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Baby Boomers Seek Purpose and Fulfillment in Life through Workshops
Tom Hinton --  CRI Global, LLC Tom Hinton -- CRI Global, LLC
San Diego, CA
Thursday, February 21, 2013

While making money still ranks Number One on the list of priorities for Baby Boomers, finding their life purpose and fulfillment are not far behind. This is what the 10,000 Days Foundation (www.10000Days.org), a non-profit organization based in San Diego, discovered during a recent survey.

Perhaps this explains the rapid growth of personal development and self-help seminars that appeal to Baby Boomers in search of deeper answers to spiritually-based questions such as what is the meaning of life and how do I discover my higher purpose?

Tom Hinton, the popular author of 10,000 Days: The Rest of Your Life, the Best of Your Life!, explains it this way. "As people transition from their Fulfillment Years (28-54) to their Legacy Years (55+), they realize they only have 10,000 days left to live. Suddenly, they are filled with a sense of urgency to discover their higher purpose in life and make a difference."

Hinton noted that 10,000 days equates to just over 27 years. The average human life span is 82 years or 30,000 days.

"Ultimately," Hinton explains, "most people want to live their passion, love what they do, and create a lasting legacy. And, that's why so many Baby Boomers are investing in themselves to attend personal growth workshops and retreats like The Course of 10,000 Days™. They want guidance and they're hungry for meaningful answers to life's most difficult questions."

But, are they getting their money's worth? According to the 10,000 Days Foundation, the answer depends on the quality of the programs offered by the workshop sponsors. As a popular speaker and author, whose been hired by many organizations to talk about Work-Life Balance and Personal Growth topics, Tom Hinton's experience has been mostly positive. "I think most non-profit organizations, foundations and universities that sponsor personal development programs are professional and dedicated to helping attendees find their passion and live it. Unfortunately, there are a few seminar companies that are only interested in selling their products and up-selling more expensive workshops."

Based on the demand of personal development workshops, programs like The Course of 10,000 Days™ Weekend Retreat, which is sponsored by the 10,000 Days Foundation, are the hot, new trend. The Course retreat program's focus is on key elements of life -- such as Money, Career, Wellness and Relationships -- and they hire speakers and life coaches who are subject matter experts who can go deep and provide rich content to attendees.

Hinton commented, "This is why I'm involved in The Course of 10,000 Days™ Weekend Retreats. It's great to see people have 'ah-ha' moments and realize they can transform their lives by taking action to achieve their goals and dreams. We're never too old to change and thrive!"

News Media Interview Contact
Name: Tom Hinton
Title: President & CEO
Group: 10,000 Days Foundation
Dateline: San Diego, CA United States
Direct Phone: 800-544-0414
Main Phone: 760-787-0414
Cell Phone: 858-449-9055
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