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Creating Urgency to Close the Deal
Ron Karr -- CSP  -- Sales Leadership Expert Ron Karr -- CSP -- Sales Leadership Expert
Westwood, NJ
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Reach Ron Karr directly for news media interview and business inquiry at: (201) 914-3895 or Ron@RonKarr.com

The biggest challenge for sales executives is how to create urgency on the part of the customer to move them to action and accept your proposal.  Gaining velocity and closing deals in a shorter amount of time is critical to a sales executive's strategy for increasing revenues.

The number one strategy you can implement to create urgency is to operate out of a customer centric mindset vs. a self focused mindset.  Do not spend your time speaking about all the great things your product and service can do. Spend the initial moments, minutes and in some cases hours finding out everything you can about the customer.  Here are the 5 things you MUST find out AND DO:  

1.  Where is the customer going?  You are not competing against vendors supplying similar products/services. You should be creating new results.  To do this, you first need to find out what the customer is trying to accomplish.

2.  Next, find out the challenges the customer is facing in getting there.

3.  Clarify the words they are using to ensure what you are hearing is what they are really saying.

4.  Find out the impacts/consequences of what the customers faces if they do not realize their goals.

5.  Then proceed to share how your products and services can help them.

This process cannot be short changed.  Sales is a psychological process.  You go out of order or leave a step or two out and you immediately reduce the value of what you are offering.  If you start telling people how you can help them without having them tell you where they are going, what's stopping them and what's at stake, then your value is landing on deaf ears.  You need to create the environment for people to want to hear what you have to say.  It all revolves around them and their goals, not your need to make a sale.

This whole process revolves around the key principle you need to understand in order to create urgency on the part of your customer to act.  Urgency occurs when you first uncover the issues outlined above, which then allows you to present your case in the context of what's important to your customer.  Context leads to urgency.

To FIND OUT the questions you should be asking  to create urgency in your markets for your products/services, invite Ron Karr to work with your team and/or read his CEO Bestselling Book Lead, Sell or Get Out of the Way.  Find out why people are achieving immediate results after listening to Ron Karr.
News Media Interview Contact
Name: Ronald Karr
Title: President
Group: Karr Associates, Inc.
Dateline: Boynton Beach, FL United States
Direct Phone: (561) 336-4199
Cell Phone: (201) 914-3895
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