1996 I wrote a piece: “Hebron: ‘Dig Up Your Dead & Take Their Bones With You'” beginning with the desecration of ancient Jewish graves burned and vandalized – as were the tombs of Joseph and Joshua in Samaria just before the attacks on Jewish graves in Hebron. (1) The new agreement that PM Netanyahu signed on surrendering 80% of Hebron to Arafat, he also put the Tomb of the Patriarchs up for negotiations three months after the agreements were signed. So, our revered dead are in danger in Hebron. If the Israeli government withdraws the IDF from areas essential for the protection of Jews in Hebron, then Jews in the rest of Israel will not be safe either.

Apparently Darwish’s advice is being followed as Barak and his gaggle of Leftists prepare to make the lands of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza ‘Judenrein’. Of course, they will have to dig up all the dead including those who died of un-natural causes at the hands of Darwish’s friends. Of course, Darwish’s friends who wish this will include not only the Jew-hating Arabs, but the Radical Leftist Jews who marched with the Arabs both in body and spirit.

Mind you, Sarid has tried to hide Darwish’s violently anti-Israel, anti-Jewish poetry and uses for the Israeli students only his sweet poems for his mother. (2) If Sarid were to be truthful, he would have included the hostile, inciteful, propagandistic bombast that has made Darwish the hero of the Palestinian terror movement. But, no, Sarid wants to legitimize Darwish with Israel’s young people and so conceals Darwish’s true nature, as well as the cause for his imprisonment by Israel and subsequent deportation from Israel.

Darwish, the head of the Arab Writers Guild, skewers the idea of an Arab-Israeli peace with heavy sarcasm, castigating those who would make peace with Israel. He says: “Peace isn’t peace, because it is peace with the oppressors,” Darwish left Israel for Moscow in the 1970s, never to return. In a poem published in 1988, Darwish set off a storm of protest by a seeming call for the liquidation of all Jews in Israel, calling after the Jews “get out of our land”. (3)

Yossi Sarid is clearly a better friend of the Arabs that he is of observant Jews, perhaps any Jews. Recall how he threatened to lay down in front of trucks should there be an attempt to transfer Arabs. Yet Sarid and his gang of Leftists are chortling with delight over the success of their efforts to transfer Jews from the territories that are the heart of the Land of Israel.

Sarid speaks with the same forked tongue which is so common among those afflicted with Left-itis. It is a genetic trait if one back-tracks over the duplicity of lies told by Rabin, Peres, Barak. Sarid is promoting Shulamit Aloni for the prestigious Israel Prize. Aloni held the portfolio of Minister of Education under PM Yitzhak Rabin. Aloni and other of the Leftists have mouthed the most vicious anti-Semitic canards, it would take a book to list them all. I refer you to “The Dialectic of Self-Hatred in Israel” by Arieh Stav, policy paper #22 of the Ariel Center for Policy Research in 1998. (4) And to counter most of the vile canards which have been accepted as true, I refer you to MOMENT MAGAZINE February 2000, “From concubines to feces-throwing, Orthodox Jews have been accused of it all – Wrongly” by Avi Shafran. (5)

The NEW YORK TIMES of March 20 story by Deborah Sontag: “Powerful Israeli Rabbi Steps Up Attacks over Parochial Schools” (6) states that Rabbi Ovadia Yosef vehemently attacked Yossi Sarid for closing 48 religious schools under Rabbi Yosef’s care. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, former Chief Rabbi is the spiritual leader of the powerful political party Shas, part of Prime Minister Barak’s coalition with 17 members in Knesset. Sontag also says that “Attorney General Elyakim Rubenstein is likely to ask the police to start a criminal investigation of Rabbi Yosef on charges of incitement, insulting a public servant, or of making threats.

If you were to read the policy paper by Arieh Stav and the MOMENT article of Avi Shafran, you would wonder why all those who have besmirched the character and called for the elimination of Orthodox Jews are not being so indicted, investigated and tried by the Israeli courts.


1. “Hebron: ‘Dig Up Your Dead & Take Their Bones With You'” by Emanuel A. Winston JEWISH PRESS November 22, 1996

2. “Poetry to Some, Politics to Others” by Hugh Dellios CHICAGO TRIBUNE 3/12/2000

3. “Palestinian Poet Parodies ‘Peace'” by Zvi Gabay MidEast Department at the Israeli Foreign Ministry JERUSALEM POST 2/16/94

4. “The Dialectic of Self-Hatred in Israel” by Arieh Stav, policy paper #22 of the Ariel Center for Policy Research in 1998.

5. “From concubines to feces-throwing, Orthodox Jews have been accused of it all -Wrongly” by Avi Shafran. MOMENT MAGAZINE February 2000,

6. “Powerful Israeli Rabbi Steps Up Attacks over Parochial Schools” by Deborah Sontag THE YORK TIMES March 20, 2000


Emanuel A. Winston is a Middle East Analyst & Commentator and research associate of the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies.



1.Trump advisor against expelling Jews

Trump advisor negates claim that sovereignty in Judea & Samaria would ruin Israel’s Jewish identity. Arutz Sheva Staff, 24/09/16 22:36 2

Donald Trump Reuters

David Friedman, Trump’s top advisor, came out against claims that Jewish rule in Judea & Samaria would hurt the rest of Israel’s Jews by diluting the Jewish character of the country.

“Right now, 75% of the population within the Green Line is Jewish,” Friedman said, in a video publicized by Channel 2. “There are 400,000 Jews in Judea and Samaria, as well as another 400,000 in eastern Jerusalem. And it’s funny, but the Arab birthrate is declining.”

According to Friedman, there is a trend of Arabs leaving Judea & Samaria, with their names remaining on the property deeds.

“So if you ask 10 different statisticians how many Arabs live in Judea & Samaria, none of them will be able to give you the correct answer. It could be that no one knows,” he said.

“According to most calculations, if you take all of Israel, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, and you include all of Judea and Samaria, Jews will make up at least 65% of the population,” Friedman noted.

He also added that, “The claim that if Jews rule Judea and Samaria, the State of Israel will no longer be a Jewish state is not true. That’s not what the numbers are showing. If we look at the numbers, it’ll be obvious that the idea that we have to give up Judea and Samaria in order to keep Israel’s Jewish nature is simply not true.”

Tomorrow, PM Netanyahu is set to meet with Donald Trump, as well as Hillary Clinton, in New York.

Trump advisor against expelling Jews

2.Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump

In a change of stance, Texas Senator who challenged Trump for the Republican nomination endorses him for the presidency.

Elad Benari, Canada, 23/09/16 23:00 Arutz Sheva INN.com

3Ted Cruz –Reuters Texas Senator Ted Cruz on Friday endorsed Republican nominee Donald Trump for the presidency, CNN reported.

“After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump,” Cruz wrote in a Facebook post.

“A year ago, I pledged to endorse the Republican nominee, and I am honoring that commitment. And if you don’t want to see a Hillary Clinton presidency, I encourage you to vote for him,” he added.

Cruz’s endorsement of Trump marks a change in policy for the Texas Senator, who challenged Trump for the Republican nomination before pulling out of the race.

He refused to endorse Trump at the Republican National Convention in July, congratulating him on the nomination but urging voters to vote their conscience.

Cruz later refused to bow to Trump’s victory, claiming he’s not a “servile puppy.”

The endorsement, which comes three days before Trump’s first debate with Clinton, comes as the Trump and Cruz camps have moved closer in recent weeks, according to CNN.

Trump’s vp nominee Mike Pence played a key role in bringing Cruz into the fold. Pence and Cruz traded multiple messages, then spoke at length once on the phone and again in person, when Pence visited Capitol Hill a few weeks ago, a source close to Pence said.

Trump has hired key Cruz allies such as Kellyanne Conway as his campaign manager, and Jason Miller as a spokesman, according to the report.

And on Wednesday, Trump’s campaign expressed support for a Cruz-backed, Internet-related proposal in government funding talks in the Senate.

Friday, Trump released a new list of conservative judges likely to appeal to the former Supreme Court clerk — including Cruz’s closest friend in Congress, Utah Sen. Mike Lee.

(Arutz Sheva’s North American desk is keeping you updated until the start of Shabbat in New York. The time posted automatically on all Arutz Sheva articles, however, is Israeli time.)

Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump

IsraPundit by Ted Belman September 19, 2016

Polls: Trump ONE STATE From Being President By Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire


There was a time when Hillary Clinton’s team believed she would win every swing state, many by double digits.

That time has passed.

According to today’s Washington Post, the Clinton team is now “pessimistic” about holding Iowa and Ohio, and they believe Florida and North Carolina will be close. Right now, the latest polls have Donald Trump ahead in all four states. If he were to win those four states, as well as Nevada, he would be one state away from winning the presidency.
Here are the remaining battleground states and where they stand:

Pennsylvania. There’s been a fair bit of talk about Pennsylvania moving into Trump’s column due to its heavy white working class population, but there’s no evidence in the polls for that – the latest poll from Morning Consult has Clinton up nine points there, for a RealClearPolitics average spread of 6.6 points. Trump’s better off focusing his resources elsewhere.

Colorado. Hillary thought she had Colorado in the bag as late as three weeks ago – Trump had no ground game to speak of, and Colorado Republicans were tepid about Trump. But an Emerson poll taken after Hillary’s physical collapse last week put Trump up four there; another poll put Trump up two. If Trump takes Colorado’s 9 electoral votes, he’s president.

Wisconsin. Wisconsin hasn’t gone Republican since 1984. And Hillary had taken the state for granted for months. But a late August poll showed Clinton up just three points there, and we haven’t seen any polls in the state since Hillary’s health scare and her “deplorables” comment.

Virginia. Virginia, too, was thought to be in Hillary’s win column, but three polls in the last three weeks have shown the race within three points. Hillary had reportedly withdrawn resources from the state, assured that Trump could not compete in the purple state that is rapidly shifting blue – or was, until Hillary ran. Hillary’s VP pick, Tim Kaine, clearly hasn’t locked up the state quite yet.

New Hampshire. New Hampshire’s another state Hillary thought was done. But an NBC poll from just before Hillary fell over put her up just two points. That obviously didn’t take into account her terrible last week and a half.

Michigan. Michigan, too, was thought out of reach by Hillary’s people. She had a solid and consistent lead of between 5 and 7 points…until her health scare, when the lead plummeted to three. And Trump has been campaigning heavily in Michigan, particularly on the economy.

Trump’s roughest road here is through Pennsylvania, but if this race remains close, Hillary has to run the table in order to maintain the White House. So much for the theory that Hillary’s supposed stability would prevent Trump from gaining the Oval Office. She remains a horror show candidate, and the polls reflect that.

Poll: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump in Virtual Tie Ahead of First Debate


Donald Trump hillary clinton

3.Poll: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump in Virtual Tie Ahead of First Debate

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are virtually tied heading into their first debate, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News Se Sep.25, 2016seSeptpTEMBER 25, 2016 11:01 AM

Poll: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump in Virtual Tie Ahead of First Debate

IsraPundit by Ted Belman September 23, 2016

4.At the U.N., Only Israel Is an ‘Occupying Power’ By Eugene Kontorovich

The United Nations began its annual session this week, and Israel will be prominent on the agenda. Many fear the Security Council may consider a resolution setting definite territorial parameters, and a deadline, for the creation of a Palestinian state.

President Obama has hinted that in the final months of his term, he may reverse the traditional U.S. policy of vetoing such resolutions. The General Assembly, meanwhile, is likely to act as the chorus in this drama, reciting its yearly litany of resolutions criticizing Israel.
If Mr. Obama is seeking to leave his mark on the Israeli-Arab conflict—and outside the negotiated peace process that began in Oslo—there is no worse place to do it than the U.N. New research we have conducted shows that the U.N.’s focus on Israel not only undermines the organization’s legitimacy regarding the Jewish state. It also has apparently made the U.N. blind to the world’s many situations of occupation and settlements.

Our research shows that the U.N. uses an entirely different rhetoric and set of legal concepts when dealing with Israel compared with situations of occupation or settlements world-wide. For example, Israel is referred to as the “Occupying Power” 530 times in General Assembly resolutions. Yet in seven major instances of past or present prolonged military occupation—Indonesia in East Timor, Turkey in northern Cyprus, Russia in areas of Georgia, Morocco in Western Sahara, Vietnam in Cambodia, Armenia in areas of Azerbaijan, and Russia in Ukraine’s Crimea—the number is zero. The U.N. has not called any of these countries an “Occupying Power.” Not even once.

It gets worse. Since 1967, General Assembly resolutions have referred to Israeli-held territories as “occupied” 2,342 times, while the territories mentioned above are referred to as “occupied” a mere 16 times combined. The term appears in 90% of resolutions dealing with Israel, and only in 14% of the much smaller number of resolutions dealing with the all the other situations, a difference that vastly surpasses the threshold of statistical significance. Similarly, Security Council resolutions refer to the disputed territories in the Israeli-Arab conflict as “occupied” 31 times, but only a total of five times in reference to all seven other conflicts combined.

General Assembly resolutions employ the term “grave” to describe Israel’s actions 513 times, as opposed to 14 total for all the other conflicts, which involve the full gamut of human-rights abuses, including allegations of ethnic cleansing and torture. Verbs such as “condemn” and “deplore” are sprinkled into Israel-related resolutions tens more times than they are in resolutions about other conflicts, setting a unique tone of disdain.

Israel has been reminded by resolutions against it of the country’s obligations under the Geneva Conventions about 500 times since 1967—as opposed to two times for the other situations.

In particular, the resolutions refer to Article 49(6), which states that the “Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” This is the provision that the entire legal case against Israel settlements is based upon. Yet no U.N. body has ever invoked Article 49(6) in relation to any of the occupations mentioned above.

This even though, as Mr. Kontorovich shows in a new research article,“Unsettled: A Global Study of Settlements in Occupied Territories,” all these situations have seen settlement activity, typically on a scale that eclipses Israel’s. However, the U.N. has only used the legally loaded word “settlements” to describe Israeli civilian communities (256 times by the GA and 17 by the Security Council). Neither body has ever used that word in relation to any other country with settlers in occupied territory.

Our findings don’t merely quantify the U.N.’s double standard. The evidence shows that the organization’s claim to represent the interest of international justice is hollow, because the U.N. has no interest in battling injustice unless Israel is the country accused.

At a time of serious global crises—from a disintegrating Middle East to a land war and belligerent occupation in Europe—the leaders of the free world cannot afford to tempt the U.N. into indulging its obsessions. Especially when the apparent consequence of such scapegoating is that the organization ignores other situations and people in desperate need of attention.


5.Obama & Netanyahu: The Long Overdue Goodbye by Ruthie Blum

08.04.2012 - Author Ruthie Blum. Photo:Ariel Jerozolimskiby Ruthie Blum September 23, 2016 7:23 Am7

Netanyahu and Obama. Photo: Pete Souza.

On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with US President Barack Obama at the Lotte New York Palace Hotel, on the sidelines of the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Having just signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the “largest-ever” military-aid package granted to Israel by an American administration, Netanyahu had no choice but to grin and bear it when Obama issued a typical, not-so-veiled threat to the Jewish state.

Though the precise words that were exchanged between the two behind closed doors are not known, Netanyahu was well aware of what to expect ahead of the tete-a-tete — likely, and thankfully, the last he needs to have with the hostile American president. And if he had harbored any illusions about being spared yet another of Obama’s tiresome lectures on the plight of the Palestinians, Obama dispelled them while talking to reporters, just before the meeting.

“There is great danger of terrorism and flare-ups of violence, and we also have concerns about settlement activity,” Obama said, creating moral parity between evil deeds and benign ones. “We want to see how Israel sees the next few years … because we want to make sure that we keep alive this possibility of a stable, secure Israel at peace with its neighbors, and a Palestinian homeland that meets the aspirations of the Palestinian people.”

What Obama meant to say — and surely did iterate behind closed doors — was that Israelis living in any areas that the Palestinian Authority wants cleansed of Jews are the cause of the stabbing attacks, shootings, car-rammings, Molotov cocktail-throwing and bombings to which they have been subjected for decades. And now that he has given them a pile of money with which to protect themselves over the next decade, Netanyahu had better start capitulating to any and every Palestinian demand. You know, just as Obama did last year with the mullah-led regime in Tehran.

Netanyahu, too, spoke in code prior to the meeting. “The greatest challenge is, of course, the unremitting fanaticism,” he said. “The greatest opportunity is to advance peace. That’s a goal that I and the people of Israel will never give up on. We’ve been fortunate that in pursuing these two tasks, Israel has no greater friend than the United States of America.”

Netanyahu was actually conveying that Israel — a liberal democracy like America — has never been at fault for its enemies’ extremism. The trouble with this assertion is that Obama believes the United States is just as much to blame for the wrath of those bent on its destruction as Israel.

According to the Israeli daily Haaretz, a senior US official said that during the meeting, Obama raised “profound concerns about the corrosive effect that settlement activity, which continues as the occupation enters its 50th year, is having on the prospect of a two-state solution.”

An Israeli official indicated that this was not the key topic of conversation. But, he hinted, Netanyahu did repeat what he has been telling Obama for years — that the real problem is the refusal on the part of the Palestinians to recognize a Jewish state, regardless of its borders.

What Netanyahu might have pointed out to the US president is that the Islamic terrorist attacks that took place over the weekend in Minnesota, New York and New Jersey were no different in nature from those perpetrated by Arabs against Israelis. And “settlement activity” in the West Bank had nothing whatsoever to do with them or the other assaults committed by radical Muslims around the world, including in places where nary a Jew can be found.

But he probably didn’t bring this up, figuring it would fall on deaf ears.

There almost certainly was a deafening silence during the chat surrounding the 10-year period covered by the defense aid package to Israel, which ends just around the time the nuclear deal with Iran expires. The coincidence is one that Netanyahu could not afford, literally or figuratively, to underscore. Instead, he thanked Obama for the monetary assistance and bid him farewell, muttering on behalf of all of us a heartfelt “good riddance” under his breath.

Let us hope and pray he puts the cash, which Israel needs now more than ever, to good use.

Ruthie Blum is the managing editor of The Algemeiner.

Obama & Netanyahu: The Long Overdue Goodbye by Ruthie Blum

6.Ambassador John Bolton: Netanyahu’s Behavior, Strategy ‘Sensible’ in Face of US Abandonment by Ruthie Blum

by 08.04.2012 - Author Ruthie Blum. Photo:Ariel JerozolimskiRuthie Blum SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 12:23 PM Algemeiner Journal


Ambassador John Bolton & Chairman of Gatestone Institute

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is doing what is sensible, from the perspective of a leader of a country whose principle ally, America, appears to be abandoning it, a former United States ambassador to the United Nations told The Algemeiner on Thursday.

John Bolton, who — during his tenure at the UN from August 2005 until December 2006 — was responsible for having General Assembly Resolution 3379 (more commonly known as “Zionism is racism”) rescinded, was responding to a query about Netanyahu’s recent visits to Moscow, rapprochement agreement with Turkey and bolstering of ties with African nations and with those Arab countries concerned about Iran’s ability to acquire nuclear weapons.

“Now, I understand that the US has just signed this ‘wonderful’ Memorandum of Understanding with Israel, which the administration in Washington correctly says represents the largest military-aid package over time in its history. But it’s inadequate and everybody knows it,” said Bolton, during an event held by the Gatestone Institute— a New York-based think tank that specializes in strategy and defense — on the day that Netanyahu addressed the 71st session of the UN General Assembly.

Bolton, who serves as Gatestone’s chairman, added that, during a recent visit to Israel, he told Netanyahu that he was right to sign the MoU, and that “if the election has the right outcome, he should re-open it – something that would be met with great receptivity. The greater risk would have been not signing an agreement, and getting an administration after the presidential elections that gave an even worse deal.”

Bolton continued:

It’s understandable, although unhappy, that Netanyahu is trying to make accommodations with the likes of Turkey and Russia. But if he can’t count on the United States – and he certainly can’t count on Western Europe – he has to do what he can to mitigate the potential threats from them and their friends around the region.

We know that Russia has enormous influence with the Assad regime in Syria, which wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for Russia and Iran, and influence, obviously, with Iran itself.

Where Egypt is concerned, and Netanyahu’s increasingly strengthening ties with President el-Sisi, I think Netanyahu is ahead of the United States, because we ought to be finding ways to have a better relationship with that government. We’ve succeeded in the past six years, since the beginning of the Arab Spring, in alienating every significant faction of political Egypt: the military doesn’t trust us; the Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t trust us; what’s left of the more western, pro-liberal part of society doesn’t trust us…

The point, stressed Bolton, is that Netanyahu is left no recourse, due to US weakness.

“If you believed in American commitments, and if you believed we understood, as we once did, what was at stake in seemingly remote places, you wouldn’t need to do what Netanyahu has been doing – certainly not to the extent he has — or what our Arab friends, the oil-producing monarchies on the Arabian Peninsula, are doing by talking to China and Russia. They’re not moving out of the neighborhood; the neighborhood’s getting more dangerous for them, too. So they’re going to look after Number One from their perspective. They’re worried about America’s long-term commitment.”

This, said Bolton, author, most recently, of the best-selling book, Surrender Is Not an Option, “creates a cycle of estrangement from the United States that feeds on itself. We hear politicians in America saying, ‘Our allies are ungrateful; they’re not pulling their weight.’ Well, it’s true about a lot of them. But that doesn’t mean you abandon your allies. It means you get your house in order and get back to doing basic alliance-management, which we haven’t done in the past eight years.”

0Ambassador John Bolton: Netanyahu’s Behavior, Strategy

7.88 Senators Press Obama To Uphold Us Policy To Veto One-Sided Un Resolutions Sept. 22, 2016 in: Unity Coalition for Israel uc4i.org

The international community should “avoid taking action that would harm the prospects for meaningful progress,” according to a bi-partisan letter.
10 US President Barack Obama chairs the UN Security Council summit in New York September 24. (photo credit:Reuters)

Eighty-eight US senators submitted a bipartisan letter Monday calling for President Barack Obama to uphold US policy that calls for a veto of any one-sided United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, according to a press release of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

The letter, initiated by Senators Kristen Gillibrant (D-NY) and Mike Rounds (R-SD) quotes Obama’s speech to the General Assembly in 2011, in which he said, “Peace will not come through statements and resolutions at the United Nations.”

The international community should “avoid taking action that would harm the prospects for meaningful progress,” the letter warns, noting, “Even well-intentioned initiatives at the United Nations risk locking the parties into positions that will make it more difficult to return to the negotiating table and make the compromises necessary for peace. The United States remains an indispensable trusted mediator between the parties, and we must continue to insist that neither we nor any other outside substitute for the parties to the conflict.”

The letter also emphasizes the senators’ hope for a two-state solution, saying, “The only way to resolve the conflicts between the two is through direct negotiations that lead to a sustainable two-state solution with a future state of Palestine living in peace and security with Israel. This outcome would provide Israel with greater security and strengthen regional stability. We remain optimistic that, under the right circumstances, Israelis and Palestinians can successfully resume productive negotiations toward this goal.”

US Senator and former presidential candidate Ted Cruz (R-Texas) pushed back on the issue of the two-state solution, however. In a statement released Monday night, he said, “I support the spirit of Sens. Gillibrand’s and Rounds’ letter to President Obama, which is to urge him to oppose any anti-Israel activities at the United Nations Security Council. Unfortunately, the language in the opening paragraph declaring the ‘two-state solution’ as the ‘only’ resolution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians undermines this well-intentioned effort, and makes it impossible for me to sign. This matter is an internal one for Israel to decide, and it is not the place of the United States – or the United Nations – to impose a solution on a sovereign nation. I join all of our colleagues in praying for peace and security for our great ally Israel.”

The letter comes ahead of a meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Obama. The two are scheduled to meet on Wednesday in New York. Both men will be in the city to address the UN General Assembly. Obama is scheduled to address the gathering on Tuesday, and Netanyahu is set to address the assembly on Thursday.

This will be the first meeting between the two leaders since last November, and is expected to be the last face-to-face meeting between the two before Obama leaves office in January.

Herb Keinon contributed to this report.

88 Senators Press Obama To Uphold Us Policy To Veto One-Sided Un Resolutions


September 22, 2016 in: Unity Coalition for Israel uc4i.org

US Pres. Obama told the UN General Assembly Israel knows its citizens should be expelled from anywhere the Palestinian Authority wants to build a state.
11 Photo Credit: screenshot/YouTube

U.S. President Barack Obama offered one-line solutions to nations around the world Tuesday during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly.

Speaking of the decades-old dispute between Israel and the Palestinian Authority that evaded even Obama’s two-term attempts at peace-making, the American president offered this view:

“Surely Israelis and Palestinians will be better off if Palestinians reject incitement and recognize the legitimacy of Israel, but Israel recognizes that it cannot permanently occupy and settle Palestinian land.”

He had a lot to say about events in the Middle East in general:

“Just as force alone cannot impose order internationally, I believe in my core that repression cannot forge the social cohesion for nations to succeed. The history of the last two decades proves that in today’s world, dictatorships are unstable. The strongmen of today become the spark of revolution tomorrow. You can jail your opponents but you can’t imprison ideas. You can try to control access to information but you cannot turn a lie into truth.”

He also had a great deal to say specifically about Syria, about the formation and evolution of Da’esh (ISIS) and the issue of radical Islamist terror, which he continued to refuse to label as such.

“We know that ISIL … depends on perpetual war to survive … Part of our job together is to work to reject such extremism that infects too many of our young people. Part of that effort must be a continued rejection by Muslims, of those who distort Islam, to preach intolerance and promote violence. It must also involve a rejection by non-Muslims of the ignorance that equates Islam with terror. This work will take time. There are no easy answers to Syria.”

Ultimately, he said, nations need to work together to prevent mass killings and torture.

“We also have to recognize that we must work more effectively in the future as an international community, to build capacity for states that are in distress, before they collapse.

“That’s why we should celebrate the fact that later today the United States will join with more than 50 countries to enlist new capabilities, infantry, intelligence, helicopters, hospitals, and tens of thousands of troops to strengthen United Nations peacekeepers.

These new capabilities can prevent mass killings and ensure that peace agreements are more than words on paper. But we have to do it together…. to establish security where order has broken down, and to support those who seek a just and lasting peace.”

Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for Babble.com, Chabad.org and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.



September 22, 2016 in: Unity Coalition for Israel uc4i.org

12 FILE – In this Sept. 28, 2015, file photo, President Barack Obama addresses the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly. Standing before the United Nations for the last time as president, Barack Obama will reassure foreign leaders that the world is better equipped to tackle its challenges than almost any point in history despite a cascade of harrowing crises that seem devoid of viable solutions. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — In a closing dispatch to the world he’s tried to shape, President Barack Obama conceded Tuesday that the United States & other major powers have only limited ability to solve the world’s most profound problems, including Syria’s civil war. He lamented the “cycles of conflict & suffering” that seem to kick in every time humanity finally seems to be getting it right.

“Perhaps that’s our fate,” Obama said in his last speech to the U.N. General Assembly.

Four months before leaving office, Obama called for a “course correction” to ensure that the unstoppable forces of globalization don’t lead nations to entrench behind their borders and ignore the most vulnerable. He chided foreign leaders for stoking ethnic and religious divisions while faulting Russia for a brutish approach to its role on the world stage.

Still, Obama insisted it was critical not to gloss over “enormous progress” on economics and global cooperation that he said formed a template for tackling the problems of the future.

In a less-than-subtle jab at Donald Trump, the Republican running to replace him, Obama said, “A nation ringed by walls would only imprison itself.”

Obama’s parting words to the global body contained a grim assessment of the challenges he’s leaving behind: a devastating refugee crisis, terrorism, financial inequality and a tendency to make immigrants and Muslims scapegoats. Across the Middle East, he said, “basic security, basic order has broken down.”

“This is the paradox that defines our world today,” Obama said. “A quarter-century after the end of the Cold War, the world is by many measures less violent and more prosperous than ever before. And yet our societies are filled with uncertainty and unease and strife.”

This year’s U.N. gathering has played out against the harrowing backdrop of the deepening civil war in Syria and the renewed failure of U.S. and Russian diplomatic efforts to stem the violence for any meaningful period of time. With no better alternatives, the U.S., Russia and others clung unconvincingly Tuesday to the notion that a week-old cease-fire was not moribund, even as Syria declared it over and the U.N. suspended all convoys of aid.

Obama acknowledged that the extremist and sectarian violence wreaking havoc in the Middle East and elsewhere “will not be quickly reversed.” Still, he stuck faithfully to his insistence that diplomatic efforts and not military solutions are the key to resolving Syria’s war and other conflicts.

“If we are honest, we know that no external power is going to be able to force different religious communities or ethnic communities to co-exist for long,” Obama said. “Until basic questions are answered about how communities co-exist, the embers of extremism will continue to burn. Countless human beings will suffer.”

The president was unabashed in his critique of Russia as he laid out his diagnosis of the world’s ills. His tough talk illustrated how little progress has been made in reconciling the two powers’ diverging interests that have allowed the Syria crisis to continue to fester.

“In a world that left the age of empire behind, we see Russia attempting to recover lost glory through force,” Obama said.

A year ago, Obama stood at the same podium and declared anew that Syrian President Bashar Assad must leave power, while Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a dueling speech warning it would be a mistake to abandon Assad. Since then, Moscow’s leverage in the conflict has strengthened significantly, buoyed by a Russian military intervention that bolstered Assad’s standing without pulling it into the military “quagmire” that Obama had predicted.

White House officials said Obama had been mindful of the fact that his U.N. speech was one of his final opportunities to define his leadership on the world stage. At the heart of his approach, Obama said, is a belief that conflicts are best solved when nations cooperate and a willingness to engage with erstwhile adversaries like Cuba and Myanmar.

It’s a theme that Democrat Hillary Clinton has put at the forefront of her presidential campaign — her slogan is “Stronger Together” — as she casts herself as the natural heir to Obama’s legacy. The president peppered his speech with subtle references to Trump, his calls for building a wall on the Mexican border and his denigration of Muslims and immigrants.

Standing before the 193-member U.N. body, Obama sought in broad strokes to lay out a blueprint for addressing other unresolved conflicts. He called for the world to impose “consequences” on North Korea for its latest nuclear test and, in less direct terms, for China to abide by a recent U.N. tribunal ruling against its territorial designs in the South China Sea.

A day before meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he drew a parallel between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the need to respect racial minorities in the U.S.

“Surely, Israelis and Palestinians will be better off if Palestinians reject incitement and recognize the legitimacy of Israel, but Israel recognizes that it cannot permanently occupy and settle Palestinian land,” Obama said.

Associated Press writer Kevin Freking in Washington contributed to this report.



September 22, 2016 in: Unity Coalition for Israel uc4i.org

(Grabien) – In his final speech to the United Nations General Assembly, President Obama laid out what he views as his foreign policy legacy — and in so doing, highlighted how America itself still has much work to do. Specifically, Obama found 11 separate opportunities to talk down his own country.

Here are some of the ways Obama told the United Nations America is falling short:

§ In America, there’s too much money in politics.

§ There’s also too much “entrenched partisanship.”

§ Too few Americans are civically engaged.

§ A ”patchwork of laws” in America set out to make it hard for Americans to vote.

§ Considering our founding ideals, America has made “our share of mistakes over these last 25 years.”

§ The only way the world will become more secure is for powerful nations like America to “accept constraints.”

§ For believing that all countries must adhere to certain “international norms,” many Americans criticize Obama.

§ Too many in Washington believe all of the problems in the world can be solved by Washington.

§ As president, he’s helped “curb” America’s “excesses of capitalism.”

§ America has “undermined unions,” which has destroyed manufacturing jobs.

§ In calling for greater respect and tolerance, Obama also likened racial discrimination in the U.S. to ethnic discrimination in Burundi and religious discrimination in Burma.


11. Chairman Of US Chiefs Of Staff Tells Congress He Won’t Implement Key Element Of Obama’s Syria Policy “… the most significant threat to our national interests.” by Yochanan Visser, Western Journalism

This has been another bad week for the Obama administration’s Middle East policy.

First, as Western Journalism reported Tuesday, Obama was caught red-handed lying about money transfers to Iran.

The president had always defended the transfer of $1.7 billion cash to Iran in three installments as inevitable because the U.S. could not wire the money due to sanctions levied on the regime.

But last week, a U.S. Treasury spokesman revealed the administration had wired almost $10 million to Iran on two occasions over the last 14 months.

Then there was the collapse of the new Syrian ceasefire agreement that had been negotiated with Russia by Secretary of State John Kerry that should have paved the way to renewed peace negotiations in Geneva.

However, despite Kerry’s claims to the contrary, the ceasefire never materialized and was finally blown to smithereens by U.S. warplanes that incidentally bombed a Syrian airbase in eastern Syria and by a brutal airstrike on a UN humanitarian aid convoy near Aleppo by what appeared to be Russian and Syrian airplanes.

Twenty UN aid workers were killed in the two-hour bombardment on the convoy that was on its way to the besieged city and had UN marks on all of the trucks.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the Russians, who Obama and Kerry were increasingly treating as partners in the Syrian war, spat in the face of the administration by sending their only aircraft carrier to Syria the moment Kerry demanded a no-fly zone in the war-torn country to save the “ceasefire.”

What happened next would have been unthinkable in the United States before Obama.

During a hearing Thursday on the U.S. security problems, Gen. Joseph Dunford, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, announced the U.S. military would refuse to execute a central element of the administration’s new Syria policy.

Dunford was talking about U.S. intelligence sharing with the Russian Central Command in Syria.

That would be a bad idea, the general said.

“The U.S. military role will not include intelligence sharing with the Russians,” Dunford told lawmakers on the Senate Armed Services Committee, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

“I do not believe it would be a good idea to share intelligence with the Russians,” Dunford, who was accompanied by Defense Secretary Ash Carter, added.

The Pentagon has been opposed to the idea of intelligence sharing with the Russians from the outset when Kerry was pushing hard to make a deal on cooperation with Russia in the war against ISIS and Jabhat Fatah al-Sham.

Dunford now told lawmakers that Russia posed “the most significant challenge” to the U.S. national interests and said Russia is carrying out military operations not seen “in 20 years.”

“When I look at Russia’s nuclear capability, when I look at their cyber capability, when I look at their developments in undersea warfare, when I look at their patterns of operations — how often they’re operating, the locations they are operating in — these are kinds of operations that we haven’t seen in over 20 years,” Dunford told the committee.

“When I look at Mr. Putin’s activities in Ukraine, in Crimea, in Georgia, that causes me to say that a combination of their behavior as well as their military capability would cause me to believe that they pose the most significant challenge, potentially the most significant threat, to our national interests,” he added.

Dunford also contradicted the State Department’s assessment that the Syrian ceasefire was “very fragile” but had not collapsed.

When he was asked if the ceasefire was holding, Dunford responded, “That would not appear to be the case over the last 48 hours.”

Dunford’s statements during the hearing marked the first time a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff informed Congress that he would not carry out the stated policy of the government he is serving, according to Liberty Unyielding analyst Jennifer Dyer.

“I don’t think even MacArthur did this. He exceeded his authority and complained publicly about Truman’s policy, and ended up being fired for it. But he didn’t inform Congress in advance that he had no intention of executing the policy the administration was working to implement,” Dyer told Western Journalism.

In 1951, President Harry Truman fired Mac Arthur after he repeatedly made statements that contradicted the administration’s policies.

Chairman Of US Chiefs Of Staff Tells Congress He Won’t Implement Key Element Of Obama’s Syria Policy “… the most significant threat to our national interests.”


13 Law enforcement officials gather at the site where Ahmad Khan Rahami, who was wanted in connection to Saturday night’s bombing in Manhattan, was arrested after a shootout with police, September 19, 2016 in Linden, New Jersey. On Monday morning, law enforcement released a photograph of 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami, who they are seeking in connection to the attack. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, New York — In the wake of the terrorist attacks in New York City and Minnesota during the weekend, the focus of the national debate has again shifted back to America’s enemies exploiting weaknesses in U.S. immigration screening processes to get into the country to attack the United States.

While President Barack Obama’s administration, and his would-be successor, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton, have promised to increase the amount of people they bring into the United States through immigration, refugee, and asylum programs, the Republican nominee for president, Donald J. Trump, has promised to put the brakes on allowing potential terrorists into the United States.

Below is a by-no-means comprehensive list of at least ten times in the last couple years—there are certainly many more instances—that terrorists have exploited the Obama-Clinton immigration weaknesses to get into the United States. This is the first in a series of stories that will examine specific examples on this front.

1.) Eritrean Plans Terror in Ohio

Twenty-one-year-old Munir Abdulkader of West Chester, Ohio, pleads guilty, according to the Department of Justice, “to attempting to kill officers and employees of the United States, providing material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), a designated foreign terrorist organization, and possession of a firearm in furtherance of a crime of violence.”

According to the Columbus Dispatch, Abdulkader is a “native of Eritrea in east Africa,” who “became a citizen of the United States in September 2006.”

He hit law enforcement’s radar while a student at Xavier University in Cincinnati when he was posting messages on Twitter that the Columbus Dispatch said were “seen as sympathetic to Islamic State fighters.”

“On a Twitter account that began in July 2014 and continued into 2015, Abdulkader posted an IS training video, lamented that his cousin had died fighting for IS and expressed his desire to travel and join the terrorist insurgency,” James Steinbauer wrote in the Columbus Dispatch in July. He added:

Abdulkader also stated his wish to attain martyrdom. From March to mid-April 2015, Abdulkader began speaking with a confidential source about his intentions to travel to Syria and fight for the insurgency. He secured a passport, saved money for the trip and began making travel plans, but postponed the trip until May 2015 because of increased arrests of individuals traveling to join IS. During May 2015, Abdulkader communicated with one or more people overseas who were tied to IS. One, a member of IS identified as Junaid Hussein, encouraged Abdulkader to commit terrorist attacks in the United States before going to Syria. IS has advocated for lone-wolf jihadis and extremists to conduct attacks in their home countries.

In his communications with Hussein, the Islamic State recruiter encouraged the Eritrean immigrant—according to the Justice Department—“to plan and execute a violent attack within the United States.”

“Abdulkader communicated with Hussein and the CHS [confidential human source] about a plan to kill an identified military employee on account of his position with the U.S. government,” the Justice Department said in a press release. “The plan included abducting the employee at the employee’s home and filming the execution. After killing the employee, Abdulkader planned to perpetrate a violent attack on a police station in the Southern District of Ohio using firearms and Molotov cocktails.”

None of this would have been possible if the United States government had not let this Eritrean man into the United States in the first place.

2.) Virginia Man? Not Quite.

Also back in July, The Washington Post’s Rachel Weiner and Joe Helm detailed the story of Mohamed Bailor Jalloh—an immigrant from Sierra Leone—who was caught plotting a terrorist attack in support of the Islamic State in Virginia.

“When Mohamed Bailor Jalloh walked into the Blue Ridge Arsenal gun store and indoor target range in Chantilly, Va., on Friday to purchase a Bushmaster AR-15 rifle, he had no idea that his every move was being monitored by the FBI,” Weiner and Helm wrote on July 5. “Jalloh, 26, spent about 10 minutes in the shop before attempting to buy the assault weapon, but he was told that he did not have the required three forms of identification to make the purchase, said Earl Curtis, the store’s owner. Jalloh told employees that he would return.”

Jalloh had apparently been a former member of the Virginia National Guard—and that was how The Washington Post’s headline identified him. What the leading newspaper did not say until 16 paragraphs into the article is that Jalloh is not from the United States.

“Jalloh, a native of Sierra Leone, is a U.S. citizen,” the Post wrote.

That’s all the nation’s capitol’s major newspaper said in that story about his immigration history.

According to Justice Department documents, Jalloh was born in Sierra Leone—a West African nation that is predominantly Muslim—and actually after becoming naturalized later as a U.S. citizen traveled back to Sierra Leone in 2015. In addition to disclosing that he listened to lectures from Anwar Al-Awlaki, Jalloh—according to court records available of the Department of Justice’s website—told a confidential human source for federal law enforcement he is “originally from Sierra Leone and has been a Muslim his entire life.” During his trip back to his home nation of Sierra Leone, federal authorities—according to the court records—believed he had contact with representatives for the Islamic State. He was gone for months.

“A review of U.S. Customs and Border Protection travel records indicated JALLOH departed the United States on or about June 11, 2015 via John F. Kennedy International Airport with a final destination of Sierra Leone,” the court document, filed by an FBI agent, says, continuing:

On or about January 16, 2016, JALLOH returned to the United States from Sierra Leone via John F. Kennedy International Airport. Based on the length of time JALLOH was overseas for this trip and the comments made by JALLOH to CHS1 [confidential human source number one] on or about April 9, 2016, I believe it was during this overseas trip that JALLOH met ISIL members in Nigeria and first established contact with UCCl [un-indicted co-conspirator number one].

But it all started, of course, when the U.S. government decided to let this guy into the United States in the first place.

3.) Kenyan Somali ‘Refugee’ — Or Minnesota Man? — Convicted on Terrorism Charges

Guled Ali Omar, a Somalian born in a refugee camp in Kenya but later admitted into the United States as a refugee and subsequently granted citizenship by the U.S. government, was one of three “Minnesota Men” convicted in June of conspiring to join the Islamic State and “commit murder in Syria.”

“Guled Ali Omar, Abdurahman Yasin Daud and Mohamed Abdihamid Farah were convicted by a federal jury today of conspiring to commit murder in Syria on behalf of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and to provide material support to the designated foreign terrorist organization,” the Justice Department announced on June 3. “Omar was also convicted of one count of attempted financial aid fraud, and Farah was also convicted of one count of perjury and providing a false statement.”

Omar’s case is particularly interesting. His family, in the wake of his conviction, was given fawning coverage by local Minnesota media. In a large profile in the Minneapolis StarTribune, his mother Fadumo Hussein was described as “heartbroken” and portrayed as having her “home” being “shadowed” by “the question of terrorism” for years.

The local newspaper paints the FBI agents who raided their home as jackbooted thugs who disrupted their life.

“On Sunday morning, that question once again stormed into her life, when FBI agents crashed through the door of her south Minneapolis house in search of her youngest son, Guled Omar,” Paul McEnroe wrote in the Star Tribune on April 21, 2015, adding: Rousting her from sleep, the agents had surrounded the house about 9 a.m. and then stormed in to arrest her 20-year-old son. The young man, who works as a security guard for Target and attends community college part-time, is now charged with leading a secret life centered on plotting with five friends to leave the United States in order to fight with terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

Deeper in the story, though, the StarTribune lets it slip: Omar was not just any typical “Minnesota Man.”

The newspaper quotes the mother as saying, “Guled was born by myself under a tree” during their time “spent in a Kenyan refugee camp.” Never mind that this is Hussein’s second—not her first, her second—son who has been connected with radical Islamic terrorism, the Minneapolis StarTribune focuses on how Hussein, about Omar, was “protesting his innocence.”

“Still reeling from the weekend’s trauma, a tearful Hussein sat on her couch Monday morning and tried to come to grips with now losing her second son to the nationwide investigation of terrorist recruitment among Somali-Americans,” McEnroe wrote: Omar is the youngest brother of indicted fugitive Ahmed Ali Omar, who left the U.S. in late 2007 as part of the first wave of Somali-Americans in the Twin Cities to fight for Al-Shabab in Somalia. Hussein said she hasn’t heard from Ahmed since — that he’s simply disappeared off the family’s radar. Now, she faces the prospect of losing Guled too, through a terrorism trial or a guilty plea that, either way, could put him in prison for decades.

While the StarTribune article, even further down, tells readers finally that Hussein is a “naturalized U.S. citizen,” it says nothing of the immigration status of Omar. For that information—whether or not Omar was granted U.S. citizenship by the government after coming to the United States—readers need to turn to another newspaper: The Chicago Tribune. More than ten paragraphs into that article from the Tribune wire service, readers finally learn: The United States government gave this man citizenship.

“All six are of Somali descent. Daud is a permanent resident, and Guled is a naturalized citizen,” the paper wrote of the six charged men. “The others were born in the U.S.”

To the wire service’s credit, though, it does—a few paragraphs deep—admit there is a problem in Minnesota: The Minneapolis area is home to the largest concentration of Somali immigrants in the U.S. Since 2007, more than 22 young Somali men have also traveled from Minnesota to Somalia to join the militant group al-Shabab, which is also listed by the U.S. State Department as fomenting terrorism. Authorities have said a handful of Minnesota residents have traveled to Syria to fight with militants in the past year, and at least one has died.

4.) Legal Permanent Resident Abdurahman Yasin Daud Moves In Next Door

One of the others charged in the case in the third example—Abdurahman Yasin Daud—is a native Somalian who wound up in Minnesota, thanks to the U.S. government. But not only was he allowed into the country, according to the Tribune wire service piece in the Chicago Tribune, he was granted “permanent resident” status by the U.S. government.

Maybe if federal policy did not let people like this into the United States in the first place, FBI agents would not have to chase people like Daud and his buddies across the country as they plot to leave the United States to join the Islamic State in Syria.

In fact, federal law enforcement agents spent years—years—building this case.

Omar and two other members of the conspiracy also made an attempt to join ISIL by traveling across the U.S.–Mexico border near San Diego in May 2014, but failed when members of Omar’s family prevented his travel.

“In October 2014, members of the conspiracy communicated with ‘Antar,’ a self-described member of ISIL in Syria, about how best to travel to Syria to join ISIL,” the Justice Department said in a press release, adding: Members of the conspiracy met with one another to discuss routes, methods and the timing of leaving the United States to join ISIL in Syria. Omar again attempted to join ISIL in Syria on Nov. 6, 2014, by flying from Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport to San Diego, crossing the border into Mexico and traveling onward to Syria. Before he could board the flight in Minnesota, Omar was stopped at the airport and prevented from boarding the plane. In order to fund this second attempt to join ISIL in Syria, Omar intended to use federal financial aid provided to him by the U.S. Department of Education to attend college. Also in November 2014, Farah and three of his co-conspirators, Zacharia Abdurahman, Hanad Musse and Hamza Ahmed, took a bus from Minneapolis to New York City and attempted to board flights to Europe with an eventual destination of Syria. Federal agents in New York prevented the four from traveling abroad. In April 2015, Daud and Farah drove from Minneapolis to San Diego, where they intended to purchase fake passports, cross the border into Mexico and travel to Syria to join ISIL. Unbeknownst to them, the individual from whom they purchased the fake passports was a law enforcement officer and both were arrested by federal agents immediately after obtaining the phony travel documents.

5.) Sudanese Man Caught in Virginia Conspiring to Join Islamic State

While the January 16 press release from the Department of Justice was headlined “Two Virginia Men Charged with Terrorism Offenses Related to Attempted Travel to Syria to Join ISIL,” it turns out one of these “Virginia men” was actually an immigrant from the great nation of Sudan.

Mahmoud Amin Mohamed Elhassan—whom the DOJ admits “ is a legal permanent U.S. resident originally from Sudan,” but was living in Woodbridge, Virginia—was “charged with aiding and abetting [his friend Joseph Hassan] Farrokh’s attempt to provide material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization.” Farrokh was born in Pennsylvania.

Elhassan, the Sudanese man, according to a later release from the DOJ announcing his indictment on May 27, was a taxi driver who used his taxi to try to help Farrokh get to Syria to join the Islamic State.

“In furtherance of the conspiracy, on Jan. 15, 2016, Elhassan drove Farrokh to Richmond in order to enable Farrokh to fly to overseas to join ISIL,” the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Virginia announced in the indictment press release:

According to the indictment, Elhassan also attempted to provide material support or resources to ISIL by aiding and abetting the attempt of Farrokh to join ISIL. Elhassan’s aiding and abetting included introducing Farrokh to an individual that Elhassan believed could facilitate Farrokh’s travel to the Islamic State; driving Farrokh from Farrokh’s home to Richmond in Elhassan’s taxi cab so that Farrokh could embark on his travel to join ISIL; and making false statements to the FBI about Farrokh’s travel in order to hinder the government’s investigation of Farrokh’s travel. According to the indictment, Elhassan knowingly, unlawfully, and willfully made material false, fictitious, and fraudulent statements and representations in a matter involving international terrorism, including: On Jan. 15, 2016, Elhassan falsely stated to FBI agents that Farrokh had flown out of Dulles Airport earlier that day on a flight to California to attend a funeral; that Farrokh had said that he would be back in about two weeks; that neither he nor Farrokh supported the ISIL; and neither he nor Farrokh ever tried to find someone to help them get to ISIL.

Sudan is a northeastern African nation that is run by a legal system operating based on Sharia law, something that has been a source of controversy for the nation as it has handed out death sentences to those who engage in “apostasy.”

“25 Muslim men, including three teenagers, are facing the death penalty in Sudan after being charged with apostasy for following the wrong version of Islam,” The Guardian reported last Dec.

That is where Elhassan came from, before the U.S. government allowed him into America.

6.) Iraqi in Texas Sentenced to Four Years in U.S. Prison on Terror Charges

Bilal Abood, a 38-year-old Iraqi man who lives in Mesquite, Texas, was sentenced to 48 months in prison on May 25 for lying to the Feds about terrorism.

In this case, the Justice Department notes right up front that he was born in Iraq—but is now a U.S. citizen. Abood had traveled to Syria from Texas—and then back—and had pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr Al-Badhdadi, the leader of the Islamic State.

“Abood admitted that on March 29, 2013, he attempted to depart the United States at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, but was not allowed to board the international flight,” the Justice Department press release said. It continued: While at the airport, FBI special agents asked Abood about his planned travel and he stated he was merely planning to travel to Iraq to visit family. During a subsequent interview, Abood admitted to FBI special agents that his intent was to travel to Syria to fight the regime of Bashar al-Assad. On approximately April 29, 2013, Abood left the United States through Mexico and traveled through various countries into Syria. On Sept. 16, 2013, Abood returned to the United States and admitted to FBI special agents that he had traveled to Syria, but he denied supporting any terrorist groups. A search warrant was executed on Abood’s computer on July 9, 2014. A review of that computer revealed that on approximately June 19, 2014, Abood stated, while using his Twitter handle @ibnalislaam, “I pledge obedience to the Caliphate Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.” Abood admitted that he knew that al-Baghdadi is the self-proclaimed leader of ISIL and was designated as a specially designated global terrorist on Oct. 4, 2011, and remains so to date. Abood also admitted that on April 14, 2015, FBI special agents advised him that lying to a federal agent is a crime. He further admitted that on that date, he falsely told FBI special agents that he had never pledged allegiance to al-Baghdadi and that he was aware that the agents were investigating a matter that they suspected could involve international terrorism.

What the Justice Department doesn’t say in this release, or a prior one, is how this Iraqi man got into the United States—and obtained U.S. citizenship—in the first place.

For that, we turn to The Dallas Morning News, which details how Abood helped U.S. armed forces in Iraq as a translator during the Iraq war—and then took advantage of a special program for such translators.

“Abood, a translator for American forces during the Iraq War, left Iraq in 2009 to take advantage of a rare opportunity for U.S. Army interpreters to become American citizens,” The Dallas Morning News’ Kevin Krause wrote on May 25, 2016, continuing: Abood, who speaks Arabic, said during testimony Wednesday that he was offered the interpreter job after warning U.S. troops that large weapons caches were being kept inside Iraqi schools. He said he also worked as a U.S. military contractor on civil affairs projects, such as building schools and roads. He joined the Army in 2010 and went through basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C. Abood said he trained U.S. troops on how to deal with Iraqi culture and customs. He said he left the Army because it wouldn’t allow him to return to Iraq to see his sick mother. Abood said he settled in an apartment in Mesquite around 2010 where he lived with his common law wife and worked two jobs — one for UPS and the other as a security guard. He said he saved enough money to buy his mother a house in Iraq.

7.) The Uzbeki from Brooklyn Caught Funding Islamic State

Azizjon Rakhmatov, a 28-year-old man from Uzbekistan, whom the U.S. government permitted into United States, was—according to the New York Post—the “sixth man” charged “in an ISIS recruitment plot tied to Brooklyn.”

“Azizjon Rakhmatov, 28, originally from Uzbekistan, helped fund the foiled trip of Akhror Saidakhmetov and Adburasul Juraboev to Turkey and Syria so they could join ISIS, Brooklyn federal prosecutors said Wednesday,” the NY Post’s Pricilla DeGregory & Georgett Roberts wrote May 11.

8.) Another Uzbeki from Brooklyn

Also previously charged in the case was Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev—a 25-year-old man whom an FBI agent in an affidavit available on the Justice Department website notes is a “citizen of Uzbekistan” and was granted “lawful permanent resident” status in the United States.

Juraboev, according to The New York Times, pleaded guilty in August 2015 of “conspiring to provide material support to” the Islamic State after trying to join the organization. He and a co-conspirator, the Times wrote, “had talked of violence on behalf of the Islamic State, like planting a bomb in Coney Island and attacking President Obama, the authorities said.”

9.) Kazakh Man U.S. Government Let In Tries to Join ISIS

Akhror Saidakhmetov, a 19-year-old man, was also connected to the case with Rakhmatov and Juraboev—and was described by progressive media outlet the Daily Beast as just another “Brooklyn Punk” and “Central Asian immigrant” who wanted to join the Islamic State. It turns out, according to the FBI agent’s affidavit, Saidakhmetov was a “citizen of Kazakhstan” who was also—thanks to the U.S. government—a “lawful permanent resident” of the United States.

10.) Visa Overstay: Another Uzbeki in Brooklyn’s Islamic State Case

Abror Habibov, a 30-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan, was arrested in Jacksonville, Florida, in connection with the same case from the last few examples. According to CNN, police accused Habibov of being the one who “helped organize and finance” the entire operation.

“Court documents say Habibov operates mall kiosks that sell kitchenware and repair mobile phones,” CNN reported in 2015. “He has locations in Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Virginia.”

CNN also reported that while Habibov was admitted to the United States “legally,” again by the federal government, he “overstayed his visa.” That, ironically, is exactly what many of the 9/11 terrorists did—and as Breitbart News has reported, the federal government still has not implemented the reforms laid out for the visa program recommended by the 9/11 Commission, particularly an entry-exit visa program. As Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) told Breitbart News on 9/11 this year—15 years after the attack—implementing such a program, as Donald Trump has promised he will do, would be extraordinarily simple, cost very little, and only take a matter of months. But 15 years after 9/11, the U.S. government still has not done it.

Nonetheless, Habibov would not have been here if the government did what it was supposed to do.

Ten Times In Past 2 Years Terrorists Slipped Through Immigration Process Into U.S

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